To create a profile form with the Insert Form wizard:

  1. Create a document from the Page (JSP) template.

  2. Open the document and place the insertion point within the body,

  3. From the Insert menu, select Insert Form.

  4. In the Insert Form Wizard, click ...

  5. In the Select Form Handler Component dialog box, click the By Path radio button. Navigate to /atg/userprofiling, and select ProfileFormHandler. Click OK.

  6. In the Insert Form Wizard, click Next.

    The Configure Input Fields dialog appears, displaying all of the available profile properties.

  7. For each profile property to include in the profile form, specify the following:

  8. Click Next. The Configure Submit Buttons and URLs dialog box appears.

  9. In the lower part of the dialog box, enter text in the Button Text column for each submit operation you want to include on your page. (The text you enter appears on the button that invokes the operation.

  10. To specify pages where you wish to redirect the after the operation succeeds or fails, click and select the Web application and file that serves as the success or failure destination. (The cancel operation cannot have an Failure URL associated with it, so that value cannot be specified.)

  11. Click Finish.

The complete form appears in the Document Editor. Note that the profile property input fields appear on the page in alphabetical order, which might not be the order you desire. Edit the form in the Document Editor until the fields appear in the desired order.

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