The Oracle Commerce Platform establishes separate configuration layers so you can make changes to a component’s properties without modifying Dynamo’s base configuration. In a default Oracle Commerce Platform installation, there are two configuration layers, Dynamo Base and Local, which represent the configuration directories in the Oracle Commerce Platform’s default CONFIGPATH (/config/dynamo.jar:localconfig). By default, when you open a component in ATG Control Center, you open the Local configuration layer. Any changes you make to the component will be preserved in the localconfig directory, even if you install a new version of the Oracle Commerce Platform. (Note: If necessary, you can open components in a different layer or change the default layer.)

The Configuration tab in the Component Editor shows you the hierarchy of configuration layers and .properties files that configure the open component. Each configuration layer is shown by name with its path. You cannot add, remove, or edit configuration layers from the Configuration tab, but you can double-click on .properties files to view them in a separate display-only file viewer. For example, if you open /atg/dynamo/Configuration, the Oracle Commerce Platform’s main Configuration component, you’ll see that there are at least two files controlling the Dynamo Application Framework: a Dynamo Base configuration file in <ATG11dir>/DAS/config/config.jar and a Local configuration file in the <ATG11dir>/home/localconfig directory. If you change a Configuration component property, such as httpPort (the port number of the Oracle Commerce Platform’s internal HTTP server), your change will be stored in the localconfig directory. The next time you start the Oracle Commerce Platform, Nucleus will take the value of the httpPort property from localconfig, the last directory in your configuration path.

Important: The ATG Control Center shows you the configuration layers used by the modules you are running. Additional layers may exist within your installation depending on the complexity of your system, such as the directories included in your CONFIGPATH, the number of Oracle Commerce solutions you have installed and whether you are using the internal server or an external HTTP server.

Opening a Component in a Different Configuration Layer

By default, you open and edit components in the local configuration layer. You can open a component in any layer, but you cannot edit the component’s properties if the layer is locked. Locked configuration layers, such as Dynamo Base, are marked with a padlock icon ().

To open a component in a different configuration layer:

Changing the Default Configuration Layer

By default, you open and edit components in Dynamo’s Local configuration layer. You can set another configuration layer to open by default as long as it is not a locked layer. After changing the default configuration layer, you can still select a different configuration layer when you open a component. Any components you create, duplicate, or paste will be placed in the default configuration layer.

Important: When you use the ATG Control Center to change the default configuration layer, the new default affects only the client machine on which the change is applied and it remains in effect until you shut down that machine. If you want to make a persistent change that applies to the Oracle Commerce Platform and all client machines, you must manually edit the <ATG11dir>/home/localconfig/ file and set the defaultForUpdates property to false. See the Platform Installation and Configuration Guide for more information.

To change the default configuration layer:

  1. In the Components window, select Tools > Set Update Layer.

  2. When the Set a Default Configuration Layer dialog box opens, select the configuration layer you want to open by default.

  3. Click OK.

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