Each stack requires a Knockout template called stack.template to render the stack. The stack.template file must reside in the /stack/<stack-type>/templates directory. Using the stack’s RegionViewModel object, the stack.template can access the sub-regions within the stack, via the regions observable array, and the widgets within each sub-region, via the widgets observable array for each sub-region.

This section provides some examples to show you how you might create a template that integrates Bootstrap UI controls with a stack’s content. The following code sample shows the stack template for a tabbed container.

<div class="tabbedContainer">
  <!--  RENDER Bootstrap tabs -->
  <ul class="nav nav-tabs" data-bind="attr: { id: 'tabbedNav-'+id()+'-pills'}">
    <!-- ko foreach: regions -->
      <li role="presentation" data-bind="css: {active: $index() === 0},
            attr: { id: 'tabbedNav-'+$parent.id()+'-pill-'+$index() }">

        <a data-toggle="tab" data-bind="
            attr: { 'href':
                      '#tabbedContainer-' + $parent.id() + '-tab-' + $index()}">
          <span data-bind="text: displayName"></span>
    <!-- /ko -->
  <!—RENDER tabbed content -->
  <div class="tab-content">
    <!-- ko foreach: regions -->
      <div role="tabpanel" class="stage tab-pane" data-bind="
            attr: { id: 'tabbedContainer-'+$parent.id()+'-tab-'+$index() },
            css: {active: $index() === 0}">

        <!—RENDER widgets in each tab -->
        <!-- ko foreach: widgets -->
          <div data-bind="
            template: {name: templateUrl(),templateSrc: templateSrc()}">
        <!-- /ko -->
    <!-- /ko -->

This template includes two ko foreach: regions bindings. The first iterates over the stack’s sub-regions and creates a tab for each sub-region. The second iterates over the sub-regions again and renders the contents of each tab. The content rendering is accomplished through a ko for each: widgets binding that iterates over the widgets contained in each sub-region.

Similarly, this code excerpt shows the rendering of widgets in collapsible panels:

<!-- RENDER displayName from the stack -->
<h2 data-bind="text:displayName"></h2>
<div class="panel-group" id="accordion" role="tablist">

  <!-- RENDER stack sub-regions -->
  <!-- ko foreach: regions -->
    <div class="panel panel-default">
      <div class="panel-heading" role="tab" id="headingOne">
        <h4 class="panel-title">
          <a role="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion"
            data-bind="attr: {
              'href': '#accordionContainer-' + $parent.id() + '-tab-' + $index()},
               text:displayName" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="collapseOne>
      <div class="panel-collapse collapse" role="tabpanel"
        data-bind="attr: {
          id: 'accordionContainer-'+$parent.id()+'-tab-'+$index() },
          css: {in: $index() === 0}">
        <div class="panel-body">

          <!-- RENDER widgets within each sub-region -->
          <!-- ko foreach: widgets -->
            <div data-bind="template: {
               name: templateUrl(),
               templateSrc: templateSrc()}">
          <!-- /ko -->
  <!-- /ko -->


This code iterates over the sub-regions in the stack and renders a collapsible panel for each one. To define the content for each panel, the code iterates over the widgets in each sub-region and renders them using the template defined in the template data-bind.

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