Creating a blank visualization

You can create and add a blank visualization to a Visual Insight (VI) dashboard, for use as a data placeholder. You can add a specific type of blank visualization to the dashboard, such as a Grid or Heat Map, or add a generic blank visualization and choose the visualization's type later.

If you add a generic blank visualization to the dashboard, the visualization has no specific type. Once you decide on the type of visualization to use to display your data, you select the visualization type from a list, and The application automatically adds the appropriate report objects to the visualization to optimize your display.

If you add a specific type of blank visualization to the dashboard, you can select and add each report object to display in the visualization. For data requirements and steps to create a specific type of visualization, see the related links below:


Creating a Density Map visualization

Creating an ESRI Map visualization

Creating a Graph visualization

Creating a Grid visualization

Creating a Heat Map visualization

Creating an Image Layout visualization

Creating a Map visualization

Creating a Network visualization


To add a blank visualization to a VI dashboard:

  1. Click the name of the VI dashboard to run it.

  2. Add the blank visualization by doing one of the following:

  3. Once you have added your blank visualization to the VI dashboard, you can customize your display by adding data to the visualization. For steps, see Adding, replacing, and removing data from visualizations.

  4. If you chose to add a generic blank visualization to the dashboard, you can select the type of visualization to use to display your data. In the blank visualization, click Select a Visualization, then click the icon of the visualization to use to display your data. The application automatically adds report objects to the visualization to optimize your display.

  5. For steps to add data to a specific type of blank visualization, see the appropriate link in the introduction above.

Related topics

About visualizations

Adding, replacing, and removing data from visualizations

Modifying, duplicating, and deleting visualizations


