Part C: Transaction History

Chapters in this part: The following chapters describe the history information maintained for inventory transactions and how to display and print this information.

Chapter 18: Display Inventory Transaction History (DITH) describes the amount of history available, describes the inventory transaction history scan screen, and tells you how to display a specific record.

Chapter 19: Print Inventory Transaction History (PITH) tells you how to use the selection screen and how to print inventory transaction history. It also describes a sample report.

Chapter 20: Display Inventory Transaction Summary (DITS) tells you how to use the scan screen and how to display a specific record.

Chapter 21: Printing the Inventory Transaction Summary (PITS) describes how to print a summary of transactions.

Chapter 22: Printing the Inventory Receipt Exception Report (PIRE) describes how to print inventory transaction receipts that contain exceptions.

Chapter 23: Printing the Aged Receiving Report (PARR) describes how to print an inventory receipt transaction aging report.

Chapter 24: Printing the Inventory Valuation Report (PIVR) describes how to print the Inventory Valuation report.

Chapter 25: Printing the Inventory Transaction Analysis Summary and Detail Reports (PITA) describes how to print the Inventory Transaction Analysis reports.

Chapter 26: Generic Item Transaction History Outbound API describes how to generate and send the Item Transaction History Outbound XML Message (CWInvXActionOut) to a remote system.

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