Two functions, publish() and publishWith(), are used to publish messages to topics. The publish() function takes one parameter, the object you want to publish. In the example below, the publish() function will send the data object to callback functions that are subscribed to the PAGE_READY topic.


In some cases, you may need to control the context in which subscribers receive the published data. When a publisher provides context, it is providing the subscriber with access to data or operations the subscriber needs to do its job. To control context, use the publishWith() function instead of the publish() function. The publishWith() function takes two parameters; the first is the object to be used as this in the subscriber’s callback function, the second is the object you want to publish. For example, the following code publishes the billing address as the context:

  widget.billingAddress(), [{
    message: "success"

This allows the subscriber to update the billing address with the value of this:

    function() {

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