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Oracle® ZFS Storage Appliance Administration Guide, Release OS8.8.0

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Updated: January 2019

Listing Workflows using the CLI

  1. To list workflows, use the list command from the maintenance workflows context:
    <small>dory:maintenance workflows> list
    WORKFLOW     NAME                       OWNER SETID ORIGIN               VERSION
    workflow-000 Configure for Oracle Solaris Cluster NFS root  false Oracle Corporation   1.0.0
    workflow-001 Unconfigure Oracle Solaris Cluster NFS root  false Oracle Corporation   1.0.0
    workflow-002 Configure for Oracle Enterprise Manager Monitoring root  false Sun Microsystems, Inc. 1.1
    workflow-003 Unconfigure Oracle Enterprise Manager Monitoring root  false Sun Microsystems, Inc. 1.0</small>
  2. To view workflows, use the show command from the maintenance workflows context:
    dory:maintenance workflows> select workflow-001
    dory:maintenance workflow-001> show
                              name = Configure for Oracle Solaris Cluster NFS
                       description = Sets up environment for Oracle Solaris Cluster NFS
                             owner = root
                            origin = Oracle Corporation
                             setid = false
                             alert = false
                           version = 1.0.0
                         scheduled = false     
  3. To select a workflow, use the select command:
    dory:maintenance workflows> select workflow-000 
    dory:maintenance workflow-000>
  4. To get a workflow's properties, use the get command from within the context of the selected workflow:
    dory:maintenance workflow-000> get
                             name = Hello world
                      description = Bids a greeting to the world
                            owner = root
                           origin = <local>
                            setid = false
                            alert = false
                        scheduled = false