The Dynamic Element Editor displays the parameters and values that pertain to any dynamic elements that are highlighted in the Text Editor. The specific editor that appears here depends on the selection in the Text Editor. The Document Editor uses four different types of Dynamic Element Editors:

Available Page Values Editor

This element editor appears when the insertion point is inside an <dsp:oparam> tag or anywhere in the Text Editor except within a dynamic element tag. This editor has two tabs: Page Params and Imported Beans:

Page Params
The Page Params tab lists all parameters that have been declared in the active JSP. Select a parameter and click the Insert button to insert that parameter into the page, using the <dsp:valueof param=...> tag.

Imported Beans
The Imported Beans tab lists all JavaBeans that have been imported into the page. You can expand each bean to show its properties. Use the Insert button to insert the value of a property into the page and the Import button to import additional beans into the page.

ATG Servlet Bean Editor

The ATG Servlet Bean Editor appears when the cursor is anywhere inside or between <dsp:droplet></dsp:droplet> tags, except when it is between <dsp:oparam></dsp:oparam> tags.

The servlet bean editor displays each input parameter and open parameter (OPARAM) defined by the servlet bean. The input parameters are listed in a table that shows these parameters and their values. The value for any input parameter that is not defined in the page is shown as empty. You can enter a value for one of these parameters, and the parameter and its value will be automatically inserted in the page. You can also change the value for a parameter that is defined on the page, and the new value will replace the old value. You can insert an OPARAM by clicking on the arrow to the right of the parameter’s name.

Anchor Editor

This element editor appears when the insertion point is anywhere inside or between <dsp:a href=...></dsp:a> tags. The Anchor Editor has two parts: Anchor Destination and Open Document button.

Anchor Destination
This field displays the URL to the anchor link destination. To select a file as the destination document:

Open Document button
This button is active if the destination is a file within the active application. Click this button to open another Document Editor window for the destination document.

Insert Document Editor

This element editor appears when the insertion point is anywhere inside or between <dsp:include></dsp:include> tags. The Insert Document Editor has three parts: Inserted Document, Open Document button, and Passed Parameters.

Inserted Document
This field displays the URL (relative pathname or absolute URL) of the file being inserted at this point. To select a file as the document to be inserted:

Open Document button
Click this button to open another Document Editor window for the inserted document.

Passed Parameters
Displays a list of parameters and values that are passed to the inserted document.

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