Receiving Returns (WRAR)

Purpose: Use the Work with Return Authorization Receiving menu option to perform the receipt phase of processing a return authorization. This phase consists of updating the order and posting the receipt into inventory. If the return includes an exchange, the exchange item is added to the order at this time.

Additional uses: You can also use this menu option to review information, or to change settings on the return authorization before processing the receipt. Additionally, you can advance to the Work with Return Authorization Detail Screen.

Note: This screen is available regardless of whether you use the standard or streamlined process in Work with Return Authorizations.

Authority: You must have authority to Enter Return Authorization (A28) and Receive Return Authorization (A29) to use this menu option.

Other options: You can also use the Work with Return Authorizations menu option to perform each step of a return authorization, or you can use order maintenance to perform all steps of the return "behind the scenes." You might choose to use the Work with Return Authorization Receiving menu option instead of these other options because it allows staff to process a series of receipts efficiently.

Amazon orders: You cannot process an exchange if the order type matches the Amazon Order Type (I22) system control value. See Amazon Order Feed for an overview.

In this topic:

Receive Returns Screen

Receiving Returned Items

Receive All from First Screen

Receive Item

Receive All from Second Screen

Entering an Exchange Item

Create a Return Authorization/Misship

For more information: See Introducing Return Authorizations for an overview of return authorizations.

Receive Returns Screen

This screen displays all return authorizations with pending merchandise returns.

How to display this screen: Enter WRAR in the Fast path field of any menu or select this option from a menu.

CSR0252 DISPLAY Receive Returns 6/15/98 13:02:22

EZK Mail Order

------- Qty/Date --------

Opt ---- RA # ---- Entered Received Credited Customer

Type options, press Enter.

5=Receive detail 8=Receive all

4627 1 1 2 1 0 317


4634 1 3 1 0 0 295


4636 1 1 1 0 0 291

6/15/98 BROWN, SARAH R

4638 1 2 1 0 0 524


4640 1 3 1 0 0 324


F3=Exit F12=Cancel



RA # (Return authorization number)

A number that identifies the return authorization, order, and shipping address. On this screen, this number is made up of three segments separated by hyphens:

Order number

A number to identify an order.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Ship-to number

The number of the shipping address on the order.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Return authorization number

The number of the return authorization against this order number and shipping address.

Returns for the same order number and shipping address will appear as separate return authorizations if they were created separately. See Working with Return Authorizations: Standard Process for more information on return authorization header and detail structure.

Note: If a return order has had the credit card pay types deactivated by Security Risk Purge, the following message will display: All Pay types for the order are deactivated. Please enter a valid paytype via order maintenance. In that case, you cannot access the order for RA processing until a valid pay type is entered.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Qty entered

The total quantity of the item(s) being returned on this return authorization.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.

Date entered

The date the return authorization was created. Return authorizations can have multiple lines, each entered on separate dates; if so, the most recent date displays. The date entered appears beneath the quantity entered.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); display-only.

Qty received (Quantity received)

The total number of units received against the return authorization.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.

Date received

The date that the return authorization line was received. Return authorizations can have multiple lines, each received on separate dates; if so, the most recent date displays. The date received appears beneath the quantity received.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY); display-only.

Qty credited (Quantity credited)

The number of received units for which a credit was issued.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.

Date credited

The date that a credit was issued. Return authorizations can have multiple lines, each credited on separate dates; if so, the most recent date displays. The date credited appears beneath the quantity credited.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY); display-only.

Customer number

This number identifies the customer who placed the order.

Scanning on this field is not currently implemented.

Numeric, 9 positions; optional.

Customer name

The name of the customer.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

Screen Option


Receive one or more items

Enter 5 next to a return authorization to advance to the Work with Return Authorization Detail Screen.

Receive all returns

Enter 8 next to a return authorization. See Receiving Returned Items.

Receiving Returned Items

Overview: You can received returned items through the Receive Returns Screen in the following ways:

Receive All from First Screen: enter 8 next to a return authorization

Receive Item: enter 5 next to a return authorization to advance to the Work with Return Authorization Detail Screen, where you can select one or more items for receipt

Receive All from Second Screen: enter 5 next to a return authorization to advance to the Work with Return Authorization Detail Screen, where you can press F8 to receive all items on the return authorization

Exchange item: You will need to enter an exchange item when processing a receipt if the return has an exchange reason code, and the Require Exchange Item at Time of Receipt (F42) system control value is set to Y. See Entering an Exchange Item.

Receive All from First Screen

Use this option if you do not need to review the items on the return authorization before processing the receipt.

Enter 8 next to a return authorization at the Receive Returns Screen to display this pop-up window:

Confirm Accept



Press ENTER to confirm Accept.


If you press Enter, all items on the return authorization will be received, and the return authorization will be removed from the Receive Returns screen.

Important: You cannot undo the receipt once you press Enter.

Receive Item

Use this option if you would like to review the items on the return authorization before receiving them, to receive one or more individual items, or to change settings on the return before processing the receipt.

1. Enter 5 next to a return authorization at the Receive Returns Screen to advance to the Work with Return Authorization Detail Screen.

2. Review: Optionally, enter 5 next to any item you would like to review to advance to the RA Exchange Item Window (Review Exchange) and the RA Exchange Item Window (Review Exchange) for an exchange.

3. Change: Optionally, enter 2 next to any item you would like to change to advance to the Change RA Detail Screen.

4. Enter 8 next to each item that you want to receive to advance to the Receive RA Items Screen (Receiving Detail).

You can also display this screen by entering 8 next to an item at the Work with Return Authorization Detail Screen through Working with Return Authorizations: Standard Process.

To complete the Receive RA Items screen: You can change the Quantity returned, Disposition code, Warehouse, or Location fields. If the return authorization has been sent to CWCollaborate for automatic processing through the CWCollaborate Interface, you cannot change the Disposition code.

Pop-up windows: The system displays an informational warning message pop-up window when you press Enter if the item's primary primary location is frozen due to a physical inventory, and the Display Frozen Primary Location Warning Message in Returns (F58) system control value is set to Y. (The "primary primary" location is stored in the Primary loc (Primary location) field in the SKU file.)

If the item does not have a primary location, the system displays an informational pop-up window when you press Enter if the Display "No Primary Location" Message in Returns (G46) system control value is set to Y.

Field descriptions: See Working with Return Authorizations: Standard Process.

Receive All from Second Screen

Use this option if you want to review the items on the return authorization before processing the entire receipt.

1. Enter 5 next to a return authorization at the Receive Returns Screen to advance to the Work with Return Authorization Detail Screen.

2. Review: Optionally, enter 5 next to any item you would like to review to advance to the RA Exchange Item Window (Review Exchange) and the RA Exchange Item Window (Review Exchange) for an exchange.

3. Change: Optionally, enter 2 next to any item you would like to change to advance Change RA Detail Screen.

4. Press F8 to receive all unreceived items on the return authorization. All items are removed from the screen.

5. Press F9 to accept your entries; otherwise, press F11to cancel.

When you press F9, you return to the Receive Returns Screen. The receipt for each item is processed, and the return authorization is removed from the screen.

Error message: You cannot process two returns against the same Item Location in a warehouse at the same time. However, if you use the standard process, it is possible to have two returns created that point to the same Item Location, because no updates take place at the time you create the return authorization, only at the time of receipt. For this reason, the an error message may display at the time you attempt to receive all the items on a return authorization at once:

Multiple returns not allowed for same Item/Whse/Loc.


To correct, you can change the location to receive one or more of the returns, or process one of the returns completely before processing the other.

Entering an Exchange Item

If the Require Exchange Item at Time of Receipt (F42) system control value is set to Y, you will need to enter exchange item information for all exchanges when you process the receipt. The Enter Exchange Item Screen or window displays, depending on the steps you took to process the receipt; the fields on both the screen and the window are the same.

Enter Exchange Item

EZK Mail Order

RA Number : 4681 - 1 - 4

RA Line # : 2

Offer . . . S98

Item. . . . .

SKU . . . . .

Qty ordered .

No charge? .

Ship Via . .

Warehouse . .

Use price of existing line N (Y/N)

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

If the exchange item you enter is associated with any item comments, you advance to the Work with Item/SKU Comments Window.

Create a Return Authorization/Misship

You can press F6 at the Work with Return Authorization Detail Screen in the Work with Return Authorization Receiving menu option to advance to the R/A Select Order Detail Pop-Up Window. At this window, you can:

Standard processing:

Create new return authorization: If there are additional unreturned items on the order, you can select it and create a new return authorization.

Enter misship: press F3 or F12 at this window to create and receive a misship return.

Streamlined processing: Advance directly to the Create RA Detail Screen. At this screen, you can add a misship item to the return authorization. You cannot create a new return authorization for a shipped item from the order.

About misships: The misship will be created and received when you accept.

CS09_05 CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN