9Managing Repositories

Viewing, Renaming, Comparing, and Configuring Repositories

This topic describes how to view, rename, and compare repositories. It includes the following information:

    Overview of Managing Repositories

    A Siebel Repository is a set of tables that includes Siebel objects and server scripts. These objects and scripts define a Siebel application, such as Siebel Call Center. This repository provides the metadata that Siebel CRM requires to interact with enterprise data and to interact with the people who use the Siebel client. The Siebel application stores these tables in the Siebel runtime repository, and then reads the repository at run time. You can use Siebel Tools to view and modify the information that this repository contains. For more information, see Configuring Siebel Business Applications.

    Caution: You must use only one repository in a production environment, and you must synchronize the compiled repository and repository table data. If you configure Siebel CRM to use multiple Siebel repositories, then unpredictable behavior might result.

    Siebel CRM includes Incremental Repository Merge, which is a feature that allows you to merge multiple repositories to a single repository during an incremental upgrade. It automatically does some of this upgrade work for you, such as importing SIF files and seed data, applying schema modifications, and deliver. For more information, see Siebel Database Upgrade Guide.

      Files That You Use to Manage Repositories

      A Siebel ArchIve File (SIF) is a type of file that you can use to import object definitions into or export objects from the Siebel runtime repository. You can use Siebel Tools to create an SIF file, and you can use SIF files to move your modifications from a source environment to a destination environment. Siebel Tools writes SIF files in XML format. A SIF file uses the following hierarchy, and it can include property values and scripts:

      1. Repository

      2. Project

      3. Object

      4. Child Objects

      For example, the following code is part of an SIF file that Siebel Tools creates when it adds objects to a hotfix. It includes a definition for the Account Assoc Applet:

        NAME="Siebel Repository"
        ... >
           NAME="Account (SSE)"... >
              ASSOCIATE_APPLET="Account Assoc Applet"
              NAME="Account List Applet"
              ... >
              <APPLET_METHOD_MENU_ITEM... >
              ... >
      For more information about:
      • Using Siebel Tools to import or export an SIF file as an archive file, see Archiving Objects

        Viewing Information About the Current Repository

        In Siebel Tools, only one repository is available for all users working on workspaces in the Siebel environment. Siebel Tools opens this repository, by default.

        In some situations, multiple repositories might reside on the Siebel Server (for example, if you upgrade to a new version of Siebel CRM).

        To view information about the current repository

        1. In Siebel Tools, click the File menu, and then click Open Repository.

          Siebel Tools displays the Open Repository dialog box. This dialog box lists the repositories in the database that Siebel Tools uses. Siebel Tools highlights the repository that it is currently using.

        2. Click the Help menu, and then click About SRF.

        3. Examine the information that the About Repository File dialog box shows using the information from the following table.

          Field Description

          Internal Version

          Version number that Oracle maintains. Siebel CRM modifies this value only if the internal format of the repository is modified (for example, during an upgrade).

          User Version

          Reserved for use by Oracle’s Siebel Anywhere. It maintains this number when Oracle creates kits that upgrade the repository. Siebel CRM reads this value when it does a version check.

          Full Compile

          Choose this option to display information about the most recent full compile.

          Last Incremental Compile

          Choose this option to display information about the most recent incremental compile. If no incremental compile has occurred since the last full compile, then this option is not available.


          Date of the last compile.

          Machine Name

          Name of the computer that Siebel CRM uses to compile the repository.


          Language code.

          User Name

          The Microsoft Windows logon name of the user who compiled the repository.


          Repository name of the repository that was current when Siebel CRM performed the compile. This value is typically Siebel Repository.

          Tools Version

          The version number and build number of the Siebel Tools software that performed the compile. Global Customer Support can use this information to help you resolve a problem.

          Schema Version

          Database schema version of the Siebel database that Siebel CRM uses to compile the repository.

          Renaming Repositories

          It is recommended that you use Siebel Repository as the name of the repository that you use in your production environment. If you want to rename the repository, then it is recommended that you use the procedure that this topic describes.

          To rename repositories

          1. Make sure all developers check in all projects that are currently checked out from the repository that you want to rename.

          2. Log in to Siebel Tools, connected to the server database.

          3. Display the Repository object type.

            For more information, see Displaying Object Types in the Object Explorer.

          4. In the Object Explorer, click Repository.

          5. In the Repositories list, locate the repository that you want to rename.

            For more information, see Locating and Modifying Object Definitions in the Object List Editor.

          6. Enter the new name in the Name property, and then step off the record to save your modifications.

            For more information, see Guidelines for Naming Repositories.

          7. Deliver your modifications.

            For more information on how to deliver your workspaces, see Delivering Workspaces.

          8. Communicate the name of the new repository to your developers and request that each developer get all projects from the server repository.

          9. Modify the value of the Siebel Repository enterprise parameter to the new name of the repository.

            For information about how to modify an enterprise parameter, see Siebel System Administration Guide.

          10. Modify the Application Main Repository Name parameter in the Object Manager.

            Guidelines for Naming Repositories

            If you name a repository, then it is recommended that you use the following guidelines:

            • Use a naming convention for all repositories that your Siebel CRM implementation uses. Siebel Servers reference a repository by name. The procedure that you use to upgrade to a new version of Siebel CRM depends on the repository name. A consistent naming convention promotes successful configuration and testing and minimizes the work required to migrate a new repository or to do an upgrade.

            • Use the default Siebel Repository name, where possible. You can modify this name only if it is absolutely necessary. The default configuration that Siebel CRM uses assumes that the repository name is Siebel Repository.

            • Use the same repository name in your test environment that you use in your production environment. Using the same name simplifies the process of migrating a repository from development to test and from test to production. It also eliminates the need for you to modify the client configuration or server configuration during a migration. For more information, see Process of Migrating Repositories.

            • If your development environment uses multiple repositories, then use a unique and descriptive name for each repository. For example, you might use Siebel v8.2 Original as the name of the repository when you install Siebel CRM. You can use another descriptive name for the repository that you use during an upgrade and for a repository from a prior custom configuration.

              Configuring Siebel CRM to Read Data from a Single Repository

              The example in this topic describes how to configure Siebel CRM to read data from a single repository when the Siebel database contains multiple repositories.

              To configure Siebel CRM to read data from a single repository

              1. Log in to the Siebel client with administrative privileges, and complete the following steps:

                1. Navigate to the Administration - Order Management screen, and then the Message Types view.

                2. Navigate to the Payload view, and then create a new record.

                3. In the new record, access the drop-down list for the Response Field.

                  If the Response Field drop-down list:

                  • Does not display duplicate values. The Siebel database does not contain multiple repositories, and you can exit this task.

                  • Displays duplicate values.The Siebel database contains multiple repositories, and you must configure Siebel CRM to read data only from a single repository. Continue to Step 2.

                4. Delete the new record that you created.

              2. Configure Siebel CRM to read data only from a single repository:

                1. Log in to Siebel Tools.

                2. In the Object Explorer, click Pick List.

                3. In the Pick Lists list, query the Name property for the following value:

                  UMS PickList Response Field
                4. Modify the Search Specification property using the value from the following table.

                  Property Value

                  Search Specification

                  [Buscomp] = 'UMS Response' and [Repository Id] = RepositoryId()

                  Siebel CRM displays the UMS Type Variables List Applet in Step 2. This applet references the UMS Type Variable business component. It displays the Response Field Name field and uses the UMS PickList Response Field picklist for this field. This picklist uses the following search specification when it references the UMS Pick List Field business component:

                  [Buscomp] = 'UMS Response' 

                  The UMS Pick List Field business component references the S_FIELD table. It does not include a search specification, so Siebel CRM does not filter the records that it gets according to the specifications that the repository contains. If the Siebel database contains multiple repositories, then Siebel CRM gets all the field names from all repositories, and then displays them in the picklist. This configuration might result in Siebel CRM displaying duplicate values that you cannot choose in the picklist. To correct this situation, you create a search specification that configures Siebel CRM to read data only from the current repository.

              3. Deliver your modifications.

              4. Repeat Step 1 to make sure the Response Field drop-down list does not display duplicate values.

                Tagging Objects When Using Siebel Remote

                This topic describes how to configure your environment so that you can use object tagging with Siebel Remote. Siebel Tools does not synchronize any modifications that you make when you use Siebel Remote. It communicates only with the repository on the Siebel Server through project Check Out, project Check In, or a Get. You do not use Siebel Tools to synchronize the modifications that you make through object tagging in a Siebel Remote client. Instead, you must use the synchronization features that Siebel Remote provides. For more information, see Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide.

                To tag objects when using Siebel Remote
                1. Make sure every developer who uses the Siebel Remote client uses the MOBILE CLIENT - STANDARD routing model to synchronize client changes with the server database.

                  Developers must not use the MOBILE CLIENT - EXTRACT ONLY routing model because it only extracts the local database. It does not synchronize the local database. For more information about how to use these routing models and Siebel Remote, Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide.

                2. Make sure the tools.cfg configuration file and the Local ODBC data source that the Siebel Web Client uses each reference the same database file, such as sse_data.dbf.

                3. Make sure each developer synchronizes any modifications that the developer makes through object tagging with the Siebel Server, and that each developer periodically synchronizes their local database with the Siebel Server so that their client includes the object tagging modifications that other developers make.

                  Restricting the Objects That Developers Can Modify

                  In some situations, it might be helpful to restrict the objects that developers can modify, according to a date that you specify. If you enable this feature, then Siebel Tools applies these restrictions when the developer does the following work:

                  To restrict the objects that developers can modify

                  1. Enable the system preferences:

                    1. Log in to Siebel Tools, connected to the Siebel Server.

                      You must make sure that you log in to Siebel Tools, connected to the Siebel Server. If the values that you set for the system preferences in this procedure do not match between the Siebel Server and the local computer, than Siebel Tools does not allow you to check in your modifications.

                    2. Click the Screens menu, click System Administration, and then click System Preferences.

                      Note: In Web Tools, click the Tools menu and then click the System Preferences menu item.
                    3. In the System Preferences list, set values for the following system preferences.

                      System Preference Name System Preference Value


                      Set the value to TRUE.

                      This system preference applies edit and copy restrictions to objects.

                      Enable Object Version Control

                      Set the value to TRUE.


                      Enter the time when Siebel Tools must start using this configuration. For more information, see Setting the Server Edit Record Time Stamp Parameter.

                  2. Log out of Siebel Tools.

                    Setting the Server Edit Record Time Stamp Parameter

                    When you set the ServerEditRecordTimeStamp parameter, you enter the time when Siebel Tools must start using this configuration. Use the following format:


                    You can specify only the month, day, and year. You cannot specify minutes and seconds.

                    For example, to start using the configuration on October 9, 2014, enter the following value:


                    In this example, Siebel Tools does the following:

                    • Allows you to modify any object that includes a timestamp that occurs after October 9, 2014.

                    • Does not allow you to modify any object that includes a timestamp that occurs before October 9, 2014. Developers can view or copy these objects, but not modify them.

                    • Allows you to create new records, and then to modify these new records.

                    • Allows you to copy any record, regardless of the timestamp.

                      If you set a property value in the source record, if this property affects database performance, and if you connect Siebel Tools to the:

                      • Siebel Server, then Siebel Tools resets the property value in the copied record, and you cannot reset this value.

                      • Local database, then you cannot check in this record.

                      For more information, see the Properties That Affect Database Performance section in this chapter.

                    Restricting Access to an Object

                    This topic describes how to restrict access to an object.

                    To restrict access to an object
                    1. Determine the date that Siebel Tools most recently updated the object:

                      1. In the Object List Editor, choose the record where you want to restrict access.

                      2. Click Help, and then click About Record.

                      3. In the Siebel Tools dialog box, in the Updated section, note the date that the On window shows.

                    2. Set the value for ServerEditRecordTimeStamp to the date that you noted in Step iii.

                    Properties That Affect Database Performance

                    The following table lists the properties that affect database performance.

                    Table Properties That Affect Database Performance

                    Object Type Property

                    business component

                    The following properties affect database performance:

                    • Force Active


                    The following properties affect database performance:

                    • Force Active

                    • Link Specification
                    • Immediate Post Changes

                    multi value link

                    The following properties affect database performance:

                    • Check No Match

                    multi value field

                    The following properties affect database performance:

                    • Force Active

                    • Link Specification

                    single value field

                    The following properties affect database performance:

                    • Force Active

                    • Link Specification

                      Overriding Restrictions That Prevent Developers from Modifying Objects

                      This topic describes how to log in to Siebel Tools so that the developer can modify any object, regardless of the timestamp restrictions that you place in Step1 of Restricting the Objects That Developers Can Modify.

                      To override restrictions that prevent developers from modifying objects
                      1. In Microsoft Windows, click Start, All Programs, and then click the Siebel Tools installation folder.

                      2. Right-click the Siebel Tools icon, and then click Properties.

                      3. In the Siebel Tools Properties window, click the Shortcut tab, add the EditPerfFields switch to the Target field, and then click OK.

                        For example:

                        C:\Siebel\8.1\Tools_2\BIN\siebdev.exe /c 
                        "C:\Siebel\8.1\Tools_2\bin\enu\tools.cfg" /u SADMIN /p SADMIN /d Sample /

                        Bold font indicates the switch that you add.

                      4. Log in to Siebel Tools.

                        Adding Identification Numbers to Repository Modifications

                        In some development environments, you might find it useful to associate an identification number with each modification that a developer makes to the repository. You can use this feature to help manage and maintain development work, particularly when your organization includes multiple developers who work across multiple development initiatives. For example, you can use this identification number to track all the modifications that your development team makes for a feature, or to help track the resolution of a bug that uses a unique identification number.

                        To add identification numbers to repository modifications

                        1. Enable the system preferences. Do Step 1 of Restricting the Objects That Developers Can Modify.

                        2. Log out of, and then log back into Siebel Tools.

                        3. Modify an existing object, or create a new one.

                        4. Check in the project or object:

                          1. Right-click the object that you modified in Step 3, and then click Check In.

                          2. In the Check In dialog box, click Check In.

                          3. In the Repository Object Check-in Description dialog box, in the Enter Feature No/Bug No/RF No field, enter a number.

                            You can specify any alphanumeric number up to a maximum length of 15 characters. Siebel Tools assigns this number to all objects that you check in.

                        5. (Optional) Locate all the modifications that are associated with an identification number:

                          1. Start SQLPlus, connected to the Siebel Database on the Siebel Server.

                          2. Run the following SQL query:

                            SELECT column REL_FEATURE_TXT FROM S_TAG_OBJECT WHERE
                            REL_FEATURE_TXT = 'identification_number'


                            • identification_number is the number that you entered in Step 4. You must enclose this number with single quotes.

                            • S_TAG_OBJECT is the Siebel CRM table that contains all of the identification numbers.

                            • REL_FEATURE_TXT is the column of the S_TAG_OBJECT table that contains the identification numbers.

                              For example, if you specify an identification number of myObjects123 in Step 4, then you run the following SQL query:

                              SELECT column REL_FEATURE_TXT FROM S_TAG_OBJECT
                              WHERE REL_FEATURE_TXT = 'myObjects123'

                              Siebel Tools adds the identification number to the REL_FEATURE_TXT column the first time that you check in the object. For each subsequent checkin of this object, it saves a unique number in the same column. To do this, it appends the subsequent identification number to the existing identification number. It uses two vertical bars (||) to separate these numbers.

                              To locate all identification numbers, run the following SQL query:

                              SELECT * FROM S_TAG_OBJECT

                              You must run this query against the Siebel database on the Siebel Server.

                              For more information about SQLPlus, see the SQL*Plus® User's Guide and Reference on the Oracle Help Center at http://docs.oracle.com/cd/B19306_01/server.102/b14357/toc.htm.

                          Exporting and Importing Repositories

                            Overview of Exporting and Importing Repositories

                            You can use the Database Configuration Wizard to export or import a repository. You can use this utility to do the following work:

                            • Back up or restore a repository.

                            • Move all repository objects to another environment that uses the same physical database schema that the source environment uses.

                            • Export objects to an archive so that you can export or import only some objects. For more information, see Exporting Objects to an Archive.

                            For more information about how to use the Database Configuration Wizard, see Siebel Database Upgrade Guide and the Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using.

                              Guidelines for Exporting and Importing Repositories

                              If you use the Database Configuration Wizard to import or export a repository, then it is recommended that you use the following guidelines:

                              • If you import a custom repository, then the Database Configuration Wizard restores all the languages that are part of the predefined repository when you do the import. For example, if you archive repositories weekly, and if your development repository includes ENU and DEU, then the wizard includes ENU and DEU when it imports one of the archived repositories. For more information, see About Predefined Objects.

                              • If you modify the repository, then make sure you perform Full Publish. Make a backup copy of the repository file in case you want to compare it to the contents of the updated repository. If necessary, you can use this comparison to verify that the import is identical to the backup.

                              • You can use the database utilities that your RDBMS vendor provides to back up the entire contents of the Siebel database.

                              • If you customize the source repository, then you can use the Migrate option of the Database Configuration Wizard. For more information, see Process of Migrating Repositories.

                                Character Encoding That Siebel CRM Supports to Import or Export Repositories

                                The following table describes the character encoding that Siebel CRM supports when it imports or exports a repository. These databases must use the same Siebel version.

                                Table Character Encoding That Siebel CRM Supports to Import or Export a Repository

                                Source Database Target Database

                                Code Page

                                Code Page



                                Code Page


                                  Where the Database Configuration Wizard Saves Log Files

                                  If you export a repository in a Windows or UNIX environment, and if you use the Export Repository option of the Database Configuration Wizard, then this wizard saves log files in following directories:

                                  • SIEBSRVR_ROOT\log\exprep\output

                                  • SIEBSRVR_ROOT\log\exprep\state

                                  Exprep is the default process name for the exprep utility. You can modify this value.

                                    Importing Repositories in Windows Environments

                                    This topic describes how to import repositories in a Windows environment.

                                    To import repositories in Windows environments

                                    1. Make sure Siebel CRM supports the databases that you intend to use.

                                      For more information, see Character Encoding That Siebel CRM Supports to Import or Export Repositories.

                                    2. In Microsoft Windows, navigate to Start Programs menu, Settings, Control Panel, and then click Services.

                                    3. Stop all Siebel Servers.

                                      For more information, see Siebel System Administration Guide and the Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using.

                                    4. Click the Start Programs menu, Programs, Siebel Enterprise Server Configuration 8.0, and then click Database Server Configuration.

                                    5. In the Database Configuration Wizard, enter information when this wizard prompts you, and then click Next to continue.

                                    6. Choose Import Repository when the wizard prompts you to specify a database operation.

                                      For important caution information, see Caution About Migrating a Repository.

                                    7. Specify the following items:

                                      • To import your custom 8.x repository

                                      • The location of where the custom CustRep.dat file resides

                                    8. When the wizard displays the Configuration is Complete window, choose one of the following options, and then click Next:

                                      • Yes Apply Configuration Changes Now. The wizard saves the configuration information that you entered, and you can open the Siebel Upgrade Wizard in Step 10.

                                      • No I Will Apply Configuration Changes Later. The wizard saves the configuration information that you entered, but you cannot open the Siebel Upgrade Wizard in Step 10.

                                    9. In the Configuration Parameter Review window, review the configuration that you entered. To modify a value, click Back to return to the window that includes the parameter you want to modify, modify the parameter, and then click Next.

                                    10. When the wizard prompts you to run the configuration, click one of the following:

                                      • No. The wizard does not save the configuration information that you entered. You must enter the database configuration parameters again.

                                      • Yes. The wizard saves the configuration information that you entered.

                                    11. Click OK.

                                      The Database Configuration Wizard does one of the following, depending on the choice that you make in Step 8:

                                      • Apply now. Opens the Siebel Upgrade Wizard, and then calls the SQL generator to create the SQL scripts.

                                      • Apply later. Saves the configuration information, but does not open the Siebel Upgrade Wizard. You can restart the configuration, and then run the Upgrade Wizard later. For more information, see Importing or Exporting Repositories at a Later Time.

                                      Importing Repositories in UNIX Environments

                                      This topic describes how to import repositories in a UNIX environment.

                                      To import repositories in UNIX environments

                                      1. Do Step 1 and Step 3 of Importing Repositories in Windows Environments .

                                      2. Make sure $SIEBEL_ROOT is the current folder.

                                      3. Run a script, depending on the following UNIX shell that you are using:

                                        • Korn shell. Run siebenv.sh.

                                        • C shell. Run siebenv.csh.

                                      4. Make sure that the following environment variables use the following values:

                                        • SIEBEL_ROOT. This path must end in siebsrvr (for example, /usr/siebel/siebsrvr).

                                        • LANGUAGE. Determines the language that the Database Configuration Wizard uses. The value of this variable is a text string that identifies the language (for example, enu for English).

                                      5. Run the following command to start the Database Configuration Wizard:

                                        $install_path/config/config -mode dbsrvr
                                      6. In the Database Configuration Wizard, do the following:

                                        • Enter information when the wizard prompts you.

                                        • Use the Next and Back button to navigate between dialog boxes.

                                        • Choose Import Repository when the wizard prompts you to choose a database operation.

                                        • Specify to import your 8.x repository.

                                        • Identify the location of where the custom CustRep.dat file resides.

                                      7. After you enter all the requested information, the wizard displays a message that is similar to the following. Click Next to continue:

                                        Configuration is complete: configuration parameters will be saved to $Masterfile 
                                        file when the wizard completes. Please run the following command line after you 
                                        exit from this configuration wizard. This command will deploy the process you 
                                        configured to the database.
                                        $SIEBEL_ROOT/siebsrvr/bin/srvrupgwiz /m $SIEBEL_ROOT/siebsrvr/bin/$Masterfile
                                      8. The wizard displays the values that you entered in the Parameter Review window. To modify a value, click Back to return to the appropriate window.

                                      9. The wizard prompts you to click one of the following values:

                                        • Yes. The wizard saves the configuration in a master file in the $SIEBEL_ROOT/bin folder. It does not start the Upgrade Wizard. For information about how to start the Upgrade Wizard, see Siebel Database Upgrade Guide.

                                        • No. The wizard does not save the configuration that you entered.

                                        Exporting Repositories

                                        To export a repository when you use:

                                          Importing or Exporting Repositories at a Later Time

                                          If you use the Database Configuration Wizard to export or import a repository, then it saves the values that you specify to the master_exprep.ucf file in the SIEBSRVR_ROOT\ folder. After the wizard finishes collecting information from you, it prompts you to export or to not export. If you choose not to export or not to import, then you can run the following command to do the export or import at a later time:

                                          siebupg.exe /m master_exprep.ucfs

                                            Upgrading Repositories

                                            The Siebel Application Upgrader is a utility that you can use to get new features from the latest software release while preserving the custom configuration that you created in the current repository. It allows you to do the following:

                                            • Compare your custom configuration to the modifications that a new Siebel CRM release contains.

                                            • Receive notifications about conflicts between the customizations that you make and the new release.

                                            • Merge any differences between objects.

                                            • Choose the modifications to apply and manually override modifications.

                                            • Merge objects with versions, including task UI objects and workflow processes. It copies version 1 through version n from the prior custom repository to the new custom repository. It merges version 0 from the prior repository with the new custom repository. This configuration results in version n + 1 in the new custom repository.

                                            • Reduce the time required to upgrade Siebel CRM.

                                            You can use the Application Upgrader to merge an entire custom repository with another repository. To merge only part of a repository, you must import the repository. For more information, see Exporting and Importing Repositories. For more information about the Application Upgrader, see Siebel Database Upgrade Guide.

                                            To upgrade repositories

                                            1. Log in to Siebel Tools.

                                            2. Click the Tools menu, Upgrade, and then click Upgrade Application.

                                            3. In the Merge Repositories dialog box, choose the repositories to merge, and then click Merge.

                                              Siebel Tools does the following:

                                              • Starts the upgrade.

                                              • Displays any differences between objects and properties.

                                              • Displays any differences between objects and properties for different versions of task UIs and workflow processes.

                                              Identifying Conflicts That Occur During Upgrades

                                              This topic describes how to identify merge conflicts between objects that Siebel Tools added or modified during a repository merge. A merge conflict is a scenario in which a customer changed an object in the current customer repository, and Siebel CRM changed that same object to a different value in a new version of the Siebel repository. Consequently, the attribute for the object is different when the following three repositories are compared: the current customer repository, the current Siebel repository, and the new version of the Siebel repository.

                                              To identify conflicts that occur during upgrades

                                              1. Make sure you finish upgrading repositories.

                                                For more information, see Upgrading Repositories.

                                              2. In Siebel Tools, click the Screens menu, Application Upgrader, and then click Application Upgrade Object List.

                                              3. In the Application Upgrades list, right-click the record of the merge that you want to analyze, and then click Hierarchy Reports.

                                                Siebel Tools displays the hierarchy report, which includes the objects that Siebel Tools added or modified during a merge. The report includes the following types of objects:

                                                • Objects that include a valid value for each field value.Siebel Tools modified these objects during the merge. An N or a Y in a binary field is an example of a valid value.

                                                  For these objects, the Status field designates added objects or objects with modified attributes. For added objects, an N appears in the Attributes field because none of the attributes are modified. For objects with modified attributes, a Y appears in the Attributes field, and the modified attributes appear in the Attributes pane.

                                                • Objects that include an asterisk (*) for each field value.Siebel Tools modified children of these objects during the merge, or Siebel Tools modified dependent objects of these objects during the merge.

                                              4. To view information about merge details, complete the following steps:

                                                1. Expand and navigate through the hierarchical tree in the Object Types pane to select a parent or child object type.

                                                  The starting List of Objects pane shows the objects for the parent object type that you select, and the next List of Objects pane shows the objects for the child object type that you select.

                                                2. Click an object in a List of Objects pane.

                                                  In the Attributes pane, Siebel Tools displays any merge conflicts for the object.

                                              5. (Optional) To filter the objects in the report, select one of the following values in the Filter drop-down list, and then click Go:

                                                • Siebel and Customer Modified. Siebel Tools displays only objects that Oracle or you modified. These objects have a Y in the In Prior Standard, In Prior Customized, and In New Standard fields.

                                                • Siebel Modified.Siebel Tools displays only objects that Oracle modified or added. These objects have an N in the In Prior Standard and In Prior Customized field and a Y in the In New Standard field.

                                                • All.Siebel Tools displays all modified or added objects.

                                              6. (Optional) To filter the merge conflicts in the Attributes pane, select or clear the Critical Only check box as follows, and then click Go:

                                                • Select the check box to show only critical merge conflicts.

                                                • Clear the check box to show all merge conflicts.

                                              7. (Optional) To display the dependencies for an object, complete the following steps:

                                                1. Click an object in a List of Objects pane.

                                                  If you want to display the dependencies for an additional object, then hold down the CTRL key, and click the additional object in the List of Objects pane.

                                                2. Click Show Dependencies.

                                                  If the object has no dependencies, then the Show Dependencies button is disabled.

                                                  Siebel Tools displays the dependent objects that it modified and the attributes for these objects.

                                                3. Click Back to return to the hierarchy report.

                                                Process of Migrating Repositories

                                                To migrate a repository, do the following tasks:

                                                1. Preparing to Migrate Repositories

                                                2. Using the Database Configuration Wizard to Migrate Repositories

                                                3. (Optional) Updating Siebel Remote Databases

                                                4. Migrating Non-repository Configurations and Data

                                                This topic also includes the following information:

                                                It is sometimes necessary to migrate the Siebel Repository and any application customizations between databases before you deploy modifications to a development, test, or production environment. Doing this migration makes sure that the database schema for the user data, the business objects, and the user interface remain synchronized.

                                                  Preparing to Migrate Repositories

                                                  In this topic, you prepare to migrate the repository.

                                                  This task is a step in Process of Migrating Repositories.

                                                  To prepare to migrate repositories

                                                  1. Make sure you complete testing.

                                                    You must verify that any customizations you make work correctly, and that they meet your business requirements.

                                                  2. Make sure the target database configuration meets the database requirements.

                                                    For more information, see the Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using and Siebel System Requirements and Supported Platforms on Oracle Technology Network.

                                                    Note: For Siebel CRM product releases and later and for and later, the system requirements and supported platform certifications are available from the Certifications tab on My Oracle Support. For information about Certifications, see article 1492194.1 (Article ID) on My Oracle Support.
                                                  3. Check in all projects in the source database and in the target database.

                                                    If a project is checked out, and if you migrate a database, then the migration works but Siebel CRM does not lock the project in the target database.

                                                  4. If your environment includes Remote users, then make sure all these users do a full synchronization.

                                                  5. Do a full backup of the target database.

                                                  6. Delete old repositories from the target database.

                                                    For more information, see Deleting Repositories.

                                                  7. Update database statistics, if necessary.

                                                  8. Export the source repository to a file.

                                                    It is recommended that you use the Database Configuration Wizard to export the source repository to a file. You use this file later during a migration. For more information, see Exporting Repositories.

                                                    You can also migrate directly from the source database. If you do this, then you do not need to export the source repository to a file.

                                                  9. Stop all Siebel Server tasks and disconnect all database access.

                                                    If you do not need to minimize downtime during a migration, then it is recommended that you stop all Siebel Server tasks and disconnect all database access until the migration finishes. This downtime occurs in the Siebel Enterprise where the target repository resides.

                                                    Using the Database Configuration Wizard to Migrate Repositories

                                                    In this topic, you use the Database Configuration Wizard to migrate repositories.

                                                    This task is a step in Process of Migrating Repositories.

                                                    To use the Database Configuration Wizard to migrate repositories

                                                    1. Make sure all users, including the database administrator, disconnect from the Siebel application.

                                                    2. Start the Database Configuration Wizard according to the following operating system that you are using:

                                                    3. In the Database Configuration Wizard, click Migrate Repository when the wizard prompts you to choose a database operation, and then click Next.

                                                      For important caution information, see Caution About Migrating a Repository.

                                                    4. Choose to get the source repository from one of the following items, and then click Next:

                                                      • Get from a file. If you choose this option, then the wizard displays the Repository File Selection window. Enter the path and the file name of the source repository file that you created in Step 8 of Preparing to Migrate Repositories, and then click Next.

                                                      • Get from the database.

                                                    5. Specify whether or not the target enterprise is online or offline, and then click Next:

                                                      • Online.

                                                      • Offline.

                                                      If you choose the online option, then Siebel CRM keeps the Siebel Enterprise where the target repository resides online during the migration until it must shut down this environment. When it must do this shut down, it displays a dialog box that informs you that it will shut down the target environment during the remainder of the migration. This option allows you to minimize the amount of downtime during a migration. If you run this migration unattended, then do not choose this online option. Running this migration from a script is an example of running it unattended.

                                                    6. Choose one of the options, and then click Next:

                                                      • There are new schema changes to be applied. Choose this option if the source repository includes any physical or logical schema modifications. Examples of schema modifications include adding an extension column to an existing table, or adding a new extension table. If you are not sure whether or not any schema modifications exist, then it is recommended that you choose this option.

                                                      • There are no new schema changes. Choose this option if the source repository does not include any physical or logical schema modifications. If you choose this option, then the Database Configuration Wizard requires less time to finish the migration.

                                                    7. If in Step 4 of Using the Database Configuration Wizard to Migrate Repositories, you choose to get the source repository:

                                                      • From a file. The wizard displays the Target Repository Name window. Enter the target repository name, and then click Next.

                                                      • From the database. The wizard displays the series of dialog boxes that require you to define the source database. Use information from the following table to complete each of these dialog boxes.

                                                        Dialog Box Description

                                                        ODBC Data Source Name

                                                        Enter the ODBC data source name.

                                                        Database User Name

                                                        Enter the user name and password for the source database.

                                                        Database Table Owner

                                                        Enter the table owner and table owner password for the source database.

                                                        Source Database Repository Name

                                                        Enter the source database repository name and the target database repository name.

                                                    8. Complete the information in the following windows, and then click Next.

                                                      The sequence that the wizard uses to display these windows and the information that you enter might vary slightly depending on whether or not your environment uses Windows or UNIX, or the type of database that your environment uses. The wizard does not display any windows for Microsoft SQL Server.

                                                      Window Description

                                                      RDBMS Platform

                                                      For UNIX only. Choose an RDBMS platform.

                                                      Target Database Encoding

                                                      Choose whether or not the target database is Unicode. Consult with your DBA regarding how to set up the target database.

                                                      Target Database Repository Name

                                                      Enter the repository name of the target database.

                                                      Target RDBMS Platform

                                                      Choose the target RDBMS platform.

                                                      Target Database ODBC Datasource

                                                      Enter the ODBC data source for the target database.

                                                      Target Database User Name

                                                      Enter the user name and password that the server components that reside on the target database use.

                                                      Target Database Table Owner

                                                      Enter the table owner and the table owner password for the target database.

                                                      Index Table Space Name

                                                      If you choose IBM DB2 for the target database platform, then the wizard displays the Index Table Space Name dialog box.

                                                      Enter the index tablespace name and 4KB tablespace name.

                                                      16K Table Space Name

                                                      If you choose IBM DB2 for the target database platform, then the wizard displays the 16K Table Space Name dialog box.

                                                      Enter the 16KB tablespace name and the 32KB tablespace name.

                                                      Index Table Space Name

                                                      If you choose Oracle Database for the target database platform, then the wizard displays the Index Table Space Name dialog box.

                                                    9. If the wizard displays a Language Selection window, then choose the appropriate language, and then click Next.

                                                      The wizard migrates strings from the repository that uses the language that you choose. If you migrate a repository in a multilingual environment, and if the source repository includes duplicate strings in multiple languages, then the wizard copies all of these strings to the target repository.

                                                    10. Finish the migration, depending on the following operating system that your environment uses:

                                                    11. Wait for the wizard to finish the migration.

                                                      The Database Configuration Wizard does the following work:

                                                      • Exports the source repository from a file. You can also export the repository for the database.

                                                      • Imports the repository into the target database.

                                                      • If you choose to apply new schema modifications in Step 6, then the wizard does the following work:

                                                        • Exports the logical schema definition from the source repository to a control file.

                                                        • Synchronizes the physical schema of the target database with this logical schema definition.

                                                      Caution About Migrating a Repository

                                                      If you migrate a custom repository, then you must use the Migrate Repository option in the Database Configuration Wizard.

                                                      Caution: If you migrate a custom repository and schema from one environment to another environment, such as migrating from a development environment to a test environment, then do not use the Export/Import option in the Database Configuration Wizard. Instead, you must use the Migrate Repository option.

                                                      This Migrate Repository option calls the Repository Migration Utility (dev2prod). If you use the Repository Migration Utility directly instead of calling it from the Database Configuration Wizard, then you must reset the Locked and Allow Object Locking columns after you finish the migration.

                                                        Updating Siebel Remote Databases

                                                        If your environment includes Remote users, then you must update Siebel Remote databases. For more information about performing the steps in this topic, see Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide.

                                                        This task is a step in Process of Migrating Repositories.

                                                        To update Siebel Remote databases

                                                        1. Stop and restart Siebel Remote server components.

                                                        2. Wait for the Transaction Processor (TxnProc) and the Transaction Router (TxnRoute) server components to finish processing all pending transactions.

                                                        3. Regenerate the local database templates.

                                                          Use the Generate New Database server component (GenNewDb) to regenerate the local database template file. This step updates this template file so that it uses the same schema and version that the server database uses.

                                                        4. Reextract the local database for all Remote users.

                                                          If you do not use Siebel Anywhere to update Remote clients, then you must use the Database Extract (DbXtract) server component to extract the local database for all remote users.

                                                          If you do not extract these databases, then Remote users can synchronize, but Siebel CRM does not create any error message even though these databases might not include the migration modifications. This configuration allows users who use Siebel Anywhere to upgrade their Remote databases and continue working.

                                                          Using Siebel Anywhere to Update Remote Databases

                                                          You can use Siebel Anywhere to update some Remote databases. Importing a repository and then synchronizing the schema definition in a target environment is equivalent to migrating the repository. The Remote users must synchronize the next time they log in to their local database after the migration finishes. Synchronizing downloads new schema modifications from the Siebel Server to the local database that the Remote user uses. Before synchronization occurs, you must rename the older repository to a temporary name, and rename the imported repository to the correct name. If a Remote user does not synchronize, then the data that the local database contains does not match the data that the server database contains. For more information, see Siebel Anywhere Administration Guide.

                                                            Migrating Non-repository Configurations and Data

                                                            The Database Configuration Wizard does not migrate non-repository configurations and data. This topic describes how to migrate this information.

                                                            This task is a step in Process of Migrating Repositories.

                                                            To migrate non-repository configurations and data

                                                            1. Migrate Web templates, image files, and style sheets.

                                                              For more information, see Migrating Image Files and Style Sheets.

                                                            2. Migrate any customizations that you have made to the Siebel application or to runtime data.

                                                              You must migrate any customizations that your Siebel Enterprise data contains, such as custom views, responsibilities, assignment rules, and so on. For more information, see Siebel Application Deployment Manager Guide and Siebel Assignment Manager Administration Guide.

                                                            3. Migrate custom configurations, such as parameter values and server component definitions.

                                                              For more information, see Migrating Custom Configurations.

                                                            4. Migrate database triggers.

                                                              Siebel CRM does not migrate custom database triggers. If your Siebel base tables include custom database triggers, then you must disable them before you migrate the repository, and then recreate them on the target repository after the migration finishes.

                                                            5. Update database statistics.

                                                              Migrating Image Files and Style Sheets

                                                              A Siebel Server installation includes the following files that determine how Siebel CRM displays the Siebel client in a Web browser:

                                                              • Image files (GIF, JPG, and PNG files)

                                                              • Cascading style sheet files (CSS files)

                                                              If you modify any of these files in the source environment, then you must copy them to the target environment. You can use Siebel Application Deployment Manager (ADM) to automate this work. For more information, see Siebel Application Deployment Manager Guide.

                                                              For information about how to specify the Siebel Enterprise Security Token and how to migrate content from the Siebel Server to the Web server, see the Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using and Siebel Security Guide.

                                                              To migrate image files and style sheets
                                                              • Copy any new or modified files from the source Siebel Server to the target Siebel Server, and use values from the following table to determine where to copy files.

                                                                File Type File Location



                                                                Cascading style sheets


                                                                Migrating Custom Configurations

                                                                If you migrate a repository, then you must also migrate any custom environment configurations in the source environment to the target environment (for example, custom server component definitions). Siebel CRM stores this information in the Siebel Gateway Registry. The Database Configuration Wizard does not migrate this information.

                                                                To migrate custom configurations
                                                                1. Recreate any custom environment configurations.

                                                                  Use the Server Manager command-line interface (srvrmgr) and scripts that provide input to srvrmgr that automate this work in the target environment. It is recommended that you use scripts because you can save them and reuse them for future migrations. If you reuse a script, then make sure you edit it if the target environment is a new Siebel version (for example, if a Siebel upgrade includes a new Siebel version). New parameters or srvrmgr commands might be available with this new version. For more information, see Siebel System Administration Guide.

                                                                  You can also use the Server Manager GUI or command-line interface (srvrmgr) to manually create these custom configurations in the target environment. For information, see Siebel System Administration Guide.

                                                                2. Recreate parameter values.

                                                                  For more information, see Siebel System Administration Guide.

                                                                  Using the Repository Import and Export Utility

                                                                  The Repository Import and Export Utility imports or exports a repository, or creates a file dump of a repository. It can also import an INTL table. INTL tables contain language-specific information and are a part of the repository. You use this utility only if your migration requires special parameters settings that a batch file cannot access, or if you must create a file dump. In all other situations, you use the Database Configuration Wizard. For information Using the Database Configuration Wizard to Migrate Repositories.

                                                                  To use the Repository Import and Export Utility

                                                                  1. Open a Windows command line.

                                                                  2. To import a repository, enter the following command:

                                                                    repimexp /A I /G language_codes


                                                                    • A I specifies to import data from a file.

                                                                    • language_codes is a list of codes.

                                                                  3. To export a repository, enter the following command:

                                                                    repimexp /A E parameters


                                                                    • A E specifies to export data to a file.

                                                                    • parameters specify the parameters.

                                                                  4. To display a complete list of command-line usage options for this utility, enter the following command:


                                                                    You can save this output to a text file.

                                                                    For more information, see Parameters You Can Use with the Repository Import and Export Utility.

                                                                    Parameters You Can Use with the Repository Import and Export Utility

                                                                    The following table describes the parameters that you can use with the Repository Import and Export Utility.

                                                                    Table Parameters You Can Use with the Repository Import and Export Utility

                                                                    Parameter Description

                                                                    You can use one of the following values:

                                                                    • /a e
                                                                    • /a i
                                                                    • /a x
                                                                    • /a o
                                                                    • /a s
                                                                    • /a p
                                                                    • /a t

                                                                    Required. You can use one of the following parameters:

                                                                    • a e. Specifies to export all data from the Siebel Repository tables to a file.

                                                                    • a i. Specifies to import data from a file into the Siebel Repository tables.

                                                                    • a x. Specifies to import locale-specific repository data from a file into the INTL tables. If you use a x, then you must also use the /g option.

                                                                    • a o. Specifies to export Runtime Repository Tables and required base tables during initial, full, and incremental migration.

                                                                    • a s. Specifies to skip import of Runtime Repository tables only.

                                                                    • a p. Specifies to import Runtime Repository Tables and required base tables during initial, full, and incremental migration.

                                                                    • a t. Specifies to delete a given repository

                                                                    /u user_name

                                                                    Required. Specifies the Siebel administrator user name.

                                                                    /p password

                                                                    Required. Specifies the password for the Siebel administrator user name.

                                                                    /c ODBC_data_source

                                                                    Required. Specifies the ODBC data source. The value in the SIEBEL_DATA_SOURCE environment variable is the default value. If this value includes a space, then you must enclose the value in quotes.

                                                                    /d table_owner

                                                                    Required. Specifies the Siebel Database table owner. The value of the SIEBEL_TABLE_OWNER environment variable is the default value.

                                                                    /g language_codes

                                                                    For import only.

                                                                    Required only if you use the /a x parameter to import to INTL tables.

                                                                    Specifies to import a repository that contains locale-specific data for one or more languages (for example, FRA, DEU, ITA). You can specify ALL to import all the languages that the repository file contains.

                                                                    To import locale objects, you must use the /g parameter, and you must specify at least one language code. If you do not do this, then the utility does not import any locale objects, and the Siebel client does not include any text after you compile the imported repository.

                                                                    If you export repository data to a file, then this utility includes locale-specific data for all languages.

                                                                    /r repository_name

                                                                    Required. Specifies the name of the repository that you are importing or exporting. The default value is Siebel Repository. If this value includes a space, then you must enclose the value in quotes.

                                                                    /f data_file

                                                                    Required. Specifies the data file for the repository, including the path to this file. Specify the file to which you are exporting, or from which you are importing, repository data. The path must not include spaces.

                                                                    /y <watermark string>

                                                                    Specifies watermark information needed for migration.

                                                                    You can use one of the following values:

                                                                    • /v y

                                                                    • /v n

                                                                    Specifies to verify data:

                                                                    • The default value for export isn

                                                                    • The default value for import isy


                                                                    You can use one of the following values:

                                                                    • /n 0

                                                                    • /n 1
                                                                    • /n 2

                                                                    For export only.

                                                                    Specifies to modify information about creating and updating records. You can use one of the following values:

                                                                    • n 0. Make no modifications.

                                                                    • n 1. Update the CREATED_BY, UPDATED_BY, and OWNER_BRANCH columns. The default value is 1.

                                                                    • n 2. Update the CREATED_BY, UPDATED_BY, and OWNER_BRANCH columns, and update the date columns.

                                                                      Guidelines for Migrating Repositories

                                                                      If you migrate a repository, then it is recommended that you use the following guidelines:

                                                                      • Isolate development and test environments from the production environment.

                                                                      • Do not migrate a repository between two databases that use different releases or patch levels. To avoid an inconsistent environment, do not migrate repositories between different versions of Siebel applications.

                                                                      • If your migration requires special parameter settings that batch files cannot access, or if you must do a file dump, then use the Repository Import and Export Utility. For more information, see Using the Repository Import and Export Utility.

                                                                      • Use a consistent naming convention for the source repository and for the target repository. You can rename the target repository to indicate that you replaced it during a migration. For more information, see Guidelines for Naming Repositories.

                                                                      • Do not modify ODBC parameters or settings for the data sources that you created when you configured the Siebel Server when you installed Siebel CRM. A repository migration references one ODBC data source for the source database, and another ODBC data source for the target database. This requirement applies to all servers and databases. For more information about how to verify the ODBC data source, see the Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using.

                                                                      • Consider the time required to export over a WAN. It is more efficient to export the file on the source environment, and then copy the exported file to the target environment. If you migrate a repository over a wide area network (WAN), and if you run the Database Configuration Wizard from the target environment, then Siebel CRM exports only the source repository to a flat file. All other processing occurs on the local area network (LAN) of the target environment.

                                                                      • If you defined a custom tablespace on IBM DB2 for z/OS, then this tablespace might affect the Database Configuration Wizard. For more information, see Implementing Siebel Business Applications on DB2 for z/OS.

                                                                        Deleting Repositories

                                                                        You can delete repositories either using the repimexp utility or the RRCleanup utility. You use the repimexp utility by using the option /a t to delete the existing repository.

                                                                        You use the RRCleanup utility to delete the existing repository or the orphan records from the Siebel database. Using this utility, you can delete:

                                                                        • Orphan records.

                                                                          This option does not require you to pass a repository name as an argument to the RRCleanup utility because orphan records do not have the valid repository in the Siebel system and the repository does not exist in the S_REPOSITORY table. The RRCleanup utility deletes the LOVs (S_LST_OF_VAL) as well for orphan workspaces.

                                                                        • Repository data.

                                                                          This option passes a valid repository as an argument to the RRCleanup utility to delete repository data from all repository tables. The RRCleanup utility deletes the LOVs (S_LST_OF_VAL) as well for this repository.

                                                                          Note: A repository can contain multiple integration branches with each branch containing a copy of List of Value. Deletion of repository has a cascading effect on branches and LOVs.

                                                                        In Siebel Tools, the RRCleanup utility is located at this location:


                                                                        In the Siebel Server, the RRCleanup utility is located at this location:


                                                                        To run the RRCleanup utility

                                                                        1. Open the Command Prompt window from your computer by clicking the Start button and then selecting the Run option.

                                                                          The Run window appears.

                                                                        2. Enter the value CMD in the Open field.

                                                                          The Command Prompt window appears.

                                                                        3. Change the directory in the Command Prompt window using one of the following commands:

                                                                          cd <Siebel_Home>\BIN


                                                                          cd <Siebel_Home>\ses\siebsrvr\BIN
                                                                        4. Run the RRCleanup.exe utility.

                                                                        5. The Command Prompt window opens and displays the following arguments and parameters, which you can use to run the RRCleanup utility:

                                                                          • -t Siebel Table Owner (required)

                                                                          • -u Username (required)

                                                                          • -p Password (required)

                                                                          • -o ODBC Data Source (required)

                                                                          • -l Log File Name (default: RRCleanup.log)

                                                                          • -r Repository Name (delete Runtime Repository data for repository name pass. e.g. “Siebel Repository” )

                                                                          • -a Orphan Flag (Pass Y if required to delete only orphan records)

                                                                          • -s Siebsrvr/Tools Installation path specified (required)

                                                                          • -b Repository Type ((R)unTime, (B)Both (DR and RR)) (required)

                                                                        6. Use the following command to delete a particular repository data from repository tables:

                                                                          RRCleanup.exe -t "Table Owner" -u "Siebel User Name" -p "Siebel User Name 
                                                                          Password" -r "Repository Name" -o "ODBC Data Source" -s "Path that contains 
                                                                          odbcsql command" -b Repository Type 
                                                                          Note: For the -r argument, you can pass only one repository at a time as a parameter. For the -b argument, you can pass either of the repository types as parameter such as -b R to delete data from runtime repository tables or –b B to delete data from all repository tables.
                                                                        7. Use the following command to delete orphan records:

                                                                          RRCleanup.exe -t "Table Owner" -u "Siebel User Name" -p "Siebel User Name 
                                                                          Password" -a Y -o "ODBC Data Source" -s "Path that contains 
                                                                          odbcsql command" -b Repository Type 
                                                                          Note: In one command, you can delete either a repository or orphan records but not both. However, if you pass a repository as parameter and the orphan flag is also set to true then the orphan takes precedence.
                                                                        8. View the output stages that represent the progress of the tasks performed by the utility to ensure that the RRCleanup utility is run successfully.