A message is published to this topic when search results are retrieved or when an error is returned while searching for a product. If search results are retrieved successfully, those results are published with the message. If an error occurs, the error is published with the message.

$.Topic(pubsub.topicNames.SEARCH_RESULTS_UPDATED).publishWith(searchResults, message);

searchResults: The contents of this argument vary depending on whether the search was successful or not. If the search was successful, the argument consists of a JSON object that includes the search results and meta-data about the search, for example:

   searchResults : Array[5],
   navigation : Array[5],
   pageCount : 15,
   pagingActionTemplate : JSONObject,
   recordOffSet : 0,
   recordsPerPage : 5,
   searchAdjustments :JSONObject,
   totalRecordsFound : 74

The properties in the successful search JSON object include:

   "product.category" : ["Cameras and Camcorders"],
   "product.language" : ["en"],
   "record.type" : ["camera", "sku-camera"],
   "sku.listingId" : ["camera_1"],
   "product.priceRange" : ["JPY0 - JPY9"],
   "sku.activePrice" : ["3.990000"],
   "product.creationDate" : ["1466057558000"],
   "sku.url" : ["atgrep:/ProductCatalog/sku-camera/
   "product.priceListPair" : ["salePrices_listPrices"],
   "product.active" : ["1"],
   "sku.salePrice" : ["3.990000"],
   "sku.creationDate" : ["1466057558000"],
   "record.source" : ["ProductCatalog"],
   "product.url" : ["atgrep:/ProductCatalog/sku-camera/
   "sku.availabilityStatus" : ["OUTOFSTOCK"],
   "parentCategory.displayName" : ["Cameras and Camcorders"],
   "Endeca.Document.Language" : ["en"],
   "product.daysAvailable" : ["0"],
   "record.type.raw" : ["camera", "sku-camera"],
   "sku.baseUrl" : ["atgrep:/ProductCatalog/sku-camera/
   "product.dateAvailable" : ["1466057558000"],
   "sku.repositoryId" : ["camerasku_1_55"],
   "product.baseUrl" : ["atgrep:/ProductCatalog/sku-camera/
   "sku.listPrice" : ["399.990000"],
   "sku.onSale" : ["0"],
   "record.id" : ["sku-camera-camerasku__1__55..camera__1.en.
   "product.route" : ["/digital-compact-system-camera/product/
   "product.longDescription" : ["This digital compact system camera
      14.1-megapixel,\n    4/3 Live MOS sensor allows you to
      capture sharp photos and record high-definition video footage with
      up\n    to 1920 x 1080 resolution. Built-in Wi-Fi lets
      you easily share stored files.\n    "],
   "sku.listingOptionIndex" : ["10000"],
   "id" : ["camera_1"],
   "repositoryId" : ["camera_1"],
   "displayName" : "Digital Compact System Camera",
   "shippingSurcharge" : 0,
   "listPrice" : 399.99,
   "salePrice" : null,
   "route" : "/digital-compact-system-camera/product/camera_1",
   "primaryImageAltText" : ["Digital Compact System Camera"],
   "primaryImageTitle" : ["Digital Compact System Camera"],
   "primaryLargeImageURL" : "/ccstore/v1/images/?source=
   "primarySmallImageURL" : "/ccstore/v1/images/?source=
   "primaryThumbImageURL" : "/ccstore/v1/images/?source=
   "primaryMediumImageURL" : "/ccstore/v1/images/?source=
   "primaryFullImageURL" : "/ccstore/v1/images/?source=
   "childSKUs" : [{
         "salePrice" : "3.990000",
         "listPrice" : "399.990000",
         "repositoryId" : ["camerasku_1_55"],
         "largeImage" : {
            "url" : ""
         "smallImage" : {
            "url" : ""
         "thumbnailImage" : {
            "url" : ""
   "maxActivePrice" : "399.990000",
   "minActivePrice" : "3.990000"
"refinements": [
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      "contentPath": null,
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      "siteDefinition": null,
      "matchedUrlPattern": null
    "label": "All Products",
    "properties": {
      "dimval.prop.category.ancestorCatalogIds": "cloudLakeCatalog",
      "dimval.prop.category.rootCatalogId": "cloudLakeCatalog",
      "dimval.prop.displayName_en": "All Products",
      "dimval.prop.category.repositoryId": "AllProdPagination",
      "DGraph.Spec": "AllProdPagination"
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    "label": "Blockbuster",
    "properties": {
      "dimval.prop.category.ancestorCatalogIds": "cloudLakeCatalog",
      "dimval.prop.category.rootCatalogId": "cloudLakeCatalog",
      "dimval.prop.displayName_en": "Blockbuster",
      "dimval.prop.category.repositoryId": "topLeaf",
      "record.id": "atgrep:\/ProductCatalog\/category\/topLeaf?
      "DGraph.Spec": "topLeaf"

…Additional refinements here…

"multiSelect": false,
"@type": "RefinementMenu",
"name": "product.category",
"ancestors": [

"displayName": "Category",
"dimensionName": "product.category",
"whyPrecedenceRuleFired": null
"pagingActionTemplate" : {
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When the search has failed, the searchResults object contains details about the error, including:

For example:

    "message":"Unable to perform a search at this time",

message: The second argument returned for the SEARCH_RESULTS_UPDATED topic contains a JSON array that includes either a success or failure message and the SearchViewModel object, for example:

    message: "success",
    requestor: SearchViewModel

In the case of a failed search, this message property has a value of fail.

Memory enabled


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