2Getting Started with Your Application

Getting Started with Your Application

This chapter describes how to get started with your Web applications, including Self Service applications, from Oracle. It includes the following topics:

Logging In to the Application

You access the Web client application using a URL provided by your organization.

To log in to the application

  1. Use your browser to navigate to the URL provided by your organization.

    A login screen appears.

    Note: The language of the application screens is controlled by language codes. Language codes used by applications use a three-letter code, such as ENU for U.S. English, FRA for French, THA for Thai, and so on. Your system administrator provides the URL for the language you want. For more information about global deployments of Siebel Business Applications, see Siebel Global Deployment Guide.
  2. Enter your user ID and password.

    Contact your administrator if you are not sure of your user ID or password.

  3. (Optional) Click the HTML5 Browser Compatibility link on the login screen to show your browser's compatibility with HTML5 features.

    HTML5 is a core technology markup language of the Internet used to structure and present content on the Web. If an HTML5 feature is not compatible with your browser, then you can click the question mark icon to review more information about that feature and about the limitations that you might experience in your application because of this incompatibility.

  4. Click Login.

  5. If the Browser Check dialog box appears, then follow the on-screen instructions.

Note: If the setting zone in your browser is set to medium or higher, then you might see a security warning window when you start the application. To remove this window and make sure it does not appear again, check the Always trust content from Oracle check box.

    Application Home Page

    After you log in to the application, the home page appears. The home page shows items that are most useful to you while you use the application. For example, the home page can show service requests if you are a call center agent, opportunities if you are a salesperson, or a list of your daily activities. You might also want to see the daily calendar so you can manage your daily appointments.

    The records that appear in the My lists on the home page are determined by default criteria that are set by your administrator. For more information about how the records in these lists are filtered, contact your administrator.

      Demo Version of Siebel Application

      If your organization sets up access to the Sample database, and you are running the Siebel Mobile Web client, then you can familiarize yourself with the Siebel application through the demo version. The demo application automatically logs you in and connects you to the Sample database. You can add and delete information in the Sample database while becoming familiar with the Siebel application.

        Logging Out of the Application

        When finished using the Web client application, you exit it.

        Note: Do not close the browser window by clicking Close (X) in the upper corner of the page to exit the application. Automatic logout upon closing the browser is not supported. Always log out of the application explicitly by using the Log Out button.

        To log out of the application

        • Complete either of the following steps:

          • From the application menu, choose File, then Log Out.

          • Click Settings on the application toolbar, and then click Log Out.

          Closing the Browser

          Clicking Close (X) in the upper corner of a window rather than explicitly using the Log Out button to exit a browser is not supported. It is recommended to set session time out intervals as short as possible while maintaining usability, and to train users to log out of the application by using the Log Out button.

            Native Browser Features

            To view the screens and views that you previously accessed in your current session, click the back and forward buttons in your browser. To find browser screens that you recently accessed in the application, use the history feature for your browser, and click the link you want from the list.

            Note: Data record changes are not committed when you click the browser back button. An implicit commit of data record changes when a user clicks the browser back button cannot be supported in a standards-based implementation. Users must commit changes through supported methods. When transaction data changes are pending for an applet, a line frames the title of the applet indicating that the transaction is not complete. When the transaction is complete, the frame is removed from the applet title.

            Use the zoom feature in your browser to control how you see screen content, and use the print feature in your browser to print records. For more information, see Printing Records.

            Your application uses the native spell checking capabilities provided by your browser.

            To refresh data in your application, it is recommended that you use the query functionality.

            Your application also rebuilds the memory cache (view layouts). These view layouts are your most frequently used views. For more information about view layouts and the memory cache, see Siebel Performance Tuning Guide on Oracle Technology Network (http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/indexes/documentation/index.html).

            About Access and Responsibilities in the Siebel Application

            You are assigned an employee login on the server with a unique ID and password. The login assigned to you defines your job responsibilities, and the data you can access to fulfill those responsibilities, when you log in to the Siebel application.

            Responsibilities are defined for you by your Siebel administrator. They determine the collection of views you see. For example, if you are a sales manager, then you need views to manage your team’s accounts, contacts, and opportunities, but your sales representatives do not need these views.

            A position is the basis for determining the data you can access. It allows you to see certain records but not other records. The position represents an assigned job title within an organization. By assigning you a position (job title), the Siebel administrator can determine the set of data you see. For example, a South American vice president of sales does not see the same data as a North American sales representative.

            Note: Do not delete or merge positions because doing so renders the primary position invalid.

            The following factors can determine the records you see:

            • A record can be assigned an owner, meaning that it can be assigned to only one person. Only the owner of the record can see it. This type of record is called a personally owned record because only one user can own the record.

            • A record can be assigned to a team. Only the people who are team members in the team for the record can see the record.

            • Companies can distribute records by organization. For example, users in the South American region of an organization see only records for South America. Companies with channel partners can also use organizations to partition data, allowing their partners to access only the data that they need.

            Getting Started with Self Service Applications

            Self Service applications provide a website where customers can access service information. Customers must register on the Self Service website and then log in to use the website. Once registered and logged in, customers can view more details on the website by clicking and drilling down on links.

            To make Siebel Self Service applications available to your customers, you must integrate Siebel Self Service with your company website by doing the following:

            • Installing Siebel Self Service

            • Deploying, configuring, and administering Siebel Self Service as an integrated part of your company website.

            For more information about installing and deploying Siebel Self Service, see Siebel eService Administration Guide for Siebel Open UI.

              Registering on the Self Service Website

              If you do not register on the Self Service website, then you will only be able to access limited functionality on the website. After registration, you must provide personal and contact information about yourself, and create a user name and password for yourself. When you access the site again, you must enter this user name and password to log in to the site so that you can access additional functionality that is unavailable to customers who do not register.

              To complete the registration process, you must enter data in all the fields in the registration form that have an asterisk (a star icon). At any time during this process, click Cancel to stop the process and not create a registration record.

              Customers can register on the Self Service website only after administrators configure the LDAP security adapter for user authentication. For more information about configuring the LDAP security adaptor, see Siebel Security Guide.

              To register on the Self Service website

              1. Click the Create an account link in the Log In applet on the home page.

              2. In the User Registration view that appears, enter the appropriate data in the form fields.

              3. Review the terms and conditions for using the site, and select the check box after the form to indicate that you agree with the terms and conditions.

              4. Click Register.

                The home page appears again.

                Logging In to the Self Service Website

                After you register on the Self Service website, you can log in to the website to access additional functionality.

                To log in to the Self Service website

                1. Enter the user name and password in the Log In applet on the home page.

                2. (Optional) Click the HTML5 Browser Compatibility link in the Log In applet to show your browser’s compatibility with HTML5 features.

                  HTML 5 is a core technology markup language of the Internet used to structure and present content on the Web. If an HTML5 feature is not compatible with your browser, then you can click the question mark icon to review more information about that feature and about the limitations that you might experience in the application because of this incompatibility.

                3. Click Log In.

                  The home page appears again.

                  Logging Out of the Self Service Website

                  If you log in to the Self Service website, then log out of the website after you finish using the available functionality.

                  To log out of the Self Service website

                  1. Click Settings in the upper corner of any page.

                  2. Click Logout.

                    The home page appears.

                    Obtaining a New Password for Self Service Applications

                    As a registered customer, you can obtain a new password if you forget your password. Self Service automatically creates a new password for you, and you can change this password after you use it to log in to the Self Service website.

                    To obtain a new password for the Self Service website

                    1. Click the Forgot Your Password link in the Log In applet on the home page.

                      The Forgot Password form appears.

                    2. Enter information in the form, and click Submit.

                      The Challenge Question form appears.

                    3. Enter information in the form, and click Submit.

                      If your answer to the challenge question is correct, then a screen with a temporary password appears.

                    4. Note your temporary password, and click Close.

                      The home page appears again.

                      Locale Support

                      Siebel supports numerous languages, up to double byte character support. Surrogate pairs are not supported. For more information about Certifications, see article 1492194.1 (Doc ID) on My Oracle Support.