Your Oracle Commerce Platform products must be configured and running before you can access the Business Control Center. You must also configure a supported database. For more information, contact your administrator or see the Platform Installation and Configuration Guide.

  1. Ensure your database and Oracle Commerce Platform applications have been started.

  2. Point your Web browser to the server where the Business Control Center is running. The URL takes the following form:


    where hostname is the name of the server, and port is the number of the port which that server uses for the Business Control Center.


    If you are running the Business Control Center on a local machine, enter the following URL:


    The default port numbers for Oracle WebLogic, JBoss, and IBM WebSphere are 7001, 8080, and 9080 respectively. See the Platform Installation and Configuration Guide for details.

  3. When the Business Control Center login dialog box appears, enter the login name and password defined in your user profile. The fields are case sensitive.

    The following image shows the Business Control Center Home page, which appears after you log in:

    This illustration is described in the surrounding text.

The Business Control Center Home page includes the following elements:

  • The Welcome bar at the top shows the name of the logged-in user (the values of the first name and last name properties in the user profile).

  • The Utilities menu contains a link to the product documentation.

  • The Home link returns you to this page from other parts of the Business Control Center.

  • The Log Out link ends your Business Control Center session.

  • The Projects panel shows the ATG Content Administration projects that have been created in your system. For more information on Merchandising projects, see Project Basics.

  • The Operations list contains the options you use to enter the editing interfaces for the Oracle Commerce applications available to you. The options vary according to the following:

    • The options that your role has permission to use.

    • The Oracle Commerce modules and applications that are running on the server.

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