Downloading E-Commerce Static Tables (ESTF)

Purpose: Use the Download E-Commerce Static Tables option to download information that does not change frequently to the web storefront. The information is actually extracted to staging tables on your system; from there, it is available for download to the storefront.

The static information download includes:

• company

• SKU heading descriptions

• countries

• states

• pay types

• special handling format, details and responses

• shipping methods

• SCF/ship via combinations

• e-commerce holiday arrival date

• return reasons

• cancel reasons

• SCF/state combinations

• promotions

• coupon promotions

• coupon restrictions, including coupon and item restriction types)

• coupon requirements, including item, source, and offer requirements

You can download all static information at once, or selected types as needed.


• The Get Orders from E-Commerce (G35) system control value must be selected in order for you to run the download.

• You can also use the Downloading B2B E-Commerce Static Tables (BBED) menu option to download additional information required specifically to support B2B offerings on your web storefront.

• MICROS recommends that you clear the records from each target table before running the extract to make sure that you capture the most up-to-date information from CWSerenade, as the extract process does not always write updated information in the extract table if there is already an existing record.

In this topic:

E-Commerce Download Overview

Process E-Commerce Downloads Screen

Static Table Download Summary

E-Commerce Download Overview

Types of Downloads

To improve response time on the web storefront, you can download key information from CWSerenade so that it is available to internet customers. As a result, only information related specifically to the customer's order, catalog request, or inquiry needs to be communicated interactively between CWSerenade and the web storefront. The information requiring download falls into three main groups:

Static: information such as company, payment or shipping methods, or states, rarely requiring update. You use the Download E-Commerce Static Tables option, described in this topic.

B2B static: information such as price tables, source codes, individual positions or departments, and customer user-defined fields; this information supports B2B storefront offerings. You use Downloading B2B E-Commerce Static Tables (BBED).

Offer: information related to offers, source codes, and items, requiring update on a periodic or seasonal basis. You use Downloading B2B E-Commerce Static Tables (BBED).

Frequent: information, such as item availability levels, that may require update. See the periodic functions described below.

Periodic Functions Related to E-Commerce

The following periodic functions download information as part of the e-commerce interface. You can also use a periodic function as part of the B2B customer extract process. See Extracting Customer Changes through a Periodic Function and Working with Periodic Functions (WPER).

Item availability: ECAVAIL (program name ECR0144). See E-Commerce Item Availability Processing for an overview. Note:

• The system downloads availability information for items only if you have used the Downloading E-Commerce Offer Tables (EOFR) menu option to extract these items to the EC Item table (EXITEM). When you use the Downloading E-Commerce Offer Tables (EOFR) menu option, the system writes a record for all related offers, items, and SKUs in the E-Comm Item Extract table (ECITEX) and the E-Comm SKU Extract table (ECSKEX). Then, when you run the ECAVAIL periodic function, it checks these tables to determine whether to include an item or SKU in the availability download.

• You can also use the item availability messages to pass availability information for a specific item to the web storefront on demand, if your storefront supports it. See E-Commerce Processes.

Gift certificates and coupons: ECGFTC (program name ECR0142). This extracts information on open, unredeemed coupons and gift certificates from the Coupon Redemption table (CSCPNR) to the EC Gift Certificate table (EXGFTC).)

Item long SKU style number: ECOMINV (program name ECR0389) and ECOMNEW (program name ECR0390). ECOMINV extracts all items that contain a long SKU style number to the EC SKU Retail Xref table and EComm SKU Extract table. ECOMNEW extracts new items that contain a long SKU style number to the EC SKU Retail Xref table and EComm SKU Extract table.

Item and SKU changes: ECITMCH (program name ECX0178). Extracts item and SKU changes for items and SKUs that have previously been downloaded using the Downloading E-Commerce Offer Tables (EOFR) menu option. This menu option also creates records in the extract trigger tables:

• E-Comm Item Extract (ECITEX): includes information on items in offers that have been selected for download through Downloading E-Commerce Offer Tables (EOFR), and tracks whether the item or its SKUs have been changed

• E-Comm SKU Extract (ECSKEX): includes information on all SKUs of items that are in the E-Comm Item Extract table

Whenever you make certain changes for items and SKUs within these tables, the system flags the related records in the E-Comm Item Extract table by updating the Last change date and Last change time. Then, when you run the ECAVAIL periodic function, the system compares the Last change date and Last change time against the Extract date and Extract time to determine which items and SKUs to include in the download. Items that have been updated since the last extract are included when updating the EC Item and EC SKU tables.

ECITMCH trigger flagged when:

Updated E-Commerce Table:

You change one or more of these fields in the Item table:

• Generic e-commerce

• Long SKU class

• LSD Department

• Height

• Length

• Width

• Selling quantity

• Ship weight

• Hazard code

• UOM type (SKU)

• Vendor number

• Item description

• Second language description

• User fields 1-4

Note: The system extracts all SKUs of an item to the EC SKU table even if you change information for only the base item.


EC SKU (EXSKU) if the item has SKUs

You create or change a record in the Item Ship Via Override table for the item. See Working with Item Ship Via Overrides.

EC Item

EC Item Ship Via Override

You change one or more of these fields in the SKU table:

• SKU description

• SKU gift certificate

• SEO code

• SET code

• SEW code

• SKU restrict orders

• SKU user fields 1-5

Note: The system extracts all SKUs of an item to the EC SKU table even if you change information for only 1 SKU.


EC SKU (EXSKU) if the item has SKUs

Download Process

For each of the e-commerce-related downloads, the system adjusts the records for null values (a formatting requirement for the web database).

Typically, the services on the web storefront that import information clear the records out of the extract tables.

Deleting information: There is no way to have information that you delete in CWSerenade be automatically deleted on the web storefront as well. You must delete any unneeded information separately in CWSerenade and on the web storefront once it has been downloaded. However, you can remove offers, items, and SKUs from the two e-commerce trigger tables to prevent future updates from being downloaded automatically. See Removing Offers and Items from Download (ERMV) for more information.

For more information: On mapping of CWSerenade tables and fields to the web storefront schema: see the CWSerenade E-Commerce Integration manual.

Process E-Commerce Downloads Screen

How to display this screen: Enter ESTF in the Fast path field at the top of any menu, or select Download E-Commerce Static Tables from a menu.

Note: All records in each related table for your company will be selected for download, unless noted otherwise in the field descriptions below.




Select this field to extract information from the Country table to the staging table; otherwise, unselect this field.

See Setting Up the Country Table (WCTY) for more information.


Select this field to extract information from the State table to the staging table; otherwise, unselect this field.

See Setting Up the Country Table (WCTY) for more information.

Payment type

Select this field to extract credit card payment types (payment category 2), A/R payment types (payment category 3), and coupon/credit payment types (payment category 5) to the EC Payment Type table; otherwise, unselect this field. You can use this information on the web storefront to enable customers to select a valid payment method.

If the Download Prepaid Payment Types to E-Commerce (I69) system control value is selected, the system also extracts prepaid payment types (payment category 1 cash/check) to the EC Payment Type table.

You can also download open, unredeemed coupons and gift certificates from the Coupon Redemption table to the EC Gift Certificate table when you run the ECGFTC (program name ECR0142) periodic function.

See Working with Pay Types (WPAY) for more information on setting up pay types.


Select this field to extract custom special handling information to the staging table; otherwise, unselect this field. The information that is downloaded includes special handling formats (both active and inactive), and their related details and valid responses, so that customer can specify special handling options on the web storefront.

See Establishing Custom Special Handling Formats (WSHF) for more information.

SCF/ship via

Select this field to extract information from the SCF/Ship Via table to the staging table; otherwise, unselect this field. This information is used to validate that the shipper selected for an order entered on the web storefront is valid for the destination address.

SCF/ship via combinations for express-bill ship vias are not included in the download.

Only SCF/ship via combinations for valid e-commerce ship vias will be included in the download. A ship via is a valid e-commerce shipper only if the Download to E-Commerce field at the Create Ship Via (1 of 2) Screen or the Change Ship Via (1 of 2) screen is set to selected. See Working with Ship Via Codes (WVIA) for more information on setting up ship via codes, and see Working with SCF/Ship Via Values (WSHV) for more information on SCF/ship via combinations.

Shipping method

Select this field to extract information from the Ship Via table to the staging table; otherwise, unselect this field. You can use this list of shippers to enable customers to select a shipment method at the web storefront.

Express-bill ship vias (the Billing code field is set to Express Bill) are excluded from the download.

To exclude certain ship vias from the download, you can unselect the Download to E-Commerce field at the Create Ship Via (1 of 2) Screen or the Change Ship Via (1 of 2) screen is set to selected. See Working with Ship Via Codes (WVIA) for more information on setting up ship via codes.

Holiday dates

Select this field to extract information from the E-Commerce Holiday table to the staging table; otherwise, unselect this field. You can use these dates to enable customers to specify when to ship orders that they enter on the web storefront.

See Working with E-Commerce Holidays (WECH) for more information on setting up e-commerce holidays.

Return reasons

Select this field to extract information from the Return Reason table to the staging table; otherwise, unselect this field. This information is used if you enable customers to create return authorizations at the web storefront.

See Establishing Return Reason Codes (WRTR) for more information on setting up return reasons, or see Introducing Return Authorizations (WRTA) for an overview on return authorizations.

Cancel reasons

Select this field to extract information from the Cancel Reason table to the staging table; otherwise, unselect this field. This information is used if you enable customers to cancel orders at the web storefront.

See Working with Batch Order Maintenance Transactions (WBOM) for more information on processing cancellations from the web storefront, or see Establishing Cancel Reason Codes (WCNR) for more information on setting up cancel reasons.

Note: Only cancel reason codes whose Reduce demand fields are unselected are selected for download.


Select this field to extract information from the SCF table and SCF Extended table to the staging table; otherwise, unselect this field. This information is used to validate that the state selected for a customer’s address entered on the web storefront is valid for the destination address.

See Working with SCF Codes (WSCF) for more information on SCF/state combinations.


Select this field to extract information from the Promotions table to the staging table; otherwise, unselect this field. This information is available to validate a promotion code entered on the web storefront, typically if entry of a promotion code is required based on the Allow Manual Entry of Promotion Code (I63)Allow Manual Entry of Promotion Code system control value. If the system control value is unselected, the system applies eligible promotions automatically to the order.

See Working with Promotion Values (WPRO) for more information on promotions.

Coupon promotions

Select this field to extract information from the Coupon Promotion table to the staging table; otherwise, unselect this field. This information is available to validate each coupon promotion that you use to offer percentage or dollar discounts to customers on the web storefront.

See Working with Coupon Promotions (WCPR) for more information on coupon promotions.

Coupon restrictions: coupon

Select this field to extract information from the Coupon Restrictions table to the staging table; otherwise, unselect this field. This information is available to prevent customers on the web storefront from using two coupons whose use on the same order is restricted.

See the Work with Coupon Restriction Screen for more information on coupon restrictions.

Coupon restrictions: item

Select this field to extract information from the Coupon Item Restriction table to the staging table; otherwise, unselect this field. This information is available to prevent customers on the web storefront from applying a percentage coupon discounts against restricted items.

See the Work with Coupon Item Restriction Screen for more information on coupon item restrictions.

Coupon requirements: item

Select this field to extract information from the Coupon Item table to the staging table; otherwise, unselect this field. This information is available to validate that customers on the web storefront include any required item(s) on an order when they use coupons with an item requirement.

See the Work with Coupon Item Requirement Screen for more information on coupon item requirements.

Coupon requirements: source

Select this field to extract information from the Coupon Source Requirement table to the staging table; otherwise, unselect this field. This information is available to validate that customers on the web storefront are using the correct source code on an order when they use coupons with a source requirement.

See the Work with Coupon Source Requirement Screen for more information on coupon source requirements.

Coupon requirements: offer

Select this field to extract information from the Coupon Offer Requirement table to the staging table; otherwise, unselect this field. This information is available to validate that customers on the web storefront are using the correct offer on an order when they use coupons with an offer requirement.

See the Work with Coupon Offer Requirement Screen for more information on coupon offer requirements.


1. Unselect any field not required for download.

2. Select OK. The system submits the job ECOMM_LOAD, which downloads the selected information to the extract tables. See Static Table Download Summary for a detailed list of download information.

Static Table Download Summary

Purpose: This table provides a summary of the tables and fields included in the static table download, and how they map to the e-commerce staging tables. See B2B Static Table Download Summary for information on the B2B download option and its resulting staging tables.

CWSerenade Table

Select at Process E-

Commerce Download Screen

Staging Table

Additional Information

Company (MSCOMP)

Any selection

EC Company (EXCOMP)

Also triggers download of split SKU information from the System Control table as follows:

Split SKU Element Column Headings (A52, A53, A54)

SKU Element Description 1 (G37)

SKU Element Description 2 (G38)

SKU Element Description 3 (G39)

See Setting Up Companies (WCMP).

Country (MSCNTY)


EC Country (EXCNTY)

See Setting Up the Country Table (WCTY).

State (MSSTAT)



See Setting Up the Country Table (WCTY).

Pay Type (OEPAYT)

Payment type

EC Pay Type (EXPAYT)

The system only includes pay types defined as payment category 2 (credit card), 3 (A/R), and 5 (coupon/credit) for download.

If the Download Prepaid Payment Types to E-Commerce (I69) system control value is selected, the system also includes prepaid pay types defined as payment category 1 (cash/check) for download.

See Working with Pay Types (WPAY).

Promotions (OEPROM)


EC Promotions Extract (ECPROX)

Typically used only if the Allow Manual Entry of Promotion Code (I63) system control value is selected. See Working with Promotion Values (WPRO) for more information on promotions.

Special Format (MSSHFD)


EC Personalization (EXPERS)

Both active and inactive formats are selected for download

See Establishing Custom Special Handling Formats (WSHF).

Special Format Details (MSSFDT)


EC Personalization Details (EXPRSD)

See Establishing Custom Special Handling Formats (WSHF).

Special Format Responses (MSSFVR)


EC Personalization Values (EXPRSV)

See Establishing Custom Special Handling Formats (WSHF).


SCF/Ship Via


See Working with SCF/Ship Via Values (WSHV).

Ship Via (MSSHPV)

Shipping method

EC Shipping Method (EXSHIP)

See Working with Ship Via Codes (WVIA).

E-Comm Holiday Arrival Date (ECHOLI)

Holiday dates

EC Holiday Arrival Date (EXHOLI)

See Working with E-Commerce Holidays (WECH).

Return Reason (OERTRS)

Return reasons

EC Return Reason (EXRTRS)

See Establishing Return Reason Codes (WRTR) and Introducing Return Authorizations (WRTA).

Cancel Reason (CSCANR)

Cancel reasons

EC Cancel Reason (EXCNRS)

See Working with Batch Order Maintenance Transactions (WBOM) and Establishing Cancel Reason Codes (WCNR).




See Working with SCF Codes (WSCF)

Coupon Promotions (OECPCP)

Coupon Promotions

EC Coupon Promotions (EXCPCP)

See Working with Coupon Promotions (WCPR).

Coupon Restrictions (OECPCR)

Coupon Restrictions: Coupon

EC Coupon Restrictions (EXCPCR)

See Work with Coupon Restriction Screen.

Coupon Item Restrictions (OECPIR)

Coupon Restrictions: Item

EC Coupon Item Restrictions (EXCPIR)

See Work with Coupon Item Restriction Screen.

Coupon Item (OECPIT)

Coupon Requirements: Item

EC Coupon Item (EXCPIT)

See Work with Coupon Item Requirement Screen.

Coupon Source Code Requirement (OECPSR)

Coupon Requirements: Source

EC Coupon Source Requirement (EXCPSR)

See Work with Coupon Source Requirement Screen.

Coupon Offer Requirement (OECPOR)

Coupon Requirements: Offer

EC Coupon Offer Requirement (EXCPOR)

See Work with Coupon Offer Requirement Screen.