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man pages section 3: Extended Library Functions, Volume 3

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Updated: Wednesday, July 27, 2022



pam_start, pam_end - PAM authentication transaction functions


cc [ flag ... ] file ... –lpam [ library ... ]
#include <security/pam_appl.h>

int pam_start(const char *service, const char *user,
     const struct pam_conv *pam_conv, pam_handle_t **pamh);
int pam_end(pam_handle_t *pamh, int status);


The pam_start() function is called to initiate an authentication transaction. It takes as arguments the name of the current service, service, the name of the user to be authenticated, user, the address of the conversation structure, pam_conv, and the address of a variable to be assigned the authentication handle pamh. Upon successful completion, pamh refers to a PAM handle for use with subsequent calls to the authentication library.

The pam_conv structure contains the address of the conversation function provided by the application. The underlying PAM service module invokes this function to output information to and retrieve input from the user. The pam_conv structure has the following entries:

struct pam_conv {
    int   (*conv)();     /* Conversation function */
    void  *appdata_ptr;  /* Application data */
int conv(int num_msg, const struct pam_message **msg, 
         struct pam_response **resp, void *appdata_ptr);

The conv() function is called by a service module to hold a PAM conversation with the application or user. For window applications, the application can create a new pop-up window to be used by the interaction.

The num_msg parameter is the number of messages associated with the call. The parameter msg is a pointer to an array of length num_msg of the pam_message structure.

The pam_message structure is used to pass prompt, error message, or any text information from the authentication service to the application or user. It is the responsibility of the PAM service modules to localize the messages. The memory used by pam_message has to be allocated and freed by the PAM modules. The pam_message structure has the following entries:

struct pam_message{
    int     msg_style;
    char    *msg;

The message style, msg_style, can be set to one of the following values:


Prompt user, disabling echoing of response.


Prompt user, enabling echoing of response.


Print error message.


Print general text information.

The maximum size of the message and the response string is PAM_MAX_MSG_SIZE as defined in <security/pam.appl.h>.

The structure pam_response is used by the authentication service to get the user's response back from the application or user. The storage used by pam_response has to be allocated by the application and freed by the PAM modules. The pam_response structure has the following entries:

struct pam_response{
    char *resp;
    int  resp_retcode;  /* currently not used, */
                        /* should be set to 0 */

It is the responsibility of the conversation function to strip off NEWLINE characters for PAM_PROMPT_ECHO_OFF and PAM_PROMPT_ECHO_ON message styles, and to add NEWLINE characters (if appropriate) for PAM_ERROR_MSG and PAM_TEXT_INFO message styles.

The appdata_ptr argument is an application data pointer which is passed by the application to the PAM service modules. Since the PAM modules pass it back through the conversation function, the applications can use this pointer to point to any application-specific data.

The pam_end() function is called to terminate the PAM session, pamh, and free the resources associated with that session. The pam_set_data(3PAM) function may register a cleanup() function with a PAM session to be called during pam_end() processing.

Refer to Developer’s Guide to Oracle Solaris 11.4 Security for information about providing authentication, account management, session management, and password management through PAM modules.

Return Values

Refer to the RETURN VALUES section on pam(3PAM).


See attributes(7) for description of the following attributes:

Interface Stability
MT-Safe with exceptions

See Also

libpam(3LIB), pam(3PAM), pam_acct_mgmt(3PAM), pam_authenticate(3PAM), pam_chauthtok(3PAM), pam_open_session(3PAM), pam_set_data(3PAM), pam_setcred(3PAM), pam_strerror(3PAM), attributes(7)

Developer’s Guide to Oracle Solaris 11.4 Security


The interfaces in libpam are MT-Safe only if each thread within the multithreaded application uses its own PAM handle.