Oracle® ZFS Storage Appliance 客户服务手册


更新时间: 2016 年 2 月

如何检查系统运行状况 (CLI)

使用 CLI 通过以下过程检查系统运行状况。

  1. 要选择更新介质,请使用以下 CLI 命令:
    zfs-appliance:maintenance system updates> select ak-nas@2013.,1-1.6
  2. 要升级介质并检查系统运行状况,请使用以下 CLI 命令:
    zfs-appliance:maintenance system updates:ak-nas@2013.,1-1.6> upgrade
    This procedure will consume several minutes and requires a system reboot upon
    successful update, but can be aborted with [Control-C] at any time prior to
    reboot. A health check will validate system readiness before an update is
    attempted, and may also be executed independently using the check command.
    Are you sure? (Y/N)
     Healthcheck running ... /
     Healthcheck completed.  There are no issues at this time which
     would cause an upgrade to this media to be aborted.