10Localizing Strings and Locale Data

Localizing Strings and Locale Data

This chapter describes how to localize strings and locale data. It includes the following topics:

Overview of Configuring Symbolic Strings

A symbolic string is an object that you can use to store the value of a string. It allows you to define a string one time, and then reference it from multiple objects. An object can reference this symbolic string to get a literal value, and then display it as text in the Siebel client. For example, an applet can reference a symbolic string to get the text it shows in a control caption, a list column display name, or an applet title.

A translatable string is a type of string that Siebel CRM can translate to another language. For example, it can translate the text string that defines a control label from English to French.

The symbolic string centralizes all the strings in the repository. It includes strings in English and all other languages. It includes the following advantages:

  • Reduces redundancy because many objects can reference one symbolic string

  • Results in a more consistent user interface

  • Simplifies maintenance because you are required to maintain only one string for a word or phrase

  • Eliminates duplicate translations of the same word

  • Reduces translation costs

Siebel CRM cannot translate a nontranslatable property to another language. For example, the HTML Sequence property, HTML Height property, and HTML Width property are nontranslatable properties.

If you deliver to the repository, then Siebel Tools uses the current language mode that you set for Siebel Tools. It uses this language mode to choose from one of several translations for a set of symbolic string locale records. For more information on how to deliver your workspaces, see Delivering Workspaces.

    Symbolic Strings in the Object Hierarchy

    The Symbolic String object type is a top-level object type. it includes the child Symbolic String Locale object type. Each symbolic string represents a word or phrase that is language independent. For example:


    Siebel CRM stores all translations of this word or phrase, including English, as a symbolic string locale. For information about top-level object types, see Displaying Object Types in the Object Explorer.

    Siebel Tools stores data for a symbolic string in the S_SYM_STR (symbolic strings) table. It stores data for a symbolic string locale in the S_SYM_STR_INTL (Repository Symbolic String Locale) table. Objects that reference symbolic strings store foreign key references to these strings in the S_SYM_STR table.

    Symbolic strings do not include other types of strings that Siebel CRM typically includes as seed data, such as LOVs, error messages, or predefined queries. For more information about localizing these types of strings, see Fixing Orphaned String References After an Upgrade.

      How Siebel Tools Determines a Translatable String

      Siebel Tools does the following to compile an object property that displays a translatable string, such as the Title property of an applet:

      • If a value exists in the string language that the compile uses, then it compiles this string override value.

      • If the string override field for the current language mode that you set in Siebel Tools does not include a string value, then Siebel Tools uses the current language mode and the String Value property of the associated symbolic string locale to determine the value.

      In most situations, a string override does not exist. For more information, see Entering a String Override.

        How Some Early Releases Store Translatable Strings

        Some early releases of Siebel Tools store translatable strings in the locale objects of a parent object type. For example, each applet includes a set of child locale records that define the text for the applet title that Siebel CRM shows in the Siebel client.

          Modifying the Configuration File to Support Symbolic Strings

          This topic describes how to modify the Siebel Tools configuration file to support symbolic strings.

          To modify the configuration file to support symbolic strings

          1. Open the tools.cfg file.

          2. In the Siebel section, set the EnableToolsConstrain parameter to one of the following values:

            1. TRUE. Constrained mode. Siebel Tools requires you to choose a translatable string from the list of available string references. You cannot override the string reference. For example, you cannot enter a value for a string override field. You cannot create a new symbolic string reference.

            2. FALSE. Unconstrained mode. Siebel Tools does not require you to choose a translatable string from the list of string references. You can override the string reference. For example, you can enter a value in a string override field. You can create a new symbolic string reference.

          3. (Optional) Set the SymStrPrefix parameter to a custom value.

            To distinguish between a predefined symbolic string and a custom symbolic string that you create, Siebel Tools sets the prefix for any new symbolic string you create to X_, by default. You can modify this value. For example, if you set this parameter to SymStrPrefix=X_NewString, then any new symbolic string you create includes the X_NewString prefix. For more information, see Modifying a Predefined Symbolic String and About Predefined Objects.

            Creating a Project for Your Symbolic Strings

            The Symbolic String project is very large. Checking in or checking out the entire project might consume a significant amount of time. It is recommended that you do not check out the entire Symbolic String project. Instead, you can create a new project and set the Project property for any new symbolic string you create to reference this project.

            To create a project for your symbolic strings

            1. Log in to Siebel Tools.

            2. In the Object Explorer, click Project.

            3. In the Projects list, create a new project.

              For example, create a new project named CompanyXYZ New Symbolic String.

            4. Make sure the Locked property contains a check mark.

              Modifying a Predefined Symbolic String

              You can modify a predefined symbolic string, which is a string that comes predefined with Siebel CRM. It includes a SBL_ prefix in the Name property. For more information, see About Predefined Objects.

              Caution: It is recommended that you do not modify a predefined symbolic string. Instead, it is recommended that you create a new symbolic string that includes the text you require. It is recommended that you do not modify the display value of a predefined symbolic string. Siebel CRM might use this display value throughout the Siebel client. For a monolingual deployment, you risk modifying text in the Siebel client that you do not intend to modify. For a multilingual deployment, you risk breaking the relationships between display values for different languages. For more information, see Creating a New Symbolic String.

              To modify a predefined symbolic string

              1. Log in to Siebel Tools and display the Symbolic String object type.

                For more information, see Displaying Object Types in the Object Explorer.

              2. In the Object Explorer, click Symbolic String.

              3. In the Object List Editor, locate the object you want to modify.

                For more information, see Locating and Modifying Object Definitions in the Object List Editor.

              4. Set the Project property of the string you locate in Step 3 to the project you create in Creating a Project for Your Symbolic Strings.

                To modify multiple records, see Using the Properties Window to Modify Objects.

                Creating a New Symbolic String

                You create a new symbolic string.

                To create a new symbolic string

                1. Make sure the EnableToolsConstrain parameter allows you to create a new symbolic string.

                  For more information, see Modifying the Configuration File to Support Symbolic Strings.

                2. Log in to Siebel Tools and display the Symbolic String object type.

                  For more information, see Displaying Object Types in the Object Explorer.

                3. In the Object Explorer, click Symbolic String.

                4. In the Symbolic Strings list, create a new record using the values from the following table.

                  Property Description


                  Enter a unique name for this symbolic string. For more information about the prefix that Siebel Tools adds to the name of any custom symbolic string you create, see Modifying the Configuration File to Support Symbolic Strings.

                  String Value

                  Enter the text that this symbolic string shows. In some situations, this value might be a value that Siebel Tools determines according to the current language mode and the String Value property of the child symbolic string locale object. For more information, see Setting the Language Mode.

                  Siebel Tools truncates any trailing spaces you enter, including full width spaces in Japanese.


                  Enter text that describes the purpose of this symbolic string.


                  Set this property to the project you create in Creating a Project for Your Symbolic Strings.

                  Modifying a Symbolic String to Globally Update Display Values

                  You can configure Siebel CRM to make global modifications to the values it shows in the Siebel client. For example, this feature can be useful in the following situations:

                  • You want to modify all instances of the word Account that Siebel CRM shows in the Siebel client to Customer.

                  • You want to deploy Siebel CRM specific to an industry in a locale other than English. The text strings that it shows in the Siebel client might not be appropriate for this industry.

                  To modify a symbolic string to globally update display values

                  1. Set the language mode.

                    For more information, see Setting the Language Mode.

                  2. In the Object Explorer, click Symbolic String.

                  3. In the Object List Editor, locate the object you want to modify.

                    For more information, see Locating and Modifying Object Definitions in the Object List Editor.

                  4. Modify the value of the String Value property.

                  5. Deliver the projects that include the objects that reference this symbolic string.

                    Setting a Symbolic String Reference

                    A symbolic string reference is a reference to a symbolic string. It allows you to set the text that Siebel CRM shows in the Siebel client for an object property, such as an applet title or application display name. This topic describes two different ways that you can set this text.

                      Using the String Reference Property to Set a Symbolic String Reference

                      This topic describes how to use the String Reference property to set a symbolic string reference.

                      To use the String Reference property to set a symbolic string reference
                      1. Make sure the EnableToolsConstrain parameter is set to FALSE.

                        For more information, see Modifying the Configuration File to Support Symbolic Strings.

                      2. In the Object List Editor, locate the object you want to modify.

                        For example, locate the Account List Applet. For more information, see Locating and Modifying Object Definitions in the Object List Editor.

                      3. In the Title - String Reference property, click the drop-down arrow.

                        This property varies according to object type. For more information, see the Properties That Store a Symbolic String section.

                      4. In the Title - String Reference dialog box, locate the string reference you require, and then click Pick.

                        Siebel Tools enters a value in the Title property according to the current language mode and the value in the String Value property of the child symbolic string locale.

                      5. If no existing symbolic string meets your requirements, then you can enter a string override.

                        For more information, see Entering a String Override.

                      Properties That Store a Symbolic String

                      The following table describes the properties that store a symbolic string. The property varies according to object type. Siebel Tools displays these properties only in the Object List Editor. It does not display them in the Properties window.

                      Table Properties That Store a Symbolic String

                      Object Type Label for the String Reference Property

                      Web Page

                      Title - String Reference


                      Title - String Reference


                      Viewbar Text - String Reference


                      A view includes the following properties that reference a symbolic string:

                      • Title - String Reference

                      • Thread Title - String Reference


                      Display Name - String Reference

                        Entering a Value to Set a Symbolic String Reference

                        This topic describes how to enter a value to set a symbolic string reference.

                        To enter a value to set a symbolic string reference
                        1. Make sure the EnableToolsConstrain parameter is set to FALSE.

                          For more information, see Modifying the Configuration File to Support Symbolic Strings.

                        2. In the Object List Editor, locate the object you want to modify.

                          For more information, see Locating and Modifying Object Definitions in the Object List Editor.

                          For example, locate the Account List Applet.

                        3. In the Title property, enter the text that Siebel CRM must show in the Siebel client.

                          This property varies according to object type. For more information, see the Properties That Store the Display Text section.

                        4. Tab out of the field.

                          Siebel Tools searches for a string reference that includes a value in the String Value property that matches the value you enter, and then does one of the following depending on the result of the search:

                          • A unique match exists. Siebel Tools enters the symbolic string reference it finds into the String Reference property. It enters this value according to the current language mode and the value that the String Value property of the child symbolic string locale contains.

                          • Multiple matches exist or no match exists. Siebel Tools displays an error dialog box. You can click OK to close the dialog box, and then use the String Reference Property. For more information, see Using the String Reference Property to Set a Symbolic String Reference.

                        Properties That Store the Display Text

                        The following table describes the properties that store the display text. The property varies according to object type. Siebel Tools displays these properties in the Object List Editor and in the Properties window.

                        Table Properties That Store the Display Text

                        Object Type Property That Stores the Display Text

                        Web Page





                        Viewbar Text


                        A view includes the following properties that include display text:

                        • Title

                        • Thread Title


                        Display Name

                          Entering a String Override

                          If you cannot find a symbolic string that meets your requirements, then you can override the symbolic string that Siebel CRM uses. The information in the Properties That Store the Display Text section of Entering a Value to Set a Symbolic String Reference lists the properties that store a translatable string. Siebel CRM includes a corresponding String Override property for each of these properties that store a translatable string. For example, the Title – String Override property is the corresponding property for the Title property of an applet. You can use this override property to enter a custom string.

                          To enter a string override

                          1. Make sure the EnableToolsConstrain parameter is set to FALSE.

                            For more information, see Modifying the Configuration File to Support Symbolic Strings.

                          2. In the Object List Editor, locate the object you want to modify.

                            For example, locate the Account List Applet. For more information, see Locating and Modifying Object Definitions in the Object List Editor.

                          3. In the Title-String Override property, enter the string you require, and then tab out of this field.

                            This property varies according to object type. For more information, see Properties That Store the String Override.

                            For more information, see How Siebel Tools Stores the Override Value You Enter.

                            How Siebel Tools Stores the Override Value You Enter

                            If you modify the value in the Title-String Override property, then Siebel Tools also modifies the value in the Title property to the custom value you enter. It stores this value in a locale object that is a child of the parent you modify. For example, if you use the Title-String Override property to modify the display name for the Account List Applet to My Big Accounts, then Siebel Tools adds a child locale object to the Account List Applet. The Title property of this locale object includes the custom value you enter, such as My Big Accounts. To view this locale object, you must display it in the Object Explorer. For more information, see Displaying Object Types in the Object Explorer.

                            To set this value, Siebel Tools uses the current language mode and stores it as a language-dependent value. This value does not affect other references to symbolic strings.

                              Properties That Store the String Override

                              The following table describes the properties that store the string override. This property varies according to object type. Siebel Tools displays these properties in the Object List Editor and in the Properties window.

                              Table Properties That Store the String Override

                              Object Type Property That Stores the String Override

                              Web Page

                              Title - String Override


                              Title - String Override


                              Viewbar Text - String Override


                              A view includes the following properties that store a string override:

                              • Title - String Override

                              • Thread Title - String Override


                              Display Name - String Override

                                Converting Symbolic Strings

                                This topic describes how to convert symbolic strings. It includes the following information:

                                You can use Siebel Tools to convert a translatable string to a symbolic string. Siebel CRM stores this translatable string as a child locale record of a top-level object type. It stores symbolic strings in a single table. Converting a translatable string might be useful in the following situations:

                                • You upgrade to a new Siebel CRM version and you want to convert custom translatable strings to symbolic strings.

                                • You use string overrides to store text strings and periodically want to convert them to symbolic strings.

                                Converting to symbolic strings reduces the size of the repository, simplifies translations, and helps to make sure that the text that Siebel CRM shows in the Siebel client is consistent. It also requires that development work is finished.

                                To convert symbolic strings

                                1. Review the caution information described in Caution About Converting and Consolidating Symbolic Strings.

                                2. Prepare to do the conversion:

                                  1. Back up the Siebel database and repository.

                                  2. Verify the Siebel Tools configuration file:

                                    • Make sure the DataSource parameter references the correct Siebel database. The conversion utility uses this Siebel database.

                                    • Make sure the EnableToolsConstrain parameter is set to FALSE and that the SymStrPrefix parameter is set to the appropriate prefix.

                                    For more information, see Modifying the Configuration File to Support Symbolic Strings.

                                  3. Make sure all projects are unlocked.

                                  4. Inform other developers not to log on to the development environment while the conversion runs.

                                3. Log in to Siebel Tools and display the Attribute object type.

                                  For more information, see Displaying Object Types in the Object Explorer.

                                4. Identify the object types you want to convert:

                                  1. In the Object Explorer, click the Flat Tab, and then click Attribute.

                                  2. In the Attributes list, query the Name property for the following string:

                                    *String Reference*

                                    The Parent Type property displays the complete set of object types to convert. If an object type includes more than one property that references a symbolic string, then you can run the conversion for this object type only one time.

                                5. Convert locale strings to symbolic strings. You must convert the locale strings for the object types you identify in Step 4. You can use the conversion utility to do this conversion:

                                  1. Open a command line, and navigate to the SIEBEL_TOOLS_ROOT\BIN folder.

                                  2. Enter the following command:

                                    consoleapp config_file app_lang user_Id password "business_service" 
                                    "business_service_method: parameters"

                                    Use the values from the following table. For more information, see Running the Console Application Executable.

                                    Parameter Description


                                    Specify the Siebel Tools configuration file, such as tools.cfg. Use the default data source. For more information, see Modifying the Configuration File to Support Symbolic Strings.


                                    Specify the application language, such as ENU.


                                    Specify the user Id.


                                    Specify the password.


                                    Specify the String Conversion business service.


                                    Specify the name of the business service method.


                                    Specify the input parameters to the business service method. For more information, see Separating Conversion Files into Smaller Files.

                                6. Export candidates for one of the object types you identified in Step 4. Enter the following command:

                                  consoleapp "ConversionExport: Filename=name.txt,Repository=repository_name,

                                  For example, the following command exports the control object type:

                                  consoleapp "ConversionExport: Filename=Control.txt,Repository=Siebel Repository,

                                  For information about setting parameters in this command, see Parameters You Use with the Conversion Export Utility.

                                  For more information, see How the Conversion Export Utility Converts Strings.

                                7. Repeat Step 6 for each object type that you identified in Step 4.

                                8. Import the symbolic strings that you converted in step 6. Enter the following command:

                                  consoleapp "ConversionImport: Filename=name.txt,Repository=repository_name,

                                  For example:

                                  consoleapp "ConversionImport: Filename=Control.txt,Repository=Siebel 
                                  true, Project=Symbolic Strings"

                                  For information about setting parameters in this command, see Parameters That You Can Use with the Conversion Import Utility.

                                  For more information, see How the Conversion Import Utility Converts Strings.

                                9. Consolidate strings.

                                  For more information, see Consolidating Symbolic Strings.

                                  Caution About Converting and Consolidating Symbolic Strings

                                  Converting or consolidating symbolic strings might consume computer processing resources.

                                  Caution: Converting or consolidating symbolic strings might consume a significant amount of computer processing resources. For information about the requirements for computer processing speed, see Siebel System Requirements and Supported Platforms on Oracle Technology Network.
                                  Note: For Siebel CRM product releases and later and for and later, the system requirements and supported platform certifications are available from the Certifications tab on My Oracle Support. For information about Certifications, see article 1492194.1 (Article ID) on My Oracle Support.

                                  File and Object command-line parameters are case sensitive.

                                  Caution: File and Object command-line parameters that you use when you convert or consolidate a symbolic string are case sensitive. Other command-line parameters are not case sensitive.

                                    Running the Console Application Executable

                                    You can use consoleapp.exe (console application executable) to run various utilities that you use to manage symbolic strings.

                                    To run the console application executable

                                    1. On the computer where you installed Siebel Tools, navigate to the SIEBEL_TOOLS_ROOT\BIN folder.

                                    2. Enter the following command:

                                      consoleapp parameter_1 parameter_n

                                      This command runs the console application executable.

                                      Separating Conversion Files into Smaller Files

                                      The command that this topic describes separates an export file that the conversion utility creates into smaller, more manageable files according to object type. For example, the Siebel runtime repository might include up to 130,000 controls. To improve performance, you can simultaneously import multiple consolidation files of the same object type or of different object types. An average desktop PC can typically run only 10 simultaneous conversion import processes.

                                      To separate conversion files into smaller files

                                      • Add the following parameter to the command you use in Step 5 of Converting Symbolic Strings:

                                        "SplitFile: Filename=Control.txt,Lines=2000"

                                        Use the values from the following table.

                                        Parameter Description


                                        Name of the export file.


                                        Approximate number of lines in each file. The conversion utility does not separate a set of symbolic strings, so the number of lines might not equal the value you set in this parameter.

                                        How the Conversion Export Utility Converts Strings

                                        The Conversion Export utility can convert any object that can include a translatable string (for example, a control, list column, or applet). The export utility does the following work:

                                        1. Creates a sorted list of English (ENU) child records for each translatable string in an object.

                                        2. Sequentially processes each object that includes multiple translatable strings. For example, a list column that includes a display name and prompt text includes multiple translatable strings.

                                        3. Uses the list it creates in Step 1 to create information about any new symbolic strings.

                                        4. For records that include identical ENU translations, it compares the non-ENU records and reuses the same symbolic string for subsequent records, if possible.

                                        5. Repeats Step 1 through Step 4 for the next object type.

                                        6. Produces an output file that includes information about the new symbolic strings, including information about each language translation and replacement strings. This file is for information purposes. It is not a log file. It is not necessary to review the contents of this file.

                                          How the Conversion Import Utility Converts Strings

                                          To convert the records that use the new symbolic strings, you can use a utility that performs inserts, updates, and deletes on the Siebel database. For input, this utility uses the output file that the conversion export creates. This utility does the following:

                                          1. Creates a new symbolic string record and child symbolic string locale records for each string according to the string values in the target objects. The export file includes information about each string, including a unique name and information about each child locale object.

                                          2. Adds a reference to the new symbolic string in the relevant property of each original object. For example, 10 applets exist and the title for each of these applets is My Big Service Requests. The non-ENU values for these titles all use the same value. In this example, the export file includes information about one new symbolic string and instructions for each of the 10 applets to use this new symbolic string as the title. The conversion import does the following:

                                            • Creates a symbolic string with an ENU value of My Big Service Requests.

                                            • Sets the Title - String Reference property for each of the 10 applets to the name of this new symbolic string.

                                            • Clears redundant values for child locale objects. Each of the 10 applets now include a value in the String Reference property and a value in the String Override property. The value in the String Override property is redundant and the conversion import clears this value for each child locale object.

                                          3. Deletes any records that the object locale records no longer reference.

                                          For more information, see Converting Symbolic Strings.

                                            How Siebel CRM References Symbolic Strings at Run Time

                                            Siebel CRM uses the same repository before and after a conversion. For example, an applet gets the value for the Title property from a child applet locale record. During conversion, Siebel Tools does the following:

                                            1. Creates a symbolic string.

                                            2. Places the reference for this symbolic string in the Title - String Reference property of the applet.

                                            3. Removes the applet locale record.

                                            After Siebel Tools finishes conversion it gets the applet title from the symbolic string. The display value for the title that it compiles is the same value that this title contained before the conversion. Siebel Tools compiles strings into object definitions in the repository. Siebel CRM reads symbolic strings from these object definitions. It does not read them from the S_SYM_STR table at run time.

                                              Consolidating Symbolic Strings

                                              Consolidating symbolic strings eliminates duplicate symbolic strings that the conversion utility might create when it converts these strings. The conversion utility converts all the symbolic strings for one object type, and then converts all the symbolic strings for the next object type. It does this until it finishes converting all the symbolic strings that you specify. It creates multiple symbolic string records for the same display value that occurs in multiple object types. Duplicate symbolic strings can include identical sets of locale records or one symbolic string might include more child locale records than another string. The strings that these objects use in common are identical. Consolidation can remove these duplicates.

                                              To consolidate symbolic strings

                                              1. Review the important caution information described in Caution About Converting and Consolidating Symbolic Strings.

                                              2. Convert symbolic strings.

                                                For more information, see Converting Symbolic Strings.

                                              3. Run the following command to merge duplicate symbolic strings:

                                                consoleapp "ConsolidationExport:Filename=ConsExp.txt,Repository=Siebel 

                                                Use the values from the following table. For more information, see Running the Console Application Executable.

                                                Parameter Description


                                                The name of the export file.


                                                The name of the repository.


                                                The name of the log file.


                                                Same as the Language parameter that you use to export candidates for an object type. For more information, see Separating Conversion Files into Smaller Files.


                                                The minimum number of matches that the utility must find in a set of matching symbolic strings before it writes them to the file. The default value is 2.


                                                You can use one of the following values:

                                                • TRUE. Ignore all strings that include the SBL_ prefix in the Name property.

                                                • FALSE. Consolidate all strings that include the SBL_ prefix and all custom strings that you create.

                                                • MasterOnly. Do not consolidate strings that include the SBL_ prefix, but use them as master strings. The default value is TRUE.

                                                After you convert locale strings to symbolic strings, you can use the consolidation utility to find duplicate symbolic strings and merge them and their references into a single symbolic string. As input, this utility uses the file that the consolidation export creates. It deletes redundant symbolic strings. It replaces all references that objects make to these strings with a reference to the master string. This consolidation might consume a significant amount of time because the object types in the repository include approximately 80 translatable string properties.

                                              4. Import consolidated strings using the ConsolidationImport business service method.

                                                For example:

                                                consoleapp "ConsolidationImport:Filename=ConsExp.txt,Repository=Siebel 

                                                These parameters are the same parameters that you use to import the symbolic strings in Step 8 of Converting Symbolic Strings. For more information, see Running the Console Application Executable.

                                              5. (Optional) Separate a consolidation export file into smaller files.

                                                To separate a consolidation export file into smaller files, you use the same parameters that you use to separate a conversion export file. You can then do Step 4 to import each of these smaller files. For more information, see Separating Conversion Files into Smaller Files.

                                                Using a Batch File to Consolidate Strings

                                                You can use a batch file to consolidate strings.

                                                To use a batch file to consolidate strings
                                                1. Navigate to the SIEBEL_TOOLS_ROOT\BIN folder.

                                                2. Enter the following command:

                                                  strcons Action User_Id Password

                                                  You use the same parameters that you use when you use a batch file to convert strings. The only difference are:

                                                  • If you set the action parameter to Import, then the utility imports the files from the working folder that the TEST_LOCATION parameter in the batch file identifies.

                                                  • You do not specify an object type.

                                                  For more information, see Using a Batch File to Convert Strings.

                                                  Using a Batch File to Convert Strings

                                                  You can run the conversion utility from a batch file.

                                                  Caution: If the Siebel Tools installation path includes a space, then you must enclose this path in quotes.

                                                  To use a batch file to convert strings

                                                  1. Navigate to the SIEBEL_TOOLS_ROOT\BIN folder.

                                                  2. Enter the following command:

                                                    strconv "object_type" action user_Id password

                                                    For example:

                                                    strconv "Applet" export user_Id password

                                                    The following table describes the parameters you can use to run the strconv.bat (string conversion) batch file. You set other parameters in the batch file. For information about the batch file, see comments that the batch file contains.

                                                    Parameter Description


                                                    Object type to convert. For example:

                                                    • Applet

                                                    • Control
                                                    • List Column


                                                    You can use one of the following values:

                                                    • Export. The utility exports all convertible locale records.

                                                    • Import. The utility imports the file that the object_type parameter identifies.


                                                    The user name that you use to log in to the Siebel application.


                                                    The user password that you use to log in to the Siebel application.

                                                    Configuring Locale Data

                                                      Configuring Nontranslatable Locale Object Properties

                                                      A locale can be one of the following:

                                                      • Translatable. For example, a text string that defines a control label.

                                                      • Nontranslatable. For example, the HTML Sequence property, HTML Height property, or HTML Width property of a control.

                                                      User interface conventions can vary by locale. For example, one locale might require a different sequence of fields from another locale. To configure a nontranslatable object property for a locale, you can enable language override mode. This mode allows you to store a nontranslatable, locale property as a child locale record of the parent object.

                                                      In the following example, a Siebel enterprise requires Japanese (JPN) and four Western European languages. Japanese does not use middle names but Western European languages do use middle names. Japanese uses the family name first. Western European languages use the family name last.

                                                      To configure nontranslatable locale object properties

                                                      1. Set the language mode to JPN.

                                                        For more information, see Setting the Language Mode.

                                                      2. Enable language override.

                                                        If you do not enable language override, and if you compile any of the Western European languages, then Siebel CRM uses the Japanese configuration of no middle name and family name first. For more information, see Setting the Language Mode.

                                                      3. In the Object List Editor, locate the object you want to modify.

                                                        For more information, see Locating and Modifying Object Definitions in the Object List Editor.

                                                      4. To define locale values, modify the object properties:

                                                        1. To hide the middle name, remove the value from the Title-String Override property.

                                                        2. Reverse the order of the first name and last name.

                                                          You modify these locale values to meet the needs that this example requires. The locale values you must modify depend on your business requirements. You can use the Object List Editor or the Siebel IDE editors.

                                                      5. Deploy your changes to the Siebel runtime repository.

                                                        Displaying Controls and List Columns According to Locale

                                                        You can control how Siebel CRM displays a control or list column according to the locale requirements.

                                                        Caution: To hide or display a control or list column, it is recommended that you modify a property. If you delete a control or list column, then Siebel Tools deletes it from all languages even if you enable language override.

                                                        The following example displays locale objects in an applet.

                                                        To display controls and list columns according to locale

                                                        1. Set the language mode.

                                                          For more information, see Setting the Language Mode.

                                                        2. In the Object Explorer, expand the Applet tree.

                                                        3. Do one of the following:

                                                          1. Click Control.

                                                          2. Expand the List tree, and then click List Column.

                                                        4. In the Object List Editor, locate the object you want to modify.

                                                          For more information, see Locating and Modifying Object Definitions in the Object List Editor.

                                                        5. Use the values from the following table to modify a property.

                                                          Object Type Property Description



                                                          If TRUE, then Siebel CRM displays this control in the Siebel client in the parent language and in all other languages that it supports.

                                                          Visible-Language Override

                                                          If you enable language override, then you can set this property to one of the following values:

                                                          • FALSE. Hides the control in the Siebel client.

                                                          • TRUE. Displays the control in the Siebel client.

                                                          For more information, see Setting the Language Mode.

                                                          List Column

                                                          Show in List

                                                          If TRUE, then Siebel CRM displays this column in the Siebel client in the parent language and in all other languages that it supports.

                                                          Show in List-Language Override

                                                          If you enable language override, then you can set this property to one of the following values:

                                                          • FALSE. Hides the column in the Siebel client.

                                                          • TRUE. Displays the column in the Siebel client.

                                                          For more information, see Setting the Language Mode.

                                                          Fixing Orphaned String References After an Upgrade

                                                          An upgrade from one release of Siebel CRM to another release can result in some string references disappearing. The Fix Strings Utility allows you to locate these orphaned strings and update them with new references. This utility uses the Siebel Tools Fix String References business service and the FixStringReferences business service method.

                                                          To fix orphaned string references after an upgrade

                                                          1. Navigate to the SIEBEL_TOOLS_ROOT\BIN folder.

                                                          2. Open a Windows command line.

                                                          3. Enter the following command:

                                                            consoleapp config_file app_lang user_Id password "Siebel Tools Fix String 

                                                            Use the values from the following table.

                                                            Parameter Description


                                                            Specify the path to and name of the Siebel Tools configuration file.


                                                            Specify the current language, such as ENU.


                                                            Specify the user Id for the repository that this utility searches.


                                                            Specify the password for the repository that this utility searches.


                                                            Required. Specify the name of the repository that includes the string references to fix.


                                                            Specify the name of the repository that your deployment used before the upgrade. If you set the FixReferences parameter to TRUE, then you must include the PriorRepository parameter.


                                                            Required. Specify the name of the log file. This utility writes this log file to the current working folder. You can enter an explicit path for this log file.


                                                            You can set this parameter to one of the following values:

                                                            • TRUE. Fix invalid references.

                                                            • FALSE. Save invalid references to the log file. This is the default value.


                                                            You can set this parameter to one of the following values:

                                                            • TRUE. Write progress information to the command line.

                                                            • FALSE. Do not write progress information to the command line. This is the default value.


                                                            Specify the object type, such as Applet. The utility finds invalid string references that this object type references. If you do not include this parameter, then the utility finds invalid string references for all object types.

                                                            Example Commands That Fix Orphaned String References After an Upgrade

                                                            The following example runs the utility for the Business Service object type, writes progress output to the command line, and writes information to the fixstrings.log file:

                                                            consoleapp SIEBEL_TOOLS_ROOT\bin\enu\tools.cfg ENU jgolding db2 "Siebel Tools Fix 
                                                            String References" "FixStringReferences:Repository=Siebel 
                                                            siness Service"

                                                            The following example runs the utility for all object types and writes the results to the fixstrings.log file:

                                                            consoleapp SIEBEL_TOOLS_ROOT\bin\enu\tools.cfg ENU jgolding db2 "Siebel Tools Fix 
                                                            String References" "FixStringReferences:Repository=Siebel 

                                                              Using the Locale Management Utility

                                                              This topic describes how to use the Locale Management Utility. It includes the following information:

                                                              The Locale Management Utility (LMU) is a utility in Siebel Tools that you can use to manage how you configure Siebel CRM to localize text strings, such as field labels, and other locale properties, such as the height and width of controls. You can use it to export text strings to a file. After Siebel Tools modifies or translates these strings in the file, you can use the Locale Management Utility to import them back into the repository. The Locale Management Utility also includes search and comparison tools.

                                                                Finding Untranslated Text Strings

                                                                You can use the Locale Management Utility to find text strings in the repository that Siebel CRM has not translated or to find text strings that Siebel Tools must retranslate because Siebel CRM modified the source string since the last translation. The Locale Management Utility searches or compares objects. It does not search or compare properties. If a locale object includes multiple string properties, then the search returns all strings that the locale object contains, even if only one of them is translated.

                                                                To find untranslated strings

                                                                1. Log in to Siebel Tools.

                                                                2. Click the Tools menu, Utilities, and then click Locale Management.

                                                                3. In the Locale Management dialog box, in the Options tab, in the Languages section, choose the source language and the target language.

                                                                4. In the Objects section, choose the applications or projects that you want to localize.

                                                                5. Click the Untranslated Strings tab.

                                                                  The Untranslated Strings tab includes an Attribute column. Siebel CRM uses the terms attribute and property. These terms have the same meaning.

                                                                6. (Optional) To display strings that are marked as Redo, make sure the following check box contains a check mark:

                                                                  Report String Attributes of Objects Marked With 'Redo' Fag

                                                                  For more information, see How the Locale Management Utility Indicates That Siebel CRM Modified a Record Since the Last Export.

                                                                7. Click Find Strings.

                                                                  The Locale Management Utility searches the properties of the string objects. It searches the objects only in the application or project you choose. It displays object definitions that include strings that are not translated. If you choose to display Redo objects in Step 6, then it also displays the strings that you must retranslate.

                                                                8. (Optional) To do more, you can click the following buttons:

                                                                  • Find Views. Find the views that reference the untranslated strings.

                                                                  • Go To. You choose an object in the Results list, and then click Go To. The Object Explorer displays the object definition that includes the string.

                                                                  • Export. Export all untranslated strings to a file.

                                                                9. (Optional) Determine if an existing translation exists that you can use for the untranslated strings that the Locale Management Utility shows in Step 7.

                                                                  For more information, see Finding Existing Translations.

                                                                  Finding Existing Translations

                                                                  To find an existing translation that you can use for an untranslated string, you can use the Locale Management Utility to search the objects in the repository. You can reuse an existing translation for an object that you create or modify.

                                                                  To find existing translations

                                                                  1. Click the Tools menu, Utilities, and then click Locale Management.

                                                                  2. In the Locale Management dialog box, in the Options tab, in the Languages section, choose the source language and the target language.

                                                                  3. In the Objects section, choose the application or project that you want to localize.

                                                                  4. Click the Untranslated Strings tab.

                                                                  5. Click the Find Translations button.

                                                                    After a few moments, the Locale Management Utility displays the results. For more information, see How the Locale Management Utility Finds Existing Translations.

                                                                    How the Locale Management Utility Finds Existing Translations

                                                                    The Locale Management Utility compares an untranslated string to the properties that might contain this string in other objects in the repository. If it finds an object that includes the same string, then it searches for a translation in the language that you choose as the target language. If it finds a translation, then it displays the best candidates for translation in the Results list and allows you to export it to a file.

                                                                    For example, you choose English-American as the source language and Spanish as the target language. You create an applet with a title of Customer that is not translated. If you click Find Translation in the Locale Management dialog box, then the Locale Management Utility searches the repository for other objects that include a property that includes the Customer text string. If it finds a match, then it searches for a Spanish translation of this string. If a translation already exists, then it displays this translation and you can export it to a file.

                                                                      How the Locale Management Utility Chooses Among Multiple Translations

                                                                      If the Locale Management Utility finds more than one translation for a source string, then it does the following:

                                                                      • If the source string resides in the property of an object that is related to a business component, such as Control Caption or List Column Display Name, then the Locale Management Utility examines translations from the same business component first, and then does the following:

                                                                        • If multiple translations exist in the same business component, then it chooses the string that occurs most frequently.

                                                                        • If no translations exist in the same business component, then it chooses the translation that occurs most frequently in all business components.

                                                                          For example, Applet A references the Account business component. Applet A includes a control caption with the value of Account, and this value is translated to Account_FRA for French. You create a new applet, Applet B, that also references the Account business component, and Applet B also includes a control caption with the value of Account. If you run Find Translations, then the Locale Management Utility finds Account_FRA as an existing translation and chooses it as the best candidate for this string.

                                                                      • If the source string is not a property related to a business component, such as Menu Item Caption, then the Locale Management Utility chooses the translation that occurs most frequently.

                                                                        Finding Objects That the Locale Management Utility Modifies

                                                                        This topic describes how to find objects that the Locale Management Utility modifies.

                                                                        To find objects that the Locale Management Utility modifies

                                                                        1. Click the Tools menu, Utilities, and then click Locale Management.

                                                                        2. In the Locale Management dialog box, in the Options tab, in the Languages section, choose the source language and the target language.

                                                                        3. In the Objects section, choose the application or project that you want to localize.

                                                                        4. Click the Modified Objects tab.

                                                                        5. In the Search Criteria section, make sure the Changed Since check box includes a check mark.

                                                                        6. Click the Changed Since drop-down arrow, and then choose the date that the Locale Management Utility must use as the starting date for the search.

                                                                        7. Click Start.

                                                                          Finding Objects Modified Since the Last Export

                                                                          You can use the Locale Management Utility to find objects in the repository that were modified since the last time you exported strings. This search might be useful if your development and localization efforts occur simultaneously. It helps you keep strings in the repository synchronized with the strings that you export to a file for localization.

                                                                          To find objects modified since the last export

                                                                          1. Click the Tools menu, Utilities, and then click Locale Management.

                                                                          2. In the Locale Management dialog box, in the Options tab, in the Languages section, choose the source language and the target language.

                                                                          3. Click the Modified Objects tab.

                                                                          4. (Optional) In the Search Criteria section, set the Locale Management Utility to search from a date:

                                                                            • Make sure the Changed Since check box includes a check mark.

                                                                            • Click the Changed Since drop-down arrow, and then choose the date that the Locale Management Utility must use as the starting date for the search.

                                                                              If you use the Changed Since option, and if you click Start, then the Locale Management Utility marks all records it returns for a modified project as Redo regardless of whether Siebel CRM modified a locale property. It does this because it searches for modifications that reside at the object level, not at the property level. For more information, see How the Locale Management Utility Indicates That Siebel CRM Modified a Record Since the Last Export.

                                                                          5. (Optional) In the Search Criteria section, set the Locale Management Utility to compare objects in the repository to objects in a source file:

                                                                            • Make sure the Different From File check box includes a check mark.

                                                                            • Click Browse, and then choose the source file.

                                                                          6. Click one of the following buttons:

                                                                            • Start. Finds records that match the search criteria, flags the records that it returns as Redo, and then displays the results.

                                                                            • Preview. Finds records that match the search criteria and displays the results. It does not flag records as Redo.

                                                                          7. (Optional) To do more, you can click the following buttons:

                                                                            • Save. Saves a result set in a log file.

                                                                            • Go To. The Object Explorer displays the parent object of the string or property.

                                                                            • Load. Imports a result set from a previously saved file. After the Locale Management Utility displays this result set in the Results list, you can use Go To to examine each record.

                                                                            How the Locale Management Utility Indicates That Siebel CRM Modified a Record Since the Last Export

                                                                            If Siebel CRM modified a record in the repository since the last export, then it might require another translation. The Locale Management Utility uses the Redo flag to mark this record.

                                                                            If you use the Locale Management Utility to import records, then it compares the source language records in the repository with the source language records in the import file. If Siebel CRM modified the records in the repository since the export occurred, then this utility uses the Redo flag to mark the target language records. This configuration helps you identify records that might require another translation. For more information, see Importing Text Strings and Locale Properties.

                                                                              Exporting Text Strings and Locale Properties to a File

                                                                              You can use the Locale Management Utility to export strings and other locale properties to a file. This file can use any one of the following file types:

                                                                              • .slf

                                                                              • .txt

                                                                              • .xlf

                                                                              You cannot use the Locale Management Utility to export to a Microsoft Excel.xls file.

                                                                              To export text strings and locale properties to a file

                                                                              1. In Siebel Tools, click the Tools menu, Utilities, and then click Locale Management.

                                                                              2. In the Locale Management dialog box, in the Options tab, in the Languages section, choose the source language and the target language.

                                                                                To export text strings and locale properties, the language mode and the Locale Management Utility source language must use the same language. For more information, see Setting the Language Mode.

                                                                              3. In the Objects section, choose the application or project that the Locale Management Utility must export.

                                                                              4. Click the Export Tab.

                                                                              5. Click String Attributes Only or All Localizable Attributes.

                                                                                A localizable property can include translatable strings and other locale properties, such as the width and height of controls. Each locale property might contain a different value that meets the need for a specific locale. Siebel CRM uses the terms attribute and property. These terms have the same meaning.

                                                                              6. Click Export.

                                                                              7. In the Save As dialog box, choose the folder where the Locale Management Utility must export the file.

                                                                                For example, choose SIEBEL_TOOLS_ROOT\OBJECTS\language_code where language_code is the target language you choose in Step 2.

                                                                              8. Enter a file name, choose a file type, and then click Save.

                                                                                • If you click String Attributes Only in Step 5, then the available file types are .txt or .xlf.

                                                                                • If you click All Localizable Attributes in Step 5, then the available file type is .slf.

                                                                                Importing Text Strings and Locale Properties

                                                                                You can use the Locale Management Utility to import translated strings and other locale properties into the repository. You can preview the import before the utility actually does the import.

                                                                                To import text strings and locale properties

                                                                                1. Click the Tools menu, Utilities, and then click Locale Management.

                                                                                2. In the Locale Management dialog box, in the Options tab, in the Languages section, choose the source language and the target language.

                                                                                3. Click the Import tab.

                                                                                4. Enter the name of the file that the utility must import.

                                                                                  You can use the Browse button to choose the file. The default file name is one of the following:

                                                                                  • Results.txt if the file includes strings only

                                                                                  • Results.slf if the file includes all locale properties

                                                                                  If you import an XML Localization Interchange Field file (.xlf), then make sure a working Internet connection exists during the import.

                                                                                5. (Optional) To preview the import, do the following:

                                                                                  1. Enter the path and name of the file where the utility must store the results for previewing.

                                                                                    The default file name is preview.log.

                                                                                  2. Click Preview.

                                                                                    The Locale Management Utility writes the results of the import to the log file. It does not write the results to the repository. It does not mark modified records with a Redo flag during preview.

                                                                                6. (Optional) To mark records that Siebel CRM modified since the export occurred, make sure the following check box contains a check mark:

                                                                                  Mark Changed Records with Redo Flag

                                                                                  For more information, see How the Locale Management Utility Indicates That Siebel CRM Modified a Record Since the Last Export.

                                                                                7. Click Import.

                                                                                  The utility imports the locale properties into the repository. It creates the following log file in the SIEBEL_TOOLS_ROOT\OBJECTS folder:


                                                                                  This file includes detailed information and error messages about records that the utility did not import.

                                                                                  Modifying the Value in All Strings for a Language

                                                                                  You can use the Locale Management Utility to replace strings in bulk. For example, you want to configure Siebel CRM to modify all text strings that include Accounts to Companies for the English locale. You can use the Locale Management Utility to export the strings to a file, modify the file so that it includes only Companies instead of Accounts, and then import these strings into the repository.

                                                                                  Using the Locale Management Utility to replace strings is most useful for strings that Siebel CRM stores in string-override fields. For information about modifying symbolic strings, see Modifying a Symbolic String to Globally Update Display Values.

                                                                                  To modify the value in all strings for a language

                                                                                  1. Export the strings you want to modify to a file.

                                                                                    The source language and the target language cannot be the same language. For more information, see Exporting Text Strings and Locale Properties to a File.

                                                                                  2. Use a text editor to modify the strings in the file that you created in Step 1:

                                                                                    • Remove strings that you do not want to replace from the file.

                                                                                    • In the Target String column of the file, enter the new string that replaces the old value.

                                                                                  3. Import the file.

                                                                                    For more information, see Importing Text Strings and Locale Properties.

                                                                                    Using the Command Line to Run the Locale Management Utility

                                                                                    You can use the command line to run the Locale Management Utility. The commands that this topic describes use the following format:

                                                                                    • xxx. A placeholder for a required parameter.

                                                                                    • [xxx]. A placeholder for an optional parameter.

                                                                                    • xxx|yyy. An OR condition (for example, xxx or yyy).

                                                                                    You must include the absolute path with any file name that you specify. For example, if you specify the export file as results.txt, then the utility creates this file in the current folder. In this example, if the installation folder is C:\Program Files\Siebel\8.0\Tools, then the utility creates this file in the following folder:

                                                                                    C:\Program Files\Siebel\8.0\Tools\BIN

                                                                                    It does not create it in the following folder:

                                                                                    C:\Program Files\Siebel\8.0\Tools\OBJECTS

                                                                                      Using the Command Line to Export Strings and Locale Properties

                                                                                      The command that this topic describes allows you to export localizable properties for all projects or for all applications. You can specify one of the following values:

                                                                                      • all. Export all translatable properties and language override properties to a file that uses an .slf extension.

                                                                                      • string. Export only string properties to a file that uses a .txt or .xlf extension. If you do not specify a file name, then the utility displays an error.


                                                                                      This command uses the following format:

                                                                                      /lmu source_language target_language export proj|app all|string file [project_file]

                                                                                      The Locale Management Utility includes the following parameter:


                                                                                      You can use it to identify the projects to export. This parameter identifies the name of an ASCII text file that includes a list of projects that are delimited by a line feed. If you do not include the project_file parameter, then the utility exports all projects.

                                                                                      You can use the proj|app parameter to identify the projects or applications that include the strings to export. If you use the project_file parameter, then you must choose proj. If you choose app, and if you include the project_file parameter, then the utility ignores this file.


                                                                                      The following command exports properties:


                                                                                      Siebdev /c tools.cfg /u sadmin /p sadmin /d serverdatasrc /lmu ENU DEU export proj 
                                                                                      string C:/lmu/lmu_1.xlf /ws "ws1" "Siebel Repository"

                                                                                      This example exports all string properties and language override properties for the projects that the following file lists:


                                                                                      It exports these properties to the following file:

                                                                                      C:\temp named my_proj_results.txt

                                                                                      The source language of the file is English-American (ENU) and the target language is French (FRA).

                                                                                        Using the Command Line to Import a File

                                                                                        The command that this topic describes allows you to import a file. If the source string in the import file is different than the source string in the repository, then it marks the target locale object as Redo.


                                                                                        This command uses the following format:

                                                                                        /lmu source_language target_language import file

                                                                                        The following command imports a file:

                                                                                        siebdev /u sadmin /p db2 /d server /lmu ENU FRA import "C:\Program 

                                                                                        This example imports the results.slf file from the following folder. This folder is the installation folder for an earlier version of Siebel Tools:

                                                                                        C:\Program Files\Siebel\8.0\Tools\objects

                                                                                        The source language of the file is English-American (ENU) and the target language is French (FRA).

                                                                                        The file includes all localizable string properties and language override properties.

                                                                                          Using the Command Line to Export Strings That Require Translation

                                                                                          The command that this topic describes allows you to export all untranslated strings and strings marked with the Redo flag to a file. It can export all projects or all applications. The exported file includes the related view names.


                                                                                          This command uses the following format:

                                                                                          /lmu source_language target_language todo proj|app [file]

                                                                                          The following command exports strings that require translation:

                                                                                          Siebdev /c tools.cfg /u sadmin /p sadmin /d serverdatasrc /lmu ENU DEU export proj 
                                                                                          string C:/lmu/lmu_1.xlf /ws "ws1" "Siebel Repository"

                                                                                          This example finds all untranslated strings and redo strings for all applications. It exports the results to the following file:

                                                                                          C:\Program Files\Siebel\8.0\Tools\objects\results.txt

                                                                                          The source language is English-American (ENU) and the target language is French (FRA).