Purging Active Procedures

Purpose: Use the Purge Active Procedures function delete a user procedure that remains in an active status when the user is no longer in the application.

For example, if a terminal crashes when an operator is entering orders, the Active Procedures record for the user may not be deleted from the file. If a record exists in the Active Procedures file, the system thinks that the person is still using the application because the function was not exited properly.

If there are stranded Active Procedures records for any of the following functions, they must be deleted, otherwise the background ASYNC jobs cannot be ended:

• Order Entry/Maintenance

• Purchase Order Entry/Maintenance

• Receiving

• Confirmation

• PC Manifest

When the ASYNC jobs are ended, the system checks the Active Procedures file to see if there are any active records for these applications. A pop-up window displays indicating the User ID and application that is still active. You should ask that the user exit the application. If the user is not in the application, delete the record from the Active Procedures file.

Important: This function should not be used to delete Active Procedures records for users who are still using an application. If you delete Active Procedures records while a user is still in the application, the user job will not be ended; that user can still enter transactions in the application, but transaction records cannot be sent to the data queues for processing because the data queues are reorganized when the ASYNC jobs end. No back end file updates for that user's transactions will be posted, which will cause your data files to be out of sync.

Reviewing active procedures for all users: You can use the Purge Active Procedures Across Users (MACX) option to review all active procedures for all users in your environment, and purge active procedures as needed.

In this topic:

Purge Active Procedures Screen (Selecting the User to Purge)

Purge User’s Active Procedures (Deleting an Active Procedure)

Purge Active Procedures Across Users (MACX)

Active Procedure Types

Purge Active Procedures Screen (Selecting the User to Purge)

Purpose: Use this screen to enter the User ID of the person whose record must be deleted from the Active Procedures file.

How to display this screen: Enter the Active Procedures Purge fast path name, MACP, in the Fast path field at the top of any menu.

MSR0256 ENTER Purge Active Procedures 4/06/94 11:11:50

User . . . ________

F3=Exit F12=Cancel




The User ID of the person whose active procedure is being deleted. The User ID is validated against the User Profile file.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; required.

Purge User’s Active Procedures (Deleting an Active Procedure)

Purpose: This screen displays the system procedures that are currently active for the selected user.

Important: Be sure that the user has exited the application before you delete an Active Procedures record. When you a delete a record, the system no longer recognizes that the user is in the application. If the user is still active in the application, the user job will not be ended when the record is deleted.

How to display this screen: Enter a valid User ID at the Purge Active Procedures Screen (Selecting the User to Purge).

MSR0401 DISPLAY Purge User's Active Procedures 4/06/94 11:14:34

User : KAREN_M

Opt Workstation Job # Cmp Type Program Date Time

__________ ______ ___ __ __________ ______ ______

Type options, press Enter.


__ KARENS2 650625 900 DQ OER0440 4/06/94 11:14:23

F3=Exit F12=Cancel




The workstation ID where the active procedure was started.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display only.

Job #

The system job number assigned to the active procedure.

Numeric, 6 positions; display only.


The company in which the procedure is active.

Numeric, 3 positions; display only.


The type of procedure. Valid values are:

DQ - The active procedure requires a data queue to process updates.

RZ - The active procedure is reorganizing a data queue.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; display only.


The name of the program that is active.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display only.


The date on which the user started the procedure.

Numeric, 6 positions; display only.


The time at which the user started the procedure.

Numeric, 6 positions; display only.

Screen Option


Delete an active procedure

Enter 4 next to the active procedure you want to delete.

Purge Active Procedures Across Users (MACX)

Purpose: Use this option to display active procedures for all users in your environment and to purge active procedures as necessary.

How to display this screen: Enter MACX in the Fast path field at the top of any menu, or select Purge Procedures Across Users from a menu.

MSR1112 DISPLAY Purge Active Procedures 9/27/06 12:51:12

Opt User Workstation Job # Cmp Type Program Date Time


Type options, press Enter.


ERICHMOND ONLINE AUT 787514 0 OA ONLINE AUT 6/19/06 11:03:31

SGRAHAM PCINTASYNC 797141 0 IP PCINTASYNC 6/28/06 12:07:44

WPURDON THRESHMON 888221 0 TH MSR1300 9/26/06 17:12:11

MKHAN QPADEV002P 888717 111 DQ OER0440 9/27/06 12:23:45

WPURDON QPADEV0026 888773 242 DQ OER0440 9/27/06 11:38:45


F3=Exit F12=Cancel




The user ID of the person who started the active procedure.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.


If the active procedure is a background job, indicates the data queue (for example, BILLDATAQ indicates that this is the billing async job); otherwise, indicates the workstation of the user who started the active procedure.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.

Job #

A job number assigned to uniquely identify the active procedure.

Numeric, 6 positions; display-only.

Cmp (company)

The number identifying the company where the active procedure was started. Set to zero for active procedures that are not restricted by company, such as the background jobs.

See Setting Up Companies (WCMP) for more information on companies.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.


The type of active procedure. See Active Procedure Types for a list of some possible types.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.


The name of the program that is active.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.


The date when the user started the procedure.

Numeric, 6 positions; display-only.


The time when the user started the procedure.

Numeric, 6 positions; display-only.

Active Procedure Types

Some of the active procedure types displayed at this screen are described below.



Started When?

Data Queue

data queue

You enter orders; create purchase orders through Entering Purchase Orders (MPOE), receive purchase orders through Receiving Purchase Orders (PORC), and confirm shipments through Manually Confirming Shipments (MCON).


billing async

The BILL_ASYNC job starts. See Working with the BILL_ASYNC Job for more information.


batch deposits

You submit auto deposits for processing. See Processing Auto Deposits (SDEP) for more information.


batch payment

You submit A/R batch payments for processing. See High Speed A/R Payment Entry and Batch Processing (WABP) for more information.


credits by LOB

You submit line of business credits for processing. See Processing Credits by Line of Business (MCLB) for more information.


catalog request

You submit the catalog request upload for processing. See Processing Credits by Line of Business (MCLB) for more information.


data warehouse changes

You select Process changes in Working with the Data Warehouse Integration in CWDirect.


drop ship processing

You submit drop ship orders for processing. See Selecting Vendors for Drop Ship Processing (MDSP) for more information.


data warehouse async

You start the DW_ASYNC job. See Working with the Data Warehouse Integration in CWDirect for more information.


Forerunner download

You submit the Forerunner extract for processing. See Forerunner IF/SO Interface (EFOR, DFOR) for more information.


immediate needs

You use Sending Immediate Backorder Fulfillment Notices to a Warehouse Management System (MIND).


interactive PC manifesting

You start the PCINTASYNC job. See Working with the PCINTASYNC Job for more information.


iCat upload

You select an FTP script through the iCAT Electronic Commerce Interface menu option.


line of business update

You update statistics for your line of business order queue. See Displaying the Line of Business Order Queue Summary (DLOQ) for more information.


merchandise cost report

You generate the Merchandise Cost Report through the Printing the Merchandising Cost Report (PMCR) menu option.


membership order generation

You generate membership orders through the Generating Membership Orders (EGMO) menu option.


mass item substitution

You select the Processing Item Substitutions (PSUB) menu option.


online authorization

See Performing Online Credit Card Authorizations for more information.


generate OCC item interface

You use the Generating the OCC Item Interface File (GOCI) menu option.


PC manifesting

You start the PCMANASYNC job. See Working with the PCMANASYNC Job for more information.


pick slip generation

You generate pick slips. See Working with Pick Slip Generation (WPSG) for more information.


physical inventory

You generate a physical inventory. See Generating a Physical Inventory (MGPI) for more information.


retail fulfillment selection

You use Submitting the Retail Fulfillment Selection (SFUL).


retail price change

You use the Working with Retail Price Changes (WRPC) menu option.


location replenishment

You submit a replenishment request; see Working with Replenishment Control (MSRP) for more information.


retail price change upload

You use the Working with Retail Price Change Upload (WRPU) menu option.



Information will be provided by MICROS at a later date.


batch SVC activation

You submit stored value card activations for processing, if the Use Stored Value Card Batch Processing (I50) system control value is selected. See Transmitting Stored Value Card Transactions (SSVC) for more information.


batch SVC balance inquiry

The system submits stored value card balance inquiries in batch. See the Perform Balance Inquiry during Batch Authorizations (J19) system control value for more information.


ship via/item summary inquiry

You use the Ship Via/Item Inquiry (SVII) menu option.


SKU purge

You submit a SKU purge through the Purging SKUs (MPSK) menu option.


process auto soldouts

You use Processing Auto Soldout Cancellations (MASO).


batch SVC reversal

You process deposits that include stored value card reversals if the Perform Authorization Reversal during Deposit Processing (J20) system control value is selected. See Processing Auto Deposits (SDEP) for more information.


stop shipment

You use the Sending Stop Shipment Requests to a Warehouse Management System (MRSS) menu option.


threshold monitor

You start the THRESHMON background job. See Working with Threshold Values (WTHR) for more information.

Deleting an active procedure: Enter 4 next to an active procedure to delete it. See Purging Active Procedures for a discussion.

SO01_09 CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN