Returns sites in a sharing group.

Class Name




Input Parameters


A member site of the sharing group returned by this servlet bean. If omitted, SharingSitesDroplet uses the current site.


If set to true, specifies to exclude the siteId-specified site or current site from returned sites.


If set to true, specifies to return only sites that are active.


The id property of the ShareableType component that is configured for the sharing group returned by this servlet bean. If omitted, SharingSitesDroplet uses its configured ShareableType property.

Output Parameters


Rendered if any sites are found.


Rendered if an error occurs.


Rendered if no sites are returned.


A collection of sites in the sharing group. share the ShareableType component specified by input parameter shareableTypeId.


If an error occurs, set to the error message.

Usage Notes

Given a ShareableType ID and site ID, this servlet bean identifies a sharing group and returns its member sites. If no site ID is supplied, the current site is used. You can constrain output to active sites by setting includeActiveSites to true. If desired, you can also exclude the siteId-specified site or current site, by setting excludeInputSite to true.

The output parameter sites returns a collection of the sharing sites; you typically iterate over these with the servlet bean ForEach.

To test whether two sites are in the same sharing group, use the servlet bean SitesShareShareableDroplet.

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