Working with Membership Programs (WWMP)

Purpose: Use the Work with Membership Programs menu option to create, review, or work with the templates for customer memberships.

Loyalty programs or standard memberships programs: The membership program Type assigned to a membership program identifies whether it is a loyalty program or a standard membership. In the case of loyalty memberships, the system automatically evaluates whether each customer placing an order qualifies for the loyalty program based on order history, external sales dollars, and customer class. In the case of a standard membership program, you can create customer memberships by selling a membership item in order entry, or creating the customer membership one manually using the Working with Customer Memberships (WWCM) menu option. Standard membership programs can generate new orders for the customer on a periodic basis, or they can be discount-only.

You use different screens in Work with Membership Programs and Working with Customer Memberships (WWCM) for loyalty membership programs vs. standard programs.

Standard membership programs: The membership program specifies settings such as:

Order creation and/or discount: You can set up membership programs in order to create orders periodically for participating customers, and/or to apply a discount to all orders for participating customers. A membership program can include either or both functions.

Template for customer membership: The information you define for a membership program defaults when you create a new customer membership. This information can include shipment intervals, source code, ship via, and any specific items to include on the generated membership orders.

Ability to change customer membership: If you assign a membership program to a membership type that permits changes, you can override the defaults for individual customer memberships. If the membership type does not permit changes, all of the membership program settings default and cannot be overridden. These settings include shipment interval or date, discount, and included items. See Working with Customer Memberships (WWCM), for descriptions of each field.

Loyalty membership programs: The membership program specifies settings such as:

Date range: Use the Effective start date to indicate how far back to go when evaluating a customer’s order or sales totals for loyalty membership qualification. For example, you can set the start date to January 1 if you would like to include order or sales dollars for the current calendar year only.

Dollar value requirement: You can set up loyalty membership based on total merchandise dollars ordered or total dollars sold (that is, shipped), and specify the required dollar value. You can also specify whether to subtract additional order activity, such as returns, cancellations, and soldouts, from the total merchandise dollar value. If there is an External sales amount in the Customer Order History file (see Display Customer Order History Screen), the system includes this in the total order or sales merchandise dollar value. Depending on the type of dollar totals (order, sales, external) used to evaluate customers for loyalty membership, and the setting of the Evaluate Loyalty Eligibility within Qualifying Order (J34) system control value, the evaluation takes place in order entry or during ORDR_ASYNC processing, BILL_ASYNC processing, or CUSTOMR_IN processing.

Customer class: You can set up a customer class as a qualification for a loyalty program, either alone or in combination with a total dollar value.

Discount percentage and other benefits: In addition to indicating a discount percentage to apply to the customer’s orders, you can specify additional benefits, such as free freight, assignment of a special customer class, or a backorder priority. You can also enter a special message line to print on pick slips for customers in the loyalty program.

For more information: See Membership Overview for more information on how loyalty programs and standard membership programs work, and about required setup.

In this topic:

Work with Memberships Screen

Enter Membership Program Window

Membership Program Screen (Create Mode)

Loyalty Membership Program Screen (Create Mode)

Membership Program Screen (Change Mode)

Loyalty Membership Program Screen (Change Mode)

Membership Program Screen (Display Mode)

Loyalty Membership Program Screen (Display Mode)

Work with Membership Program Detail Screen

Membership Program Detail Screen (Add Mode)

Membership Program Detail Screen (Change Mode)

Membership Program Detail Screen (Display Mode)

Work with Memberships Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review the membership programs in your company, to create a new membership program, or to work with an existing membership program.

How to display this screen: Enter WWMP in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Work with Membership Program from a menu.

CSR0940 DISPLAY Work with Membership 8/12/04 17:05:13

EZK Mail Order

Opt Membership ID Description Start Dt End Dt Type

Type options, press Enter.

2=Change 4=Delete 5=Display 8=Work with details

LOYALTY1 LOYALTY SALES $1K 1/01/04 12/31/04 LY

LOYALTY2 LOYALTY SALES $1.5K 1/01/04 12/31/04 LY

LOYALTY3 LOYALTY SALES $2K 1/01/04 12/31/30 LY







F3=Exit F6=Create F12=Cancel F21=Print list F24=Select company



Membership ID

A code representing the membership program.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; optional.


The description of the membership program.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; optional.

Start dt (Start date)

The first date when you can begin creating customer memberships for this membership program, or to include when calculating the customer’s total order or sales to date in order to determine whether the customer qualifies for this loyalty program.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.

End dt (End date)

The last date when you can create new customer memberships for this membership program.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.


The code representing the membership type of a program. You can use the membership type to identify loyalty programs, to further identify or group membership programs, or to indicate that membership settings are compulsory and cannot be changed for individual customers. See Working with Membership Types (WWMT) for an overview.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional.

Screen Option


Create a new membership program

Press F6 to advance to the Enter Membership Program Window.

Change header information for a membership program

Enter 2 next to a membership program to advance to the Membership Program Screen (Change Mode) if it is a standard membership program type, or the Loyalty Membership Program Screen (Change Mode) if it is a loyalty membership program type.

Delete a membership program

Enter 4 next to a membership program to delete it.

Note: You cannot delete a membership program associated with any active customer memberships. Instead, the system displays a message:


Active Customer Memberships exist - cannot delete.

Display a membership program

Enter 5 next to a membership program to advance to the Membership Program Screen (Display Mode) if it is a standard membership program type, or the Loyalty Membership Program Screen (Display Mode) if it is a loyalty membership program type.

Work with items for a membership program

Enter 8 next to a membership program to advance to the Work with Membership Program Detail Screen.

Note: This option is not available for a loyalty membership program type.

Enter Membership Program Window

Purpose: Use this window to specify the name, description, and type of the membership program you are creating. Based on the membership type you select, the system determines whether to advance next to the Membership Program Screen (Create Mode) if it is a standard membership program type, or the Loyalty Membership Program Screen (Create Mode), if it is a loyalty membership program type.

Differences between standard and loyalty membership programs: The system assigns loyalty memberships automatically to customers based on the customer’s order history, while you can sell standard membership programs in order entry or through the Working with Customer Memberships (WWCM). Standard memberships can be used to generate membership orders, or they can be discount-only memberships.

How to display this screen: Press F6 at the Work with Memberships Screen.

Enter Membership Program

Membership ID . . . . .

Description . . . . . .

Type . . . . . . . . . .

F3=Exit F12=Cancel



Membership ID

Enter the unique code to identify a membership program. The code you enter cannot be assigned to an existing membership program.

Matching a membership program with an item for order entry: You can create standard customer memberships through order entry by adding an item whose Membership flag is set to Y to the order. When you add the membership item to an order, the system displays a pop-up window for you to enter the membership ID. You can save a step in order entry by assigning the same name to both the membership program and the item; if there is a membership program whose name matches the membership item, this name defaults in the window.

Example: You can create a membership program with an ID of MEMB01 and also create a membership item named MEMB01. When you enter the item MEMB01 in order entry, the correct membership ID defaults into the pop-up window.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; required.


Enter the description of the membership program. You can change the description, if needed, on the next screen.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; required.


Enter the membership type code that identifies:

Loyalty membership program or standard program? The membership type distinguishes a loyalty program, in which the system automatically assigns customers to the program based on order history, from a standard membership program, which you can sell or create and use to generate membership orders and/or apply discounts. If the type indicates a loyalty program, you advance to the Loyalty Membership Program Screen (Create Mode); otherwise, you advance to the Membership Program Screen (Create Mode).

Allow overrides? The membership type indicates whether you can override program defaults for individual customer memberships. If the Change customer membership field for the membership type is set to N, the information that defaults from the membership program to the customer membership is compulsory and cannot be changed for individual customers. Related to standard membership programs only.

Grouping and tracking: You can also use the membership program type to group different membership programs. When you use the Generating Membership Orders (EGMO) menu option, you can specify one or more membership types for order generation (standard membership programs only).

Membership types are defined in and validated against the Membership Type file; see Working with Membership Types (WWMT).

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; required.

Completing this screen: Complete each of the fields as described above and press Enter to advance to the Membership Program Screen (Create Mode) (for standard membership programs) or the Loyalty Membership Program Screen (Create Mode) (for loyalty membership programs).

Membership Program Screen (Create Mode)

Purpose: Use this screen in Create mode to create a new standard membership program, which you sell or create in order to generate periodic membership orders and/or to provide a discount. See Membership Overview for more information, including the difference between standard and loyalty membership programs.

If the membership type you specify at the Enter Membership Program Window is flagged as a loyalty type, you advance instead to the Loyalty Membership Program Screen (Create Mode). See Membership Overview for more information on different types of membership programs.

How to display this screen: Press Enter at the Enter Membership Program Window after specifying a membership program type that does not have the Loyalty flag set. See Membership Program Screen (Create Mode) for the screen you use to create a loyalty membership program.

CSR0941 ENTER Membership Program 8/12/04 17:27:39

Create EZK Mail Order

Membership ID . . . . MEMB01

Description . . . . .

Type . . . . . . . . .

Effective start date .

Effective end date . .

Shipment interval . . (days)

Fixed shipment day . .

Discount percent . . .

Discount duration . .

Default source code .

Ship via . . . . . . .

Order type . . . . . .

Ship complete . . . . N (Y/N)

F3=Exit F12=Cancel



Membership ID

A unique program to identify a membership program. See the Enter Membership Program Window for more information.

Change screen: display-only.


The description of the membership program. Your entry from the Enter Membership Program Window defaults, but you can override it.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; required.


The type of membership program. You can use the membership type code to further identify or group membership programs. See the Enter Membership Program Window for more information.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; display-only.

Effective start date

The first date when you can begin creating customer memberships for this membership program.

If you enter a start date, you must also specify an end date.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.

Effective end date

The last date when you can create a new customer membership for this membership program. This field does not control the duration of customer memberships you create for the membership program.

If you enter an end date, you must also specify an start date.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.

Shipment interval

The minimum interval, in number of days, that the Generate Customer Membership Orders program should wait between generating orders for active customer memberships. The system uses this value to determine the next Release date to assign a customer membership after generating a new order.

Example: If a customer membership's shipment interval is set to 30, the Release date will be set to 30 days in the future after you generate an order.

You cannot specify both a shipment interval and a fixed shipment day for a membership program.

Numeric, 3 positions; required if you do not specify a Fixed shipment day.

Fixed shipment day

The day of the month when the Generating Membership Orders (EGMO) program should consider active customer memberships eligible for order generation.

Example: If you set a membership program's fixed shipment day to 15, the system initially sets a new customer membership's release date as follows:

• if the current day of the month is 14 or earlier, the next Release date is set to the 15th of the current month.

• if the current day of the month is 15 or later, the next Release date is set to the 15th of the following month.

Each time you generate a new order for the customer membership, the Generate Customer Membership Orders program resets its Release date.

You cannot specify both a shipment interval and a fixed shipment day for a membership program.

Note: Your entry cannot be greater than 28, to make sure that the customer memberships will be eligible for order generation during each month of the year.

Numeric, 2 positions; required if you do not specify a shipment interval.

Discount percent

The percentage discount to apply to all orders for the customer who purchased the membership. The membership status must be active, and the Discount end date must not have been reached yet for the discount to apply (see Discount duration). This discount percentage defaults to the order header each time you enter a new order for the customer.

If you create the customer membership by adding a membership item in order entry, this discount percentage applies to the price of the membership item itself, unless you flag the item as nondiscountable (set the Discountable flag for the item to N).

If the customer has more than one discount membership: If the customer has multiple memberships that carry a discount, including one or more regular memberships and/or a loyalty membership, the system applies the membership with the highest discount percentage to the order.

See Membership Overview for a discussion of how membership discounts apply to orders. Also, see Working with Customer Memberships (WWCM) for more information on discounts.

Numeric, 5 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Discount duration

The number of months that the discount percentage will apply to customer orders. The system calculates the discount end date when you create a customer membership based on the current date.

Applies to active memberships only: Regardless of the discount start and end dates on a customer membership, the system applies a discount to orders only if the customer membership is currently active.

Numeric, 2 positions; optional.

Default source code

The source code to default onto orders created from customer memberships.

The source code you enter here will default onto customer memberships you create, but you can override it there if the membership type allows it.

If this source code matches the source code in the Default Unknown Source Code (I58) system control value, the system updates the source code on the order header to the source code associated with the offer on the first order detail line; see Default Unknown Source Code Logic.

Source codes are defined in and validated against the Source Code file. See Marketing Working with Source Codes (WSRC).

Alphanumeric, 9 positions; required.

Ship via

The ship via to default onto orders you create through customer memberships.

The ship via code you enter here will default onto customer memberships you create, but you can override it there if the membership type allows it.

Ship via codes are defined in and validated against the Ship Via file. See Fulfillment Working with Ship Via Codes (WVIA).

Numeric, 2 positions; required.

Order type

The order type to default onto orders you create through customer memberships. The Generate Customer Membership Orders program will use the order type specified in the Default Order Type (B28) system control value if you do not enter an order type code here. You cannot override the order type for individual customer memberships.

Order type codes are defined in and validated against the Order Type file. See Establishing Order Types (WOTY).

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Ship complete

Identifies whether all items on an order you create through a customer membership must ship together. Valid values are:

Y = Order must ship complete; available items will be held until each item is available and the entire order can ship together.

N (or blank) = Items can be shipped as they become available; backordered items will be shipped at a later date.

The Default ship complete flag system control value does not control the default setting of this field.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Note: If you press F12 at this screen, you do not create the new membership program.

Loyalty Membership Program Screen (Create Mode)

Purpose: Use this screen to create a loyalty membership. The system uses the information you enter at this screen to determine whether to automatically assign a customer to a loyalty membership; also, your entries here determine the benefits of the loyalty program. See Membership Overview for more information, including the difference between standard and loyalty membership programs.

How to display this screen: Press Enter at the Enter Membership Program Window after specifying a membership program type that has the Loyalty flag set. See Membership Program Screen (Create Mode) for the screen you use to create a standard membership program.

CSR1410 ENTER Loyalty Membership Program 4/18/05 12:37:45

Create EZK Mail Order

Membership ID . . . : TEST4/18

Description . . . . . TEST

Type . . . . . . . . : LY

Effective start date .

Effective end date . .

Qualifying Values Benefits

Customer Class . . . . Discount percent . . .

LTD Dollars . . . . . Discount duration . .

Orders/Sales/External (O,S,E) Free freight . . . . .

Net returns/exchanges N Customer class . . . .

Net cancels . . . . . N Priority . . . . . . .

Net soldouts . . . . . N Priority B/O . . . . .

Pick msg .

F3=Exit F12=Cancel



Membership ID

The membership ID you entered at the Enter Membership Program Window.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.


The description of the program. Your entry from the Enter Membership Program Window defaults, but you can override it.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; required.


The membership type code you entered at the Enter Membership Program Window. The description is to the right.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; display-only.

Effective start date

Indicates the earliest date to include when determining whether the customer has a sufficient order or sales dollar total to qualify for the loyalty membership for an order-based or sales-based loyalty program, or if there is no External sales date for an external sales-based program.

Evaluating order or sales history:

O (Orders) program: the system adds the total merchandise dollar value of all orders from the effective start date to the current date, and compares this amount with the LTD dollars specified at this screen. If there is an External sales amount in the Customer Order History file (see Display Customer Order History Screen), the system includes this in the total merchandise dollar value.

S (Sales) program: the evaluation takes place the same way as an O (Orders) program, except that it is based on total dollars sold rather than dollars ordered.

E (External) program: the evaluation takes place the same way as an O (Orders) program, except that any order activity that took place before the External sales date is not included in the qualifying order dollar total.


Adding dollar totals: The system bases its evaluation on the records of order activity in the Order Billing History file. See the Order Billing History Detail Screen for more information on how the system updates this file. Also, see Loyalty Memberships for an overview of how customers are evaluated for loyalty membership.

If you leave this field blank, the system does not restrict its evaluation by an effective start date. In the case of O (Orders) and S (Sales) programs, all order activity in the Order Billing History file is considered. For E (External) programs, order dollars since the External sales date is included in the total for evaluation.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.

Effective end date

The last date when the system should evaluate customers for loyalty memberships. If you leave this field blank, the system does not automatically stop evaluating customers for the loyalty program.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.

Qualifying Values

Customer class

The customer class, if any, that qualifies a customer for the loyalty program. If the customer is already assigned to this class and has exceeded the LTD dollars, if any, specified for the loyalty program, the system creates a loyalty membership for the customer.

Customer classes are defined in and validated against the Customer Class file; see Setting Up the Customer Class File (WCCL) for more information. Also, see the First Create Sold To Customer Screen for more information on assigning a customer class to a customer.


• Not to be confused with the Customer class, if any, to assign to the customer as one of the Benefits of the loyalty membership.

• You can specify either a qualifying Customer class, a qualifying LTD dollars, or both. If you specify both, the customer must meet both requirements in order to qualify for the loyalty program.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional (required if no LTD dollars amount is specified).

LTD dollars (life-to-date dollars)

The total merchandise dollar value of all orders or all shipments (based on the setting of the Orders/Sales/External field at this screen) required to qualify for the loyalty membership. If the Net returns/exchanges, Net cancels, or Net soldouts flags are set to Y, the total merchandise dollar value of these activities are subtracted from the total merchandise order or sales dollars when evaluating the customer. If there is an External sales amount in the Customer Order History file (see Display Customer Order History Screen), the system includes this amount in the total order or sales merchandise dollar value.

Start date for qualifying dollar value: The system uses the Effective start date for the loyalty program, or the customer’s External sales date, to determine the order activity to include in the qualifying dollar total. See Loyalty Memberships for a complete discussion.

Merchandise only: The system includes the merchandise value, based on the actual selling price, when calculating the total order or sales dollar value. Additional charges, freight, tax, additional freight, and special handling are not included.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional (required if there is not a qualifying Customer class).



Indicates the evaluation method to use in order to determine whether a customer qualifies for the loyalty membership program. Valid values are:

E (external) = Use the total merchandise ordered since the External sales date, if any, plus any External sales amount from the Customer Order History file, to evaluate whether a customer qualifies for a loyalty membership. If there is no External sales date, use the total merchandise ordered since the Effective start date, plus any External sales amount from the Customer Order History file (that is, calculate the same way as for the O (orders) loyalty program evaluation method). If there is no External sales date or Effective start date, include all of the customer’s order dollars.

O (orders) = Use total merchandise ordered since the Effective start date, plus any External sales amount from the Customer Order History file, to evaluate whether a customer qualifies for a loyalty membership. If there is no Effective start date, include all of the customer’s order dollars.

S (sales) = Use total merchandise sold (that is, shipped) since the Effective start date, plus any External sales amount from the Customer Order History file, to evaluate whether a customer qualifies for a loyalty membership. If there is no Effective start date, include all of the customer’s sales dollars.

Note: See Loyalty Memberships for a discussion of loyalty program evaluation and examples.

Typically, you would use only one evaluation method for all loyalty programs in effect within a company.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Net returns/exchanges

Indicates whether to subtract the total merchandise dollar value of returns or exchanges from the total order or sales merchandise total when evaluating whether a customer qualifies for a loyalty membership. Valid values are:

Y = The system subtracts the total merchandise dollars returned or exchanged from the merchandise total (based on the setting of the Orders/Sales/External flag) in order to evaluate whether a customer qualifies for a loyalty membership. For example, the loyalty program requires $500 in merchandise sales. The customer’s total sales since the Effective start date are $525. The customer’s total returns since the Effective start date are $50. The result is that the customer is not qualified for the loyalty program ($525 - $50 = $475).

N = The system does not consider the total merchandise dollar value of returns or exchanges when evaluating whether a customer qualifies for a loyalty membership. In the above example, the customer still qualifies for the loyalty membership based on the total sales of $525 since the Effective start date, regardless of any returns processed.


Return activity against orders before the Effective start date or External sales date: Return or exchange activity is evaluated based on the date of the return or the exchange itself, rather than the date of the original order. For example, you process a return of $50 in merchandise on January 31 against an order that was entered on December 30. The system is evaluating the customer for a loyalty program with an effective start date of January 1. The value of the $50 return is subtracted from the total dollar value since January 1, even though the order was originally entered before that date.


Exchange activity: If this value is set to N and you process an exchange, the dollar value of the exchange, or replacement, item is included in the calculation of loyalty eligibility. For example, if the customer exchanges an item with a selling price of $50 for an item with the same selling price, this activity effectively increases the customer’s total merchandise value to date by $50 if you do not net returns and cancellations.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Net cancels

Indicates whether to subtract the total merchandise dollar value of cancellations from the total order or sales merchandise total when evaluating whether a customer qualifies for a loyalty membership. Valid values are:

Y = The system subtracts the total merchandise dollars canceled from the order or sales merchandise total (based on the setting of the Orders/Sales/External flag) in order to evaluate whether a customer qualifies for a loyalty membership. For example, the loyalty program requires $500 in merchandise sales. The customer’s total orders since the Effective start date are $525. The customer’s total cancellations since the Effective start date are $50. The result is that the customer is not qualified for the loyalty program ($525 - $50 = $475).

N = The system does not consider the total merchandise dollar value of cancellations when evaluating whether a customer qualifies for a loyalty membership. In the above example, the customer still qualifies for the loyalty membership based on the total sales of $525 since the Effective start date, regardless of any cancellations processed.


Cancellation activity against orders before the Effective start date or External sales date: Cancellation activity is evaluated based on the date of the cancellation itself, rather than the date of the original order. For example, you process a cancellation of $50 in merchandise on January 31 against an order that was entered on December 30. The system is evaluating the customer for a loyalty program with an effective start date of January 1. The value of the $50 cancellation is subtracted from the total dollar value since January 1, even though the order was originally entered before that date.


Update demand flag: A cancellation always reduces the total order merchandise amount if you use a cancel reason code whose Update demand? flag is set to Y. The result of this type of cancellation might be to make a customer ineligible for a particular loyalty program if it is based on the order total.


Update demand for order maintenance transactions? If the Update Demand for Order Maintenance Transactions (C72) system control value is set to N, it is possible to understate the customer’s total merchandise order dollars. Because the order dollar total in this situation does not increase if, for example, you add an item in order maintenance, processing a cancellation can have the effect of “double dipping” when the system subtracts the cancellation dollars from the order total. For example, a customer’s total dollars ordered is $500.00. You add a $100.00 item in order maintenance, and then cancel it. Because the total dollars ordered was never increased by the $100.00 in order maintenance, the cancellation effectively reduces the customer’s total dollars ordered to $400.00. For this reason, you might want to leave this flag unselected if the Update Demand for Order Maintenance Transactions (C72) system control value is N.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Net soldouts

Indicates whether to subtract the total merchandise dollar value of soldouts from the total order or sales merchandise total when evaluating whether a customer qualifies for a loyalty membership. Valid values are:

Y = The system subtracts the merchandise dollars sold out from the total order or sales merchandise total (based on the setting of the Orders/Sales/External flag) in order to evaluate whether a customer qualifies for a loyalty membership. For example, the loyalty program requires $500 in merchandise orders. The customer’s total orders since the Effective start date are $525. The customer’s total soldouts since the Effective start date are $50. The result is that the customer is not qualified for the loyalty program ($525 - $50 = $475).

N = The system does not consider the total merchandise dollar value of soldouts when evaluating whether a customer qualifies for a loyalty membership. In the above example, the customer still qualifies for the loyalty membership based on the total sales of $525 since the Effective start date, regardless of any soldouts processed.


Soldout activity against orders before the Effective start date: Soldout activity is evaluated based on the date of the soldout cancellation itself, rather than the date of the original order. For example, you sell out $50 in merchandise on January 31 against an order that was entered on December 30. The system is evaluating the customer for a loyalty program with an effective start date of January 1. The value of the $50 soldout is subtracted from the total dollar value since January 1, even though the order was originally entered before that date.


Update demand for order maintenance transactions? If the Update Demand for Order Maintenance Transactions (C72) system control value is set to N, it is possible to understate the customer’s total merchandise order dollars. Because the order dollar total in this situation does not increase if, for example, you add an item in order maintenance, selling out an item can have the effect of “double dipping” when the system subtracts the soldout dollars from the order total. For example, a customer’s total dollars ordered is $500.00. You add a $100.00 item in order maintenance, and then sell it out. Because the total dollars ordered was never increased by the $100.00 in order maintenance, the sellout effectively reduces the customer’s total dollars ordered to $400.00. For this reason, you might want to leave this flag set to N if the Update Demand for Order Maintenance Transactions (C72) system control value is set to N.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.


Discount percent

The discount percentage that a member of the loyalty program receives. The system sets this percentage when it creates the customer loyalty membership. The discount percentage for a customer loyalty membership is displayed at the Loyalty Customer Membership Screen.

Applying the discount percentage to the order: The discount percentage defaults to the order header and applies to each discountable item on the order unless:

• the Apply Loyalty at the End of Order (J35) system control value is set to Y, or,

• the Evaluate Loyalty Eligibility within Qualifying Order (J34) system control value is set to Y, and the customer qualifies for the loyalty membership based on the current order.

In either of these situations, the loyalty discount applies after you press F21, press F19, or press F9.


If the customer has more than one discount membership: If the customer has multiple memberships that carry a discount, including one or more regular memberships and/or a loyalty membership, the system applies the membership with the highest discount percentage to the order. However, if the Evaluate Loyalty Eligibility within Qualifying Order (J34) system control value is set to Y, the customer always receives the discount related to the loyalty membership on the qualifying order, even if another membership discount has already applied. See the Evaluate Loyalty Eligibility within Qualifying Order (J34) system control value for details and a discussion.

Numeric, 5 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Discount duration

The number of months that the discount specified for the customer membership should be applied automatically to the customer’s orders. The system adds this number of months to the current date in order to set the Discount end date for the customer loyalty membership, displayed at the Loyalty Customer Membership Screen. Even if the customer membership status is Active, the discount does not automatically apply after this date.

If you leave this field blank, the system does not stop applying the discount automatically.

Numeric, 2 positions; optional.

Free freight

Indicates whether to provide free freight to customer who are assigned to the loyalty membership. If this flag is set to Y, the Calc freight flag is set to N when you enter an order for the customer. The free freight flag for a customer loyalty membership is displayed at the Loyalty Customer Membership Screen.

Note: It is still possible for the customer to be charged additional freight even if freight is free.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Customer class

Indicates the customer class, if any, to assign to customers who are assigned to the loyalty membership. This customer class replaces the current class assignment, if any, for the customer.

When you deactivate a loyalty membership, or the system deactivates one, the system does not automatically update the customer class currently assigned to the customer. The update occurs only at the time of activating a customer loyalty membership.

Customer classes are defined in and validated against the Customer Class file; see Setting Up the Customer Class File (WCCL) for more information. Also, see the First Create Sold To Customer Screen for more information on assigning a customer class to a customer.

Note: Not to be confused with the Customer class, if any, to use as one of the Qualifying Values for the loyalty membership.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional.


The priority in which the system should evaluate this loyalty program compared to other current loyalty programs, where a lower number indicates a higher priority. If you are setting up multiple, graduated loyalty programs, you should assign a higher priority (lower number) to the ones with the higher dollar value requirement in order to ensure that the customer is assigned the highest-level loyalty program that he qualifies for.

Example: You are setting up two loyalty programs: PROGRAM2, with a discount of 5%, requires a total order value of $1000; and PROGRAM1, with a discount of 10%, requires a total order value of $2000. You assign a priority of 1 to PROGRAM1, and a priority of 2 to PROGRAM2. Each time you process an order from a customer, the system first evaluates whether the customer qualifies for PROGRAM1 with the higher discount percentage (priority 1). If the customer does not qualify for PROGRAM1, the system then evaluates whether the customer qualifies for PROGRAM2 and the lower discount percentage (priority 2).

If there are two current loyalty programs assigned the same priority, the system evaluates them in alphanumeric order based on Membership ID.

Note: The system deactivates loyalty memberships only if the Evaluate Loyalty Eligibility within Qualifying Order (J34) system control value is set to N. As a result, if this system control value is set to N, you cannot offer graduated loyalty programs.

Numeric, 3 positions; required.

Priority B/O

Indicates the default Priority, if any, that the system should set on the order header when you enter an order for a customer in this loyalty program. 9 indicates the highest priority, while 0 is the lowest priority. You can override this default in order entry.

The Evaluate Backorders program uses the priority to determine which backorders to reserve first when inventory becomes available. See Working with the EBO_ASYNC Job for more information.

Numeric, 1 position; optional.

Pick msg (pick message)

Enter the message, if any, to print on the pick slip for customers who are members of this loyalty program. This message prints in addition to any other messages selected for the pick slip. See Working with Pick Slip Generation (WPSG) for more information on generating pick slips.

Alphanumeric, 60 positions; optional.

Membership Program Screen (Change Mode)

To change: Enter 2 next to a standard (non-loyalty) membership program at the Work with Memberships Screen to advance to the Membership Program Screen in Change mode. You can change any information on this screen except the membership ID or type. See the Membership Program Screen (Create Mode) for field descriptions.

Note: Changing a membership program does not update any existing customer memberships or their generated orders.

Loyalty Membership Program Screen (Change Mode)

To change: Enter 2 next to a loyalty membership program at the Work with Memberships Screen to advance to the Loyalty Membership Program Screen in Change mode. You can change any information on this screen except the membership ID or type. See the Loyalty Membership Program Screen (Create Mode) for field descriptions.

Note: Changing a membership program does not update any existing customer loyalty memberships.

Membership Program Screen (Display Mode)

To display: Enter 5 next to a standard (non-loyalty) membership program at the Work with Memberships Screen to advance to the Membership Program Screen is Display mode. You cannot change any information on this screen. See the Membership Program Screen (Create Mode) for field descriptions.

Loyalty Membership Program Screen (Display Mode)

To display: Enter 5 next to a loyalty membership program at the Work with Memberships Screen to advance to the Loyalty Membership Program Screen is Display mode. You cannot change any information on this screen. See the Loyalty Membership Program Screen (Create Mode) for field descriptions.

Work with Membership Program Detail Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to work with the items that default onto customer membership orders.

How to display this screen: Enter 8 next to a membership program at the Work with Memberships Screen.

Note: This option is not valid for loyalty memberships. See Membership Overview for more information.

CSR0953 DISPLAY Work with Membership Program Detail 3/15/99 11:28:28

EZK Mail Order


Order # of Ovr Ovr

Opt Item SKU Quantity Rot Times N/C Rsn Price

Type options, press Enter.

2=Change 4=Delete 5=Display

MOCHAJAVA 1 1 0 .00

BISCOTTI 1 2 0 .00

F3=Exit F6=Create F12=Cancel



Membership ID

The code representing the membership program.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.

Description (Unlabeled field to the right of the membership ID)

The description of the membership program.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.


An item to include on orders you create for customer memberships.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; optional.


The item's unique characteristics, such as its color and size.

Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields (split SKU) or one 14-position field (full SKU); display-only.

Order quantity

The quantity of the item to include on each order you create for customer memberships.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.

Rot (Rotation)

The interval when the item should be included in an order. A rotation of 1 indicates that the item should be included on the first order you generate. A rotation of 2 indicates that the item should be included on the second order, and so on. A rotation of 0 indicates that the item should be included on every order.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

# of times (Number of times to include)

The total number of times to include the item on an order. If this field is blank, there is no limit to the number of times to include the item.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

N/C (No charge)

Indicates whether the item should be free of charge on orders you generate. Valid values are:

Y = The item will be added to orders you generate free of charge

Blank = The item will not be free of charge

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.

Ovr rsn (Price override reason code)

The price override reason code for the system to use when adding the item to the order at no charge, or with an override price.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.

Ovr price (Price override)

The price to charge for the item on orders you generate for customer memberships. You would specify a price override if you do not want the system to use the regular pricing hierarchy for membership orders.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

Screen Option


Enter a new item to include in the membership program

Press F6 to advance to the Membership Program Screen (Create Mode).

Change an item included in the membership program

Enter 2 next to an item to advance to the Membership Program Screen (Change Mode).

Delete an item from a membership program

Enter 4 next to an item to delete it from the membership program.

Note: Deleting an item on a membership program does not update any existing customer memberships or their generated orders.

Display an item

Enter 5 next to an item to advance to the Membership Program Detail Screen (Display Mode).

Membership Program Detail Screen (Add Mode)

Purpose: Use this screen in Add mode to add an item to a membership program.

How to display this screen: Press F6 at the Work with Membership Program Detail Screen.

For more information: See the Membership Program Detail Screen (Change Mode) and the Membership Program Detail Screen (Display Mode).

CSR0954 ENTER Membership Program Detail 3/15/99 14:01:32

Add EZK Mail Order

Membership ID . . . : TA1223344

Item/SKU . . . . . .

Order quantity . . .

Rotation . . . . . . 1 # of times to include . .

No charge . . . . . . (Y, blank)

Price override code .

Price override . . .

F3=Exit F12=Cancel



Membership ID

The code representing the membership program.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.


The item to include on orders you create for customer memberships.

Item codes are defined in and validated against the Item file. See Merchandising Performing Initial Item Entry (MITM).

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; required.


The item's unique characteristics, such as its color and size.

Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields (split SKU) or one 14-position field (full SKU); required if the item has SKUs.

Order quantity

The quantity of the item to include on each order you create for a customer membership.

Numeric, 5 positions; required.


The interval when the item should be included in an order. A rotation of 1 or zero indicates that the item should be included on the first order you generate. A rotation of 2 indicates that the item should be included on the second order, and so on. Once you have generated as many orders as the highest rotation number assigned to an item, items on rotation 1 are selected and the cycle begins again.

The default rotation is 1. A rotation of 0 indicates that the item should be included on every order you generate. If each item on the membership has a rotation of 1, they will all be included on each generated order.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

# of times to include

The total number of times to include the item on an order. If this field is blank, there is no limit to the number of times to include the item.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

No charge

Indicates whether the item should be added free of charge to an order you generate. Valid values are:

Y = The item will be added to orders you generate free of charge

blank = The item will not be free of charge; use a price override or use the regular pricing hierarchy

If you set this field to Y, you need to complete the price override reason code, below.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.

Price override code

The price override reason code for the system to use when adding the item to the order at no charge, or with an override price.

Price override reason codes are defined in and validated against the Price Override Reason Code file. See Establishing Price Override Reason Codes (WPOR).

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required if the item is flagged as “no charge” or if you enter a price override.

Price override

The price to charge for the item on orders you generate for customer memberships. You would specify a price override if you do not want the system to use the regular pricing hierarchy for membership orders.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Note: Adding an item to a membership program does not update any existing customer memberships or their generated orders.

Membership Program Detail Screen (Change Mode)

To change: Enter 2 next to an item at the Work with Membership Program Detail Screen to advance to the Membership Program Detail Screen in Change mode. At this screen, you can change anything but the membership ID. See Membership Program Detail Screen (Add Mode).

Note: Changing an item on a membership program does not update any existing customer memberships or their generated orders.

Membership Program Detail Screen (Display Mode)

To display: Enter 5 next to an item at the Work with Membership Program Detail Screen to advance to the Membership Program Detail Screen in Display mode. You cannot change any information on this screen. See the Membership Program Detail Screen (Add Mode) for a field descriptions.

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