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Oracle® Flash Accelerator F640 PCIe Card v2 Product Notes

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Updated: November 2021

Verify Oracle Flash Accelerator F640 PCIe Card v2 Operation

This procedure provides instructions to verify Oracle Flash Accelerator F640 PCIe Card v2 operation on the host for supported Oracle Solaris and Oracle Linux operating systems. Verify Oracle Flash Accelerator F640 PCIe Card v2 operation using Oracle Hardware Management Pack utility CLI tools.

Before You Begin

  • Verify that Oracle Hardware Management Pack is installed on the host.

    For CLI command instructions, refer to Oracle Hardware Management Pack documentation at https://www.oracle.com/goto/ohmp/docs.

  • Ensure that you have access to the server (either directly or over the network).

  1. Observe Oracle Flash Accelerator F640 PCIe Card v2 status indicator LEDs.

    Verify that the Fault-Service Action Required Oracle Flash Accelerator F640 PCIe Card v2 status indicator is not lit and that the green Power status indicator is lit on Oracle Flash Accelerator F640 PCIe Card v2s that you updated.

    Refer to Status Indicators in Oracle Flash Accelerator F640 PCIe Card v2 User Guide.

  2. Log in to the target system.

    For detailed instructions, refer to the server installation guide. For example, to log in to the target system through SSH or through Oracle ILOM Remote System Console Plus, do one of the following:

    • If you are using an SSH client connection.
      1. From a shell command line in a terminal window, establish an SSH connection to the server host.

        Type: ssh root@hostname, where hostname can be the DNS name or the IP address for the server host.

      2. Log in to the system using an account with root access.
      3. Proceed to Step 3.
    • If you are using a remote system console, refer to the server administration guide and perform these steps.
      1. Establish a remote connection to the host console.

        Start an Oracle ILOM serial console session, type:

        -> start /HOST/console

        Are you sure you want to start /HOST/console (y/n)? y

        To launch an Oracle ILOM Remote System Console Plus session, refer to Launching Remote KVMS Redirection Sessions in the server administration guide.

      2. Ensure that the server is powered on and booted.
      3. Access the operating system command-line interface.

        You issue Oracle Hardware Management Pack commands from the operating system command-line interface.

  3. Identify all Oracle F640 Flash Cards and verify that the latest firmware packages are installed.
    1. Type the following command: # fwupdate list controller.
      # fwupdate list controller
      ID    Type   Manufacturer   Model     Product Name              FW Version
      c0    NVMe   Intel          0x0a54    7335943:ICDPC5ED2ORA6.4T  VDV1RZ09  
      c1    NVMe   Intel          0x0a54    7335943:ICDPC5ED2ORA6.4T  VDV1RZ09  
      c10   SAS    LSI Logic      0x00ce    Avago MegaRAID SAS 9361-1 4.710.00-
      c12   NET    Intel          0x1533    Intel(R) I210 Gigabit Net -        
    2. Verify host recognition of all Oracle F640 Flash Cards by checking controller ID enumeration.

      In the above example, Oracle F640 Flash Card controllers c0 and c1 are enumerated in the output returned by the above command.

    3. Ensure that all Oracle F640 Flash Card firmware revisions are current in the FW Version output returned by the above command.

      See Minimum Supported Card Firmware Version.

  4. Check NVMe device status.

    To identify NVMe controllers and current firmware versions, type #nvmeadm list -v.

    To identify NVMe controllers that have updated firmware, view the Firmware Revision row in the output from the nvmeadm list -v command.

    In the following example, controllers SUNW-NVME-1 and SUNW-NVME-1 show firmware version VDV1RZ09 in the output returned by the above command.

    # nvmeadm list -v
            PCI Vendor ID:                  0x8086
            Serial Number:                  PHLE713401RZ6P4BGN-1
            Model Number:                   7335943:ICDPC5ED2ORA6.4T
            Firmware Revision:              VDV1RZ09
            Number of Namespaces:           1
            PCI Vendor ID:                  0x8086
            Serial Number:                  PHLE713401RZ6P4BGN-2
            Model Number:                   7335943:ICDPC5ED2ORA6.4T
            Firmware Revision:              VDV1RZ09
            Number of Namespaces:           1
  5. Check Oracle Flash Accelerator F640 PCIe Card v2 health and SMART information.

    To check the selected 6.4 TB NVMe SSD health and SMART (Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology) information, type:

    # nvmeadm getlog -h

    Ensure that Oracle F640 Flash Cards have remaining drive life (Percentage Used) in the output returned by the above command.

    # nvmeadm getlog -h 
    SMART/Health Information:
            Critical Warning: 0
            Temperature: 312 Kelvin
            Available Spare: 100 percent
            Available Spare Threshold: 10 percent
            Percentage Used: 0 percent
            Data Unit Read: 0x1 of 512k bytes.
            Data Unit Written: 0x0 of 512k bytes.
            Number of Host Read Commands: 0x30313b3
            Number of Host Write Commands: 0x302f25d
            Controller Busy Time in Minutes: 0x0
            Number of Power Cycle: 0xf
            Number of Power On Hours: 0x1c
            Number of Unsafe Shutdown: 0xf
            Number of Media Errors: 0x0
            Number of Error Info Log Entries: 0x0
    SMART/Health Information:....

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