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Oracle® Developer Studio 12.6: Performance Analyzer

Exit Print View

Updated: June 2017

Commands That Control Load Object Expansion and Collapse

These commands determine how load objects are displayed by the er_print utility.


Display a two-column list showing the status and names of all load objects. The show/hide/API status of each load object is shown in the first column, and the name of the object is shown in the second column. The name of each load object is preceded either by a show that indicates that the functions of that object are shown in the function list (expanded), by a hide that indicates that the functions of that object are not shown in the function list (collapsed), or by API-only if only those functions representing the entry point into the load object are shown. All functions for a collapsed load object map to a single entry in the function list representing the entire load object.

The following is an example of a load object list.

(er_print) object_list
Sel  Load Object
==== ==================
hide <Unknown>
show <Freeway>
show <libCstd_isa.so.1>
show <libnsl.so.1>
show <libmp.so.2>
show <libc.so.1>
show <libICE.so.6>
show <libSM.so.6>
show <libm.so.1>
show <libCstd.so.1>
show <libX11.so.4>
show <libXext.so.0>
show <libCrun.so.1>
show <libXt.so.4>
show <libXm.so.4>
show <libsocket.so.1>
show <libgen.so.1>
show <libcollector.so>
show <libc_psr.so.1>
show <ld.so.1>
show <liblayout.so.1>

object_show object1,object2,...

Set all named load objects to show all their functions. The names of the objects can be either full path names or the basename. If the name contains a comma character, the name must be surrounded by double quotation marks. If the string “all” is used to name the load object, functions are shown for all load objects.

object_hide object1,object2,...

Set all named load objects to hide all their functions. The names of the objects can be either full path names or the basename. If the name contains a comma character, the name must be surrounded by double quotation marks. If the string “all” is used to name the load object, functions are shown for all load objects.

object_api object1,object2,...

Set all named load objects to show all only the functions representing entry points into the library. The names of the objects can be either full path names or the basename. If the name contains a comma character, the name must be surrounded by double quotation marks. If the string “all” is used to name the load object, functions are shown for all load objects.


Set all load objects according to the initial defaults from .er.rc file processing.

object_select object1,object2,...

Select the load objects for which you want to display information about the functions in the load object. Functions from all named load objects are shown; functions from all others are hidden. object-list is a list of load objects separated by commas but no spaces. If functions from a load object are shown, all functions that have non-zero metrics are shown in the function list. If functions from a load object are hidden, its functions are collapsed, and only a single line with metrics for the entire load object instead of its individual functions is displayed.

The names of the load objects should be either full path names or the basename. If an object name itself contains a comma, you must surround the name with double quotation marks.