Properties and Formatting dialog box: General

You can change the following properties for a control using the General options in the Properties and Formatting dialog box. See the options below:


Name: Identifies the control. You cannot change the name of sections.

Type: Cannot be changed; it is automatically set when the control is created.

Display Text: The text to display on the button of an action condition selector. This option is only available for action condition selectors.

Tooltip: Type the text that you want to display when a user hovers the cursor over the control.

Visible: Determines whether the control is visible when a user views the document. This check box is selected by default.

Visible in Web View Mode: Determines whether the document section is visible when a user views the document in XBRi. If this check box is cleared, the document section is displayed in PDF and in Flash Mode. For example, you can use this setting to display page numbers in PDFs but not in application views, where page numbers are not helpful. Available only for the Document Header/Footer, Layout Header/Footer, and Page Header/Footer sections.

Dock to top of screen (Mobile only): Determines whether to dock the page header to the top of the screen. When the document is displayed on a mobile device, the docked page header is always displayed at the top of the screen, remaining in place as the user scrolls up or down in the document. This option is available for page headers.

Dock to bottom of screen (Mobile only): Determines whether to dock the page footer to the bottom of the screen. When the document is displayed on a mobile device, the docked page footer is always displayed at the bottom of the screen, remaining in place as the user scrolls up or down in the document. This option is available for page footers.

Navigation: The following options are available for text fields and images.

Is hyperlink check box: Specifies whether the control is a hyperlink to the location specified in the Hyperlink property.

Hyperlink: Available only when the Is hyperlink check box is selected. This is the destination of the hyperlink.

Open in new window: Available only when the Is hyperlink check box is selected. This specifies whether the hyperlink opens in the same window as the current document or in a new window. By default, it opens in a new window.

Information Windows: The following option is available for text fields, images, and buttons.

Panel Stack: Determines the panel stack that is displayed as an Information Window when a user taps the object on an iPhone, iPad, or Android device. You can use an Information Window to provide additional information about the selected object.

Portal Window: The following options are available for Grid/Graphs.

Show Title Bar: Determines whether the title bar of the control is displayed when a user views the document.

Title: By default, the name of the dataset report is displayed in the title bar. To display a different title, type the new text in the field.

Display State: To change the initial display height and width of the Grid/Graph, select one of the following options from the drop-down list:

Normal (default): The grid or graph report is displayed with the title bar, and can be moved or resized.

Minimized: Only the title bar is initially displayed. A user can move the grid report or graph report but cannot resize it.

Maximized: The size of the grid report or graph report is initially displayed at the size of the document section in which it is located. A user can move the grid report or graph report, but cannot resize it.

Show export options on title bar: Determine whether to display options for exporting the Grid/Graph on the Grid/Graph's title bar.

Automatic (default): Select this option to allow XBRi to determine whether to show exporting options in the Grid/Graph's title bar.

Yes: Select this option to display exporting options in the title bar.

No: Select this option to display the title bar without exporting options.

Mobile: The following option is available for text fields.

Set application badge to value of this field: Determine whether the value of the text field is used to update the numeric badge displayed next to the XBR Ingenium mobile application icon on a user's mobile device each time the document is run.

Copy (iOS only): The following options are available for text fields. If copying is enabled, a user can copy the data from the text field, when the document is displayed on an iPhone or iPad.

Disable copy for this text

Enable copy for this text

Use the document-level behavior: The document-level behavior is set in the Mobile category of the Document Properties dialog box.

Selector: The following options are available for selectors.

Show Title Bar: Determines whether the title bar of the selector is displayed when a user views the document. This check box is cleared by default.

Title: Specify the name displayed in the title bar by typing it in the Title field.

Show Element Count: Determines whether the number of selector items (the elements) is displayed in the title bar of the selector.

Panel Stack: The following options are available for panel stacks, including filter panels.

Show Title Bar: Determines whether the title bar of the control is displayed when a user views the document. This check box is selected by default.

Allow current panel to be changed without selector: Determines whether to allow users to change the current panel displayed in a panel stack. This check box is selected by default.

Use as Information Window: Determines whether the panel stack is displayed as an Information Window when displayed on an iPhone or iPad device, or in  Flash Mode in XBRi. You can use Information Windows to provide additional information about:

A text field

An image

An item in a selector

A button

An attribute in a grid or graph

Note: The Use as Information Window setting is automatically selected when you define a text field, image, or button as using the panel stack as an Information Window.

Placement: Determines the location of the Information Window in XBRi, and, if the Window mode is set to Appear, on an iPad with XBR Ingenium mobile. Your options are:

Automatic: The Information Window is displayed in the best position.

Fixed: The Information Window is displayed at the position of the panel stack.

Above: The Information Window is displayed above the selected object (for example, the item in the selector or the attribute in the grid).

Below: The Information Window is displayed below the selected object.

Left: The Information Window is displayed to the left of the selected object.

Right: The Information Window is displayed to the right of the selected object.

Window mode: Specifies how to open the Information Window on an iPad with XBR Ingenium mobile. Your options are:

Appear: The Information Window pops up. (This is the default.)

Flip Up: The Information Window flips open, like a card turning over.

Scale Up: The Information Window gradually increases in size.

Slide: The Information Window slides from an edge of the screen.

Position: Specifies which edge to slide the Information Window from, if Slide is selected as the Window Mode. Applies to iPads with XBR Ingenium mobile.

Dismiss only when 'Close' button is tapped: Determines how the Information Window closes on an iPad with XBR Ingenium mobile:

Reset to first panel when targeted: Determines whether or not the panel stack resets to the first panel when an attribute selector that targets the panel stack is changed. Resetting the panel stack helps reduce the number of taps for users. Applies to an iPad with XBR Ingenium mobile:, or a panel stack used as an Information Window in Flash Mode. The panel stack must be targeted by an attribute or metric selector.

Automatically apply selector changes: (Available for filter panels) Determines whether users have to click Apply to see the changes that they made to the selectors on the filter panel, or the changes are made automatically. If changes are not made automatically, an Apply button is displayed on the filter panel. When a change is made to a selector on the filter panel, the Apply button is enabled. By default, this check box is selected, so selector changes are automatically applied.

Note: This property applies to filter panels in Flash Mode; the Automatically apply selector changes property at the document level applies to selectors in a filter panel displayed in other modes, as described in Properties dialog box, Document Properties, Document.

Title: Specify whether the title bar displays the name of the current panel, or a custom title. By default, the name of the dataset report is displayed in the title bar.

Current Panel Name (default): Display the name of the current panel in the panel stack.

Custom Title: Specify a custom title.

Custom Title: Specify a title to be displayed in the title bar. This option is only available if the Title drop-down list is set to Custom Title.

Pre-load (DHTML only) settings: Determines which panels in a panel stack to pre-load when the document is executed in XBRi.

Inherit from Document (default): Use the document-level setting to determine whether to pre-load panels.

All Panels: Pre-load all panels when the document is executed in XBRi.

Current Panel Only: Pre-load only the current panel when the document is executed in XBRi.

Related topic

About the Properties and Formatting dialog box


