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Oracle® ZFS Storage Appliance Administration Guide, Release OS8.8.0

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Updated: January 2019

Browser User Interface (BUI)

The Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance Browser User Interface (BUI) is the graphical tool for administration of the appliance. The BUI provides an intuitive environment for administration tasks, visualizing concepts, and analyzing performance data. The BUI provides an uncluttered environment for visualizing system behavior and identifying performance issues with the appliance.

image:Example BUI window

Direct your browser to the system using either the IP address or host name you assigned to the NET-0 port during initial configuration as follows: https://ipaddress:215 or https://hostname:215. The login screen appears.

The online help linked in the top right of the BUI is context-sensitive. For every top-level and second-level screen in the BUI, the associated help page appears when you click the Help button.

image:Dragging a filesystem into the sidepanel

Changing a filesystem's properties by moving it into another project using the Projects side panel.

The masthead contains several interface elements for navigation and notification, as well as primary functionality. At left, from top to bottom, are the Sun/Oracle logo, a hardware model badge, and hardware power off/restart button. Across the right, again from top to bottom: login identification, logout, help, main navigation, and subnavigation.

image:Masthead image

System alerts appear in the Masthead as they are triggered. If multiple alerts are triggered sequentially, refer to the list of recent alerts found on the Dashboard screen or the full log available on the Logs screen.

Use the main navigation links to view between the Configuration, Maintenance, Shares, Status, and Analytics areas of the BUI. Use sub-navigation links to access features and functions within each area.

If you provide a session annotation, it appears beneath your login ID and the logout control. To change your session annotation for subsequent administrative actions without logging out, click on the text link. For details about session annotations, see Configuring Users.

The title bar appears below the Masthead and provides local navigation and functions that vary depending on the current view.

image:Title bar image

For example, the Identity mapping service title bar enables the following:

  • Navigation to the full list of services through the side panel

  • Controls to enable or disable the Identity Mapping service

  • A view of Identity Mapping uptime

  • Navigation to the Properties, Rules and Logs screens for your Identity Mapping service

  • Button to Apply configuration changes made on the current screen

  • Button to Revert configuration changes applied on the current screen

To quickly navigate between Service and Project views, open and close the side panel by clicking the title or the reveal image:Panel open arrow.

image:Sidepanel image

To add projects, click the Add... link in the sidebar.

To move Shares between Projects, click the move image:Image showing the move icon. icon and drag a filesystem Share to the appropriate Project in the side panel.

Note that dragging a share into another project will change its properties if they are set to be inherited from its parent project.

Most BUI controls use standard web form inputs; however, there are a few key exceptions worth noting:

Table 1  Key Web Form Exceptions
Summary of BUI Controls
Modify a property
Click the edit image:Image showing the edit icon. icon and complete the dialog
Add a list item or property entry
Click the add image:Image showing the add icon. icon
Remove a list item or property entry
Click the remove image:Image showing the remove icon. icon
Save changes
Click the Apply button
Undo saved changes
Click the Revert button
Delete an item from a list
Click the trash image:Image showing the destroy icon. icon (hover the mouse over the item row to see the icon)
Search for an item in a list
Click the search image:Image showing the search icon. icon at the top right of the list
Sort by list headings
Click on the bold sub-headings to re-sort the list
Move or drag an item
Click the move image:Image showing the move icon. icon
Rename an item
Click the rename image:Image showing the rename icon. icon
View details about your system
Oracle logo or click the model badge to go to the oracle.com web page for your model
Automatically open side panel
Drag an item to the side panel

When setting permissions, the RWX boxes are clickable targets. Clicking on the access group label (User, Group, Other) toggles all permissions for that label on and off.


To edit Share properties, deselect the Inherit from project checkbox.

image:Share properties image

To view controls for an item in a list, hover the mouse over the row.

image:Filesystems list

All modal dialogs have titles and buttons that identify and commit or cancel the current action at top, and content below. The modal content area follows the same interface conventions as the main content area, but are different in that they must be dismissed using the buttons in the title bar before other actions can be performed.

image:Add Threshold Alert dialog

Icons indicate system status and provide access to functionality, and in most cases serve as buttons to perform actions when clicked. It is useful to hover your mouse over interface icons to view the tooltip. The tables below provide a key to the conventions of the user interface.

The status lights are basic indicators of system health and service state:

Table 2  Status Indicators
image:Status: On
image:Status: Warning
image:Status: Off
image:Status: Disabled

The following icons are found throughout the user interface and cover most of the basic functionality:

Table 3  BUI Icons
image:Image showing the rename icon.
rename (edit text)
image:Image showing the sever icon.
image:Image showing the move icon.
image:CImage showing the clone icon.
image:Image showing the edit off icon.
image:Image showing the edit icon.
image:Image showing the rollback icon.
image:Image showing the disabled destroy icon.
image:Image showing the destroy icon.
image:Image showing the appliance power icon
appliance power
image:Image showing the disabled add icon.
image:Image showing the add icon.
image:Image showing the apply icon.
image:Image showing the disabled remove icon
image:Image showing the remove icon.
image:Image showing the revert icon.
image:Image showsing the disabled cancel icon.
image:Image showing the cancel icon.
image:Image showing the information icon.
image:Image showing the error icon.
image:Sort list column (down)
sort list column (down)
image:Image showing the alert icon.
image:Sort list column (up)
sort list column (up)
image:Image showing the disabled power icon.
image:Image showing the power on icon.
on/off toggle
image:Image showing the disabled first page icon.
image:Image showing the first page icon.
first page
image:Image showing the disabled restart icon
image:Image showing the restart icon
image:Image showing the disabled previous page icon
image:Image showing the previous page icon
previous page
image:Image showing the locate icon.
image:Image showing the disabled next page icon
image:Image showing the next page icon
next page
image:Image showing the disabled disable or offline 										icon.
image:Image showing the disable or offline icon.
image:Image showing the disabled last page icon.
image:Image showing the last page icon.
last page
image:Image showing the disabled lock icon.
image:Image showing the lock icon.
image:Image showing the search icon.
image:Image showing the wait spinner icon.
wait spinner
image:Image showing the menu closed icon.
image:Image showing the menu open icon.
image:Image showing the reverse direction icon.
reverse direction
image:Image showing the panel closed icon.
image:Image showing the panel open icon.

* Disabled icons are shown at left.

The following icons are used to distinguish different types of objects and provide information of secondary importance.

Table 4  Miscellaneous Icons
image:Image showing the allow rule icon from Access Control 										List
image:Image showing the SAS icon
image:Image showing the deny rule icon from Access Control 										List
image:Image showing the SAS port icon
SAS port
image:Image showing the storage pool icon
storage pool