You can select a category, product, SKU, promotion, article, media content asset, or store text in layout view and then edit it as you normally would in Merchandising. When you save your changes, they are automatically displayed in layout view. For more information about editing assets, see Creating and Managing Assets.

To edit an asset, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the Layout button.

  2. Right-click an asset and select Edit from the pop-up menu.

    The Details pane for the selected asset appears in a separate window.

    Note: If your access rights allow you to view but not edit the asset, the menu displays View instead of Edit. Select View from the pop-up menu to display a read-only version of the Details pane for the selected asset in a separate window.

  3. Make, review, and save your changes. See Creating and Managing Assets for more information.

    Layout view automatically updates to display your changes.

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