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Oracle® ZFS Storage Appliance Analytics Guide, Release OS8.7.x

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Updated: August 2017

Suspending and Resuming a Dataset (BUI)

Use the following procedure to suspend and resume a single dataset. It is not possible to suspend or resume all datasets with one action using the BUI; you must use the CLI. To suspend or resume all datasets at once, see Suspending and Resuming All Datasets (CLI).

  1. Go to Analytics > Datasets.
  2. Hover over a dataset and click the Suspend/Resume icon image:icon indicating that a dataset can be suspended or resumed to suspend it.

    The green icon indicating that a dataset is actively collecting data will turn gray.

  3. Hover over a suspended dataset and click the Suspend/Resume icon image:icon indicating that a dataset can be suspended or resumed again to resume it.

    The gray icon indicating that a dataset is suspended will turn green.