14Reference Materials for Siebel Tools

Reference Materials for Siebel Tools

Menus and Menu Items on the Menu Bar

This topic describes the menus and menu items that you can click from the menu bar in Siebel Tools. For more information, see Using the Menu Bar.

This topic includes the following information:

    File Menu

    The following table describes the menu items that you can click from the File menu. To use this menu, you click the File menu on the Menu Bar.

    Table Menu Items That You Can Click from the File Menu

    Menu Item Description

    Open Repository

    If multiple repositories reside in the development database, then this menu item allows you to open a repository other than the repository that is currently open. Siebel Tools sets the repository you choose from the Open Repository menu item as the default repository that it opens each time you open Siebel Tools.

    New Object

    Starts the New Object Wizard that allows you to create a list applet, form applet, chart applet, tree applet, business component, report, table, command, picklist, MVG, or view.

    Close (CTRL+F4)

    Closes the Object List Editor.

    Save (CTRL+S)

    Saves modifications that the current editing window contains if you edit in one of the following windows: Layout, Menu, or Basic Scripts.

    Save All

    Saves modifications in all open editing windows.


    Imports text from an external text file into the Siebel VB Editor window. This text must use an SBL file format. Siebel Tools creates this format when it exports text from the Siebel VB editor.


    Allows you to create a text file in delimited or HTML format that lists the property values of an object or all objects that the Object List Editor currently shows.

    Print Setup

    Modifies the printer and printing options for printing diagrams from the object visualization view.

    Print Preview

    Opens a print preview window that displays an object visualization view.

    Print (CTRL+P)

    Prints the active object visualization view diagram.


    Closes Siebel Tools.

      Edit Menu

      The following table describes the menu items that you can click from the Edit menu. The Edit menu items apply to individual objects in the Object List Editor. You can right-click an object in the Object List Editor to display a list of menu items.

      Table Menu Items That You Can Click from the Edit Menu

      Menu Item Description

      Undo (CTRL+Z)

      Reverses the last modification you made to a property value in the Object List Editor or the Property window before you save the object.

      Redo (CTRL+Y)

      Reapplies modifications after the Undo command runs.

      Undo Delete

      Siebel Tools displays this menu item if you delete a record in the Object List Editor. It allows you to undo the deletion.

      Undo Record

      If you have not saved the record, then this menu item removes a new object that you create or reverses modifications you made to an existing object.

      New Record (CTRL+N)

      Creates a new object in the Object List Editor and positions the cursor in the first required property.

      Copy Record (CTRL+B)

      Creates a new object that is a copy of the object that you choose. It also creates copies of all child objects. It is recommended that you use the Copy Record menu item only if reusing an existing object is not practical.

      Delete Record (CTRL+D)

      Deletes the object that you choose and the child objects of the object you choose. It is recommended that you do not use the Delete Record menu item. Instead, use the Inactive property. For more information, see Using the Inactive Property.

      Cut (CTRL+X)

      If you use this menu item while your cursor is in a property that contains text, then Siebel Tools copies the text you choose to the clipboard and deletes the existing text. In the Applet Designer, it copies the control you choose to the clipboard and deletes the existing control.

      Copy (CTRL+C)

      If you use this menu item while your cursor is in a property that contains text, then Siebel Tools copies the text you choose to the clipboard. In the Applet Designer, it copies the control you choose to the clipboard.

      Paste (CTRL+V)

      Inserts text from the clipboard into a property at the insertion point. Inserts a control from the clipboard in the Applet Designer.

      Delete (DEL)

      If you use this menu item while your cursor is in a property that contains text, then Siebel Tools deletes the text you choose. In the Applet Designer, it deletes the control you choose.

      Select All (CTRL+A)

      Chooses all items. In the Applet Designer, it chooses all controls that the applet contains.

      Change Records

      Modifies multiple records simultaneously.

      Find (CTRL+F)

      Finds the text that you specify in the Siebel Script Editor window.

      Replace (CTRL+H)

      Replaces the text that you specify with different text in the Siebel Script Editor window.

        View Menu

        The following table describes the menu items that you can click from the View menu. You use these menu items to display windows, toolbars, or visualization views.

        Table Menu Items That You Can Click from the View Menu

        Menu Item Subitem Description



        Displays the Palettes window.

        Properties Window

        Displays the Properties window.

        Applets Window

        Displays the Applets window.

        Controls Window

        Displays the Controls/Columns window.

        Bookmarks Window

        Displays the Bookmarks window.

        Web Templates Window

        Displays the Web Templates Explorer window.

        Multi Value Properties Window

        Displays the Multi Value Property Window.

        Refresh Windows

        Requeries and updates the state of dockable windows.

        Reset Windows

        Closes all dockable windows except the Object Explorer for the currently active editor. Does not close editor windows.


        Web Applet Editor

        Opens the applet you choose in the Applet Web Template Editor, including the Controls/Columns and Palettes windows.

        Server Script Editor

        Opens the Siebel Script Editor. You can specify the editor to use or you can use the default.

        Browser Script Editor

        Opens the Siebel Web Script Editor that you use to access the scripts that control the presentation and behavior of applet controls and list columns in a Web applet template.


        View Details

        For more information, see Viewing Object Relationships.

        View Relationships

        View Descendents

        View Web Hierarchy

        Debug Windows

        Calls (CTRL+L)

        Opens the Calls window. This window displays the call stack of the Siebel VB script or the Siebel eScript script that you are currently debugging.

        Watch (SHIFT+F9)

        Opens the Watch window. This window displays the values of local variables for items you are currently debugging, such as Siebel VB script, Siebel eScript, or Siebel Workflow.


        Opens the Errors window. This window displays the run- time errors in the Siebel VB script or Siebel eScript script that you are currently debugging.


        Not applicable

        Displays a preview of a Web view layout. This preview approximates how Siebel CRM displays the container page, screen bar, and view bar.

        ActiveX Methods

        Allows you to view the methods for the current ActiveX control in the Applet Designer.


        Displays the following toolbars: Edit, History, List, Debug, Web Controls, and Configuration Context.

        Status Bar

        Displays the Status bar at the end of the Siebel Tools window.

        Object Explorer (CTRL+E)

        Displays the Object Explorer.


        Opens the Development Tools Options dialog box. For more information, see Development Options for Debugging.

          Screens Menu

          The following table describes the menu items that you can click from the Screens Menu. Siebel Tools displays the Screens menu only if you log on to Siebel Tools as a system administrator.

          Table Menu Items That You Can Click from the Screens Menu

          Menu Item Subitem Description

          Application Upgrader

          Application Upgrade Object List

          Displays the Application Upgrades list, Object Differences list, or Attribute Differences list in the Object List Editor. In the Attribute Differences list, you can right-click and select an option to show critical conflicts, non-critical conflicts, and all changes for the item selected in the Object Differences list.

          Application Upgrade Database Version

          For internal Oracle use.

          Application Upgrade Attribute List

          Displays the Application Upgrades list and the Attribute Differences list in the Object List Editor. In the Attribute Differences list, you can right-click and select an option to show critical conflicts, non-critical conflicts, and all changes for the item selected in the Application Upgrades list.

          System Administration

          System Preferences

          Displays system preferences in the Object List Editor. This information is similar to the information that Siebel CRM shows in the System Preferences view in the Administration - Application screen in the Siebel client.

          Note: In Web Tools, click the Tools menu and then click the System Preferences menu item.

          Analytics Strings

          For internal Oracle use.

          List of Values

          Displays the lists of values that the development database contains.

            Go Menu

            The following table describes the menu items that you can click from the Go menu. The Go menu allows you to navigate records in a list.

            Table Menu Items That You Can Click from the Go Menu

            Menu Item Description


            Displays the previous screen in a sequence.


            Displays the next screen in a sequence.

            Previous Record (CTRL+UP)

            Navigates to the first object that is preceding the current selection.

            Next Record (CTRL+DOWN)

            Navigates to the first object that is succeeding the current selection.

            First Record (CTRL+PAGE UP)

            Navigates to the first object in the list.

            Last Record (CTRL+PAGE DOWN)

            Navigates to the last object in the list.

            Add Bookmark

            Displays the Add Bookmark dialog box that allows you to create a bookmark to the object you choose. You can use this menu item to create a bookmark, which is a feature that allows you to return directly to an item.

            Bookmark List

            Displays the Bookmarks dialog box that allows you to choose an existing bookmark. You can also use this dialog box to rename or delete an existing bookmark.

              Query Menu

              The following table describes the menu items that you can click from the Query menu. This menu allows you to create and refine an Object List Editor query. You can use this query to filter the list of objects that appear in the current Object List Editor.

              Table Menu Items That You Can Click from the Query Menu

              Menu Item Description

              New Query (CTRL+Q)

              Allows you to filter the set of objects that appear in the Object List Editor.

              Refine Query (CTRL+R)

              Allows you to add more filters to the current query.

              Execute Query (ENTER)

              Runs the query.

              Sort Order

              Opens the Sort Order dialog box. This dialog box allows you to specify the order that the Object List Editor uses to display the records.

                Debug Menu

                The following table describes the menu items that you can click from the Debug menu. This menu allows you to control the debugger for Siebel VB or Siebel eScript.

                Table Menu Items That You Can Click from the Debug Menu

                Menu Item Description

                Check Syntax

                Compiles the current script and verifies syntax.

                Start (F5)

                Starts the Siebel client. It also displays a dialog box that includes startup parameters.

                Break (CTRL+BREAK)

                Stops the script that is currently running. If Siebel VB or Siebel eScript is not running, then Siebel Tools does nothing.


                Stops the Siebel client and returns to the Siebel Script Editor window.

                Restart (SHIFT+F5)

                Restarts the Siebel client if a break occurs.

                Toggle Breakpoint (F9)

                Sets or removes a breakpoint on a line of code.

                Clear All Breakpoints (CTRL+SHIFT+F9)

                Removes all breakpoints from the current script.

                Watch (SHIFT+F9)

                Displays script variables and their values. For more information, see Using the Watch Window While it Monitors a Script.

                Calls (CTRL+L)

                Contains a list of subroutine and function calls that Siebel Tools runs prior to the current line. If you choose an item in this list, then the interpreter shifts to this item.

                Step Into (F8)

                Runs the next line of a script. If this line calls a subroutine or procedure, then Siebel Tools runs this subroutine or procedure.

                Step Over (SHIFT+F8)

                Runs the first line of script that occurs after the current subroutine or procedure. Siebel Tools continues to run this script in the current subroutine or procedure.

                Step To Cursor (CTRL+F8)

                Runs all lines of code up to the line that includes the cursor.

                  Tools Menu

                  The following table describes the menu items that you can click from the Tools menu.

                  Table Menu Items That You Can Click from the Tools Menu

                  Menu Item Subitem Description

                  Compile (F7)

                  Opens the Object Compiler dialog box to compile one or more projects to a repository.

                  Compile Selected Objects (CTRL+F7)

                  Opens the Object Compiler dialog box to compile the objects you choose to a repository.

                  Lock Project (ALT+L)

                  Locks the project that the object you choose references.

                  Unlock Project (ALT+U)

                  Unlocks the project that the object you choose references.

                  Add To Archive

                  Opens the Export To Archive dialog box to add the top-level objects that you choose or projects to an archive.

                  Import From Archive

                  Starts the Import wizard to import objects from an archive.

                  Compare Objects


                  Compares two objects that you choose. It uses a list of object names and properties to display similarities and differences.

                  Selected vs. Repository

                  Compares the object you choose to the corresponding object in the repository and displays similarities and differences.

                  Selected vs. Archive

                  Compares the object you choose to the corresponding object in an archive and displays similarities and differences.

                  Archive vs. Archive

                  Compares two files that you choose and displays similarities and differences.

                  Convert to Grid Layout

                  Converts a form applet that uses a nongrid layout to grid layout.

                  Search Repository

                  Opens the Search Repository dialog box to search for objects according to the object name, another property, or the object type.

                  Validate Object

                  Validates the object you choose. Lists errors according to severity, rule number, object name, and error description. Allows you to modify options for rules, severity, and enforcement.


                  Maintenance Update

                  Not applicable starting with Siebel CRM version 8.0.

                  Prepare Repository

                  Used to upgrade from a Siebel CRM version that occurs before version 7.x to version 8.0. The Prepare Repository utility runs before it does a repository merge. It migrates strings from the S_MSG table, merges labels and fields, and merges templates to applets for the language that you specify. For more information, see Siebel Database Upgrade Guide.

                  Migrate ICL Objects to Standard

                  Applicable if you choose the Incorporate Custom Layout (ICL) option. You choose this option to preserve the layouts of custom objects during a previous upgrade.

                  Before you can perform a subsequent upgrade, you must migrate the ICL objects to the predefined repository. For more information, see About Predefined Objects and Siebel Database Upgrade Guide.

                  Upgrade Application

                  Displays the Application Objects Upgrade List in the Application Upgrader screen of Siebel Tools and opens the Merge Repositories dialog box. You use this menu item to merge predefined and custom repositories. For more information, see Siebel Database Upgrade Guide.

                  Generate EIM Processing Columns

                  Opens the EIM Processing Column Generator dialog box. You can use this dialog box to create missing EIM processing columns and indexes after you merge the repository.

                  Web Client Migration

                  Used to upgrade from Siebel CRM version 6.x to version 7.x or version 8.0. It associates Web templates to a group of applets and views so that Siebel CRM can use them in the Siebel client. For more information, see Siebel Database Upgrade Guide.


                  Generate Help IDs

                  Oracle uses this subitem internally to create the sshelp.hm file for Siebel Tools Online Help. This file includes information about context Id numbers and text help identifiers that the Help Id objects specify.

                  Locale Management

                  Allows you to use the Local Management Utility to import or export translatable strings and locale properties.

                  Map Fax Properties

                  If you click business component in the Object Explorer, then this menu item opens the Map Fax Properties dialog box for the business component that you choose. You can use this dialog box to create mappings between fields in the business component and sheet properties for the fax software. These mappings allow you to customize the fax cover sheet and the fax message.

                  Export View Previews

                  Exports the view that the Preview mode of the View Layout Editor shows to an HTML file.

                  Case Insensitivity

                  Opens the Case and Accent Insensitivity Wizard. It allows you to do a case-insensitive or accent-insensitive search on columns in the Siebel schema. For more information, see Configuring Siebel Business Applications and Siebel Database Upgrade Guide.

                  Build Patch

                  Starts the Patch Builder wizard that allows you to create a patch file.

                  Apply Patch

                  Opens the Apply Patch window that allows you to apply the patch.

                    Workspace Menu

                    When you select the Workspace menu, a list of different menu items that are used to configure and manage workspaces appears. The following table describes the menu items under the Workspace menu.

                    Table Menu Items That You Can Click from the Workspace Menu

                    Menu Item Description


                    Select this option to create a new workspace.

                    For more information, see Creating New Workspaces.


                    Select this option to check in the changes that you made to the current version of the workspace.

                    For more information, see Performing the Checkpoint Version Process.


                    Select this option to revert the changes that you made to the current version of that workspace.

                    For more information, see Reverting to Previous Workspace Versions.


                    Select this option to apply and up-take the changes that were made in the parent workspace into the current workspace.

                    For more information, see Rebasing Workspaces.

                    Merge Reports

                    Select this option to view and resolve the conflicts that occurred during the rebase process.

                    For more information, see Rebasing Workspacesand Detecting Conflicts in Workspaces and Applying Resolutions.

                    Submit for Delivery

                    Select this option to change the status of the workspace and make it ready for delivering the changes to the MAIN workspace.

                    For more information, see Submitting Workspaces for Delivery.


                    Select this option to deliver the changes in the workspace to the MAIN workspace.

                    Note: This option is available only to the user who is also the owner of the MAIN workspace.

                    For more information, see Delivering Workspaces.


                    Select this option to view the differences that are made to the objects in two selected workspace versions.

                    For more information, see Comparing Workspace Versions.

                    Undo Submit for Delivery

                    Select this option to cancel the workspace delivery process.

                    For more information, see Canceling the Workspace Delivery Process.

                    Workspace Explorer

                    Select this option to display the Workspace explorer pane.

                      Window Menu

                      The Window menu lists the currently open Object List Editor, Application Designer, visualization view, and other windows, and allows you to navigate to windows that Siebel Tools does not currently show. If one of these windows is open, then Siebel Tools displays the Close menu item as the first item. The Close menu item closes the window that is currently active.

                        Help Menu

                        The following table describes the menu items that you can click from the Help menu.

                        Table Menu Items That You Can Click from the Help Menu

                        Menu Item Description


                        Opens the Siebel Tools Online Help.

                        Using Help

                        Technical Support

                        Displays the Technical Support Information dialog box that includes information that Technical Support might require, such as the version number of your Siebel Tools installation.

                        About Record

                        Opens a dialog box that displays information about the current object, including the object creator and creation date.

                        About SRF

                        Opens a dialog box that displays information about the most recent full incremental compile.

                        About View

                        Opens a dialog box that displays information about the current screen, business object, and view, including applet layout.

                        About Visible Views

                        Displays the list of views in the repository and if each view is visible. Visibility for each view depends on the license key you use when you install Siebel Tools. For more information, see Description of the About Visible Views Dialog Box.

                        About Siebel Tools

                        Opens a dialog box that identifies the version of Siebel Tools.

                          Description of the About Visible Views Dialog Box

                          The following table describes the information that the About Visible Views dialog box shows. To view this dialog box, you click the Help menu and then click About Visible Views.

                          Table Description of the About Visible Views Dialog Box

                          Column Description

                          View Name

                          Displays the view name. The views in this column are not the predefined views in Siebel Tools.


                          Shows whether or not the view is visible in Siebel Tools.


                          Shows whether or not the view is associated with Siebel Tools.


                          Shows whether or not the view always appears as a view in Siebel Tools.


                          Shows whether or not the view is associated with user responsibilities.


                          Shows whether or not the view visibility depends on the license key that you use when you install Siebel Tools.


                          Shows whether or not the view visibility depends on the platform that Siebel Tools uses.

                            Buttons on the Toolbars

                            This topic describes the buttons that you use on the toolbars in Siebel Tools. For more information, see Using the Toolbars.

                            This topic includes the following information:

                              Edit Toolbar

                              The following table describes the buttons that you can click on the Edit toolbar.

                              Table Buttons You Can Click on the Edit Toolbar

                              Button Description


                              Starts the New Object Wizard that allows you to create applets, views, charts, and other objects.


                              Saves modifications in the current editing window if you use Layout, Menu, or Basic Scripts.

                              Save All

                              Saves modifications in all open editing windows.


                              If you use this button while the cursor is in a property that contains text, then Siebel Tools copies the text you choose to the clipboard and deletes the existing text. In the Applet Designer, it copies the control you choose to the clipboard and deletes the existing control.


                              If you use this button while the cursor is in a property that contains text, then Siebel Tools copies the text you choose to the clipboard. In the Applet Designer, it copies the control you choose to the clipboard.


                              Inserts text from the clipboard to a text property at the insertion point. In the Applet Designer, it inserts a control from the clipboard.


                              If you have not saved the object, then this button reverses the last modification you made to a property value in the Object List Editor or Property window.


                              Reapplies modifications after the Undo command runs.

                                List Toolbar

                                The following table describes the buttons that you can click on the List toolbar.

                                Table Buttons You Can Click on the List Toolbar

                                Button Description

                                Add New Record

                                Creates a new object in the Object List Editor and positions the cursor in the first required property.

                                First Record

                                Goes to the first object in the list.

                                Previous Record

                                Goes to the object preceding the current selection.

                                Next Record

                                Goes to the object succeeding the current selection.

                                Last Record

                                Goes to the last object in the list.

                                New Query

                                Allows you to specify one or more filters on the set of objects that the Object List Editor shows.

                                Execute Query

                                Runs the query you specify. This button does the same as pressing ENTER.

                                Sort Ascending

                                Modifies the order that Siebel Tools uses to display objects. It sorts them in ascending order according to the currently chosen property column.

                                Sort Descending

                                Modifies the order that Siebel Tools uses to display objects. It sorts them in descending order according to the currently chosen property column.

                                Filter Version

                                Displays only the most recent version of each workflow process or task UI that the Object List Editor shows.

                                  History Toolbar

                                  The following table describes the buttons that you can click on the History toolbar.

                                  Table Buttons You Can Click on the History Toolbar

                                  Button Description

                                  Go Back

                                  Returns to the previously displayed screen.

                                  Go Forward

                                  Returns to the subsequent displayed screen.

                                  Add Bookmark

                                  Displays the Add Bookmark dialog box that allows you to create a bookmark to the object you choose. You can use this menu item to create a bookmark, which is a feature that allows you to return directly to an item.

                                  Bookmark List

                                  Displays the Bookmarks dialog box that allows you to choose an existing bookmark. You can also use this dialog box to rename or delete an existing bookmark.

                                    Debug Toolbar

                                    The following table describes the buttons that you can click on the Debug toolbar.

                                    Table Buttons You Can Click on the Debug Toolbar

                                    Button Description

                                    Check Syntax

                                    Compiles the current script and verifies syntax.


                                    Starts the Siebel client. It also displays a dialog box that includes startup parameters.


                                    Stops the script that is currently running. If Siebel VB or Siebel eScript is not running, then Siebel Tools does nothing.


                                    Stops the Siebel client and returns to the Siebel Script Editor window.

                                    Toggle Breakpoint

                                    Sets or removes a breakpoint on a line of code.


                                    Displays script variables and their values. For more information, see Using the Watch Window While it Monitors a Script.


                                    Contains a list of subroutine and function calls that Siebel Tools runs prior to the current line. If you choose an item in this list, then the interpreter shifts to this item.

                                    Step Into

                                    Runs the next line of a script. If this line calls a subroutine or procedure, then Siebel Tools runs this subroutine or procedure.

                                    Step Over

                                    Runs the first line of script that occurs after the current subroutine or procedure. Siebel Tools continues to run this script in the current subroutine or procedure.

                                      Simulate Toolbar

                                      The following table describes the buttons that you can click on the Simulate toolbar.

                                      Table Buttons You Can Click on the Simulate Toolbar

                                      Button Description

                                      Start Simulation

                                      Starts the simulation of a workflow process.

                                      Simulate Next

                                      Simulates the next workflow process step.

                                      Complete Simulation

                                      Completes the simulation of a workflow process.

                                      Stop Simulation

                                      Stops the Workflow Simulator.

                                        Format Toolbar

                                        The following table describes the buttons that you can click on the Format toolbar.

                                        Table Buttons You Can Click on the Format Toolbar

                                        Button Description

                                        Aligns the near edges of controls.

                                        Aligns the centers of controls along a vertical axis.

                                        Aligns the far edges of controls.

                                        Aligns the highest points of controls.

                                        Aligns the middles of controls along a horizontal axis.

                                        Aligns the lowest points of controls.

                                        Makes the controls the same width.

                                        Makes the controls the same height.

                                        Makes the controls the same size.

                                        Makes the horizontal spacing between controls equal.

                                        Increases the horizontal spacing between controls.

                                        Decreases the horizontal spacing between controls.

                                        Removes the horizontal spacing between controls.

                                        Makes the vertical spacing between controls equal.

                                        Increases the vertical spacing between controls.

                                        Decreases the vertical spacing between controls.

                                        Removes the vertical spacing between controls.

                                        Centers the controls vertically.

                                        Centers the controls horizontally.

                                        Aligns the labels to the near margin.

                                        Centers the labels.

                                        Aligns the labels to the far margin.

                                          WF/Task Editor Toolbar

                                          The following table describes the buttons that you can click on the WF/Task Editor toolbar.

                                          Table Buttons You Can Click on the WF/Task Editor Toolbar

                                          Button Description


                                          Publishes and activates a workflow process or task UI in a single step. This button is available only with the Siebel Web Client. You cannot use it to activate a workflow process or task UI in the production environment.


                                          Makes a workflow process or task UI available to activate from the Siebel client.


                                          Revises a workflow process or task UI.


                                          Makes a workflow process or task UI inactive.

                                            Configuration Context Toolbar

                                            The following table describes the items that you can use on the Configuration Context toolbar.

                                            Table Items You Can Use on the Configuration Context Toolbar

                                            Drop-Down List Description

                                            Target Browser

                                            Allows you to choose a target browser for layout editing and for scripting.


                                            Allows you to configure objects for a specific Siebel application. Typically, you use All Applications. If you choose a single application from the list, then you can configure objects, such as applets or views, to show or behave differently for only the application you choose.


                                            Allows you to specify a display style for an applet for previewing, such as parent, child, or grandchild. Siebel Tools might display an applet differently depending on the underlying Web template. For example, an applet header might not appear if Siebel Tools displays it as a grandchild.

                                              Dialog Boxes That Validate Objects

                                              This topic describes dialog boxes that you use to validate objects. For more information, see Validating Objects.

                                              This topic includes the following information:

                                                Elements of the Validate Dialog Box

                                                The following table describes the elements of the Validate dialog box.

                                                Table Elements of the Validate Dialog Box

                                                Element Description

                                                Errors List

                                                Displays the results of the validation process. Each row in the list identifies a rule violation for an object. You can do the following:

                                                • Double click the error in the Errors list to drill down on the object that causes the error.

                                                • Click a column heading to sort the rows.

                                                • Resize the border of the heading cell to adjust columns.

                                                Severity Column

                                                Includes an icon that indicates one of the following:

                                                • Warning. Yellow icon with an exclamation mark.

                                                • Error. Red icon with a minus sign. This error might cause a problem in Siebel CRM at run time.

                                                Rule Column

                                                Displays an integer that identifies the number of the violated rule. Siebel Tools lists rules sequentially according to the rule number.

                                                Object Column

                                                Displays the name of the object that failed validation.

                                                Description Column

                                                Displays a description of the error or warning.

                                                Details Window

                                                Displays more information about the error or warning message for the row that you choose in the Errors list.

                                                Go To Button

                                                To drill down on the object that causes an error, you can choose an error in the Error section, and then click Go To. You can also double-click the error message.

                                                Log File Window

                                                Displays the path and file name of the log file that includes the same list of validation errors and warnings that the Errors List shows. To save this list as a log file, you can click Save As, navigate to where you want to save the file, and then specify a file name.

                                                Load Button

                                                Loads the contents of the log file that Siebel Tools saves when you use Save As in the Log File section. You can use the Load button to load the list of error and warning validations back into the Validation Tool at a later time.

                                                Save As Button

                                                Saves the list of validation rows that Siebel Tools currently shows in the Errors List as a log file.

                                                  Elements of the Validation Options Dialog Box

                                                  The following table describes the Rules area of the Validation Options dialog box. If you click Options in the Validate dialog box, then Siebel Tools displays the Validation Options Dialog box. To avoid validating objects that your configuration does not use, you must use the repository validator only in conjunction with the time filter.

                                                  Table Elements of the Rules Area of the Validation Options Dialog Box

                                                  Element Description

                                                  Rules List

                                                  Lists the rules that Siebel Tools enforces during validation. You can click a column heading to sort the rows. You can resize the heading cell to adjust columns.

                                                  Severity Column

                                                  Displays an icon that indicates one of the following:

                                                  • Warning. Yellow icon with an exclamation mark.

                                                  • Error. Red icon with a minus sign. This error can cause a problem in Siebel CRM at run time.

                                                  Rule Column

                                                  Displays an integer that identifies the number of the violated rule. Siebel Tools lists rules sequentially according to the rule number.

                                                  Object Column

                                                  Displays the object type that Siebel Tools examines.

                                                  Description Column

                                                  Displays a description of the rule.

                                                  Enforce Column

                                                  Indicates if Siebel Tools enforces the rule. A Yes value validates all objects of the object type that the Object column identifies.

                                                  If you use any of the following buttons in the Validation Options dialog box, then Siebel Tools modifies the value in the Enforce column:

                                                  • Enforce

                                                  • Ignore
                                                  • Enforce All
                                                  • Ignore All

                                                  Save Button

                                                  Saves all the values for the current set of rules to a text file that you specify. If you press ENTER, and if the Validation Options dialog box is open, then Siebel Tools saves other settings to a preferences file.

                                                  Enforce Button

                                                  Modifies the value in the Enforce column in the row that you choose from No to Yes.

                                                  Ignore Button

                                                  Modifies the value in the Enforce column in the row that you choose from Yes to No.

                                                  Enforce All Button

                                                  Modifies all values in the Enforce column to Yes.

                                                  Ignore All Button

                                                  Modifies all values in the Enforce column to No. If you click Ignore All, then Siebel Tools does not validate any objects.

                                                  Details Text Box

                                                  Displays more information about the error or warning message for the row that you choose in the Errors list.

                                                  Last Validated Option

                                                  If this check box includes a check mark, then Siebel Tools validates only objects that Siebel CRM modified since the date you enter in the Last Validated window.

                                                  Custom Option

                                                  If this check box includes a check mark, then Siebel Tools validates only the objects that Siebel CRM modified according to the date range that you enter in the date and time fields next to the Custom option.

                                                  Do Not Report Warnings Option

                                                  If this check box includes a check mark, then Siebel Tools reports only errors. It does not report warnings. It also modifies the value in the Enforced column of all warning rules to No.

                                                  Abort Validation Option

                                                  If this check box includes a check mark, and if you enter a number in the Errors window that appears after this option, then it stops validating after it reaches the number of errors you specify.

                                                  If Siebel Tools identifies the number of errors that you specify in this window, then it stops validating the object and displays the Error dialog box.

                                                    Dialog Boxes That Compare Objects

                                                    This topic describes the dialog boxes that you use to compare objects.

                                                      Elements of the Compare Objects Dialog Box

                                                      The following table describes the elements of the Compare Objects dialog box.

                                                      Table Elements of the Compare Objects Dialog Box

                                                      Element Description

                                                      First Selection Section

                                                      Displays the object hierarchy as a tree. To expand a tree, you can use the controls in the First Selection window or the Second Selection window. For example, if you expand the tree in the First Selection window, then Siebel Tools does the following:

                                                      • Expands the tree in the First Selection window.

                                                      • Expands the tree in the Second Selection window.

                                                      • Displays the child object types that each parent object contains.

                                                      • Displays a dashed line to represent a child object that does not exist in an object.

                                                      Second Selection Section

                                                      Properties Section

                                                      Displays the properties that are different for the objects that Siebel Tools compares.

                                                      Display Section

                                                      Determines how Siebel Tools displays items in the Compare Objects dialog box. You can choose the following options:

                                                      • Show All Objects. Displays all child objects in the First Selection section and the Second Selection section.

                                                      • Show All User Properties. Displays all user properties in the Properties section.

                                                      • Show System Properties. Displays system properties in the Properties section (for example Created, Created By, Updated, and Updated By).

                                                      Synchronizes objects from the repository that the First Selection section represents with the repository that the Second Selection section represents. For more information, see Comparing and Synchronizing Objects Between Repositories and Archives.

                                                      Synchronizes objects from the repository that the Second Selection section represents with the repository that the First Selection section represents. For more information, see Comparing and Synchronizing Objects Between Repositories and Archives.

                                                      Expands the entire tree in the First Selection section and the Second Selection section.

                                                      Collapses the entire tree in the First Selection section and the Second Selection section.

                                                      Delete Button

                                                      Deletes objects after a comparison.

                                                        Dialog Boxes That Set Development Options

                                                        This topic describes the dialog boxes that you use to set development options. It includes the following information:

                                                          Development Options for Visualization Views

                                                          The following table describes the development options that you can set for visualization views. For information about using this dialog box, see Viewing Object Relationships.

                                                          Table Development Options for Visualization Views

                                                          Option Description

                                                          Use System Font

                                                          Uses a system font for the visualization views.

                                                          Use a Custom Font

                                                          You can use the Font, Size, and Zoom drop-down lists to choose your preferred font.

                                                          Boxes with 3D borders

                                                          Displays boxes with a three dimensional border.

                                                          Icon and name only

                                                          Displays the object name and the same object icon that the Object Explorer shows.

                                                          Simple outline boxes

                                                          Displays each object name in a simple box.

                                                          Always print outline style

                                                          Displays visualization details in outline style.

                                                            Development Options for Scripting

                                                            The following table describes the development options that you can set for scripting. For more information, see Setting Options for the Siebel Script Editor.

                                                            Table Development Options for Scripting

                                                            Section Option Description



                                                            Sets the font name that appears for a script.


                                                            Sets the font size that appears for a script.

                                                            Script Assist

                                                            Allows you to set Script Assist options. You must enable the ST eScript Engine so that you can use Script Assist. For more information, see Overview of Using the ST eScript Engine.

                                                            Enable Method Listing

                                                            Allows Script Assist to display a drop-down list that includes the methods and properties that are available for a declared object.

                                                            Tab Width

                                                            Specifies the number of spaces that Siebel Tools uses for a tab character in the script. The default value is four spaces.

                                                            Enable Auto Complete

                                                            If this check box contains a check mark, then Siebel Tools auto completes a method name or property name. It does this if you enter the minimal number of unique characters that are required to complete the name.

                                                            If it locates strings that are not unique, then it displays a drop-down list.

                                                            Auto Indent

                                                            If this check box contains a check mark, then Siebel Tools indents each succeeding line of script to the position that the current line sets.

                                                            Enable Favorites

                                                            If this check box contains a check mark, then Siebel Tools displays the object, method, or property name that you use most frequently in italics at the start of the Script Assist window.

                                                            Engine Settings

                                                            For more information, see Setting Options for the ST eScript Engine.


                                                            Default Language for New Scripts

                                                            You can choose eScript or Visual Basic.

                                                            Browser Script Compilation Folder

                                                            You can specify the folder where Siebel Tools stores the Browser script that it compiles. For example:

                                                            C:\Program Files\Siebel\8.0\web 

                                                            In this example, browser script files reside in the following folder:

                                                            C:\Program Files\Siebel\8.0\web 


                                                            Allows you to set options for the Siebel Debugger. For more information, see Setting Debug Options to Open the Siebel Client.

                                                            Adjust Breakpoint to Next Valid Line

                                                            If this check box contains a check mark, and if you delete a breakpoint on an invalid code line, then Siebel Tools creates a breakpoint at the next valid line.

                                                            Make Debugger Window Active When Debugging

                                                            If this check box contains a check mark, then Siebel Tools displays the Siebel Debugger window when it is in debug mode.

                                                            Always Enter the Debugger When an Error Occurs

                                                            If this check box contains a check mark, and if a script error occurs, then Siebel Tools displays the Siebel Debugger window.

                                                              Development Options for Debugging

                                                              The following table describes the development options that you can set for debugging. To access this dialog box in Siebel Tools, you click the View menu, click Options, and then click the Debug tab. Siebel Tools stores the settings you make on the Debug tab in the following user preference file:


                                                              It stores this file in the SIEBEL_TOOLS_ROOT\BIN folder.

                                                              Table Development Options for Debugging

                                                              Option Description


                                                              Enter the name of the Siebel Web Client executable. For example:


                                                              The default value is siebel.exe. Siebel Tools runs this executable in debug mode or automatically after compile finishes.

                                                              CFG File

                                                              Enter the name of the configuration file that the Siebel client uses. For example:

                                                              C:\Program Files\Siebel\8.0\web client\BIN\ENU\uagent.cfg


                                                              Enter the path to the browser executable. For example:

                                                              C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe

                                                              Working Directory

                                                              Enter the Siebel root folder. This folder includes the Siebel executable and the DLLs (dynamic link libraries). For example:

                                                              C:\Program Files\Siebel\8.0\web client\BIN


                                                              Enter the options that Siebel Tools uses when it opens the watch window:

                                                              • /h. Enables local debugging of server scripts.

                                                              • /s file name. Enable SQL spooling.

                                                              Prompt for This Information Each Time

                                                              If this check box contains a check mark, then Siebel Tools displays information each time it runs a debug operation. For example, it can display the name of the executable, the name of the CFG file, the browser configuration, and so on.

                                                              Show Workflow Primary Business Component Data

                                                              If this check box contains a check mark, then the Watch window in the Workflow Simulator displays information about the workflow process. It displays the name of each business component field and the value for each of these fields. These fields include fields from the primary business component of the business object that the workflow process references.

                                                              User Name

                                                              Enter the user name that Siebel CRM requires to log in to the Siebel application you are debugging.


                                                              Enter the password that Siebel CRM requires to log in to the Siebel application you are debugging.

                                                              Data Source

                                                              Choose a default data source. The values you can choose depend on Oracle’s Siebel Tools configuration file that you specify in the CFG File option. The Siebel Web Client connects to this local database.

                                                              Enable Profiler

                                                              For more information, see Using the Script Profiler.

                                                                Parameters That Convert Symbolic Strings

                                                                This topic describes the parameters that you can use to convert a symbolic string. You use these parameters with a conversion utility. For more information, see Converting Symbolic Strings.

                                                                This topic includes the following information:

                                                                  Parameters You Use with the Conversion Export Utility

                                                                  The following table describes the parameters that you can use with the conversion export utility.

                                                                  Table Parameters You Use with the Conversion Export Utility

                                                                  Parameter Description


                                                                  Required. Specifies the name of the export file.


                                                                  Required. Specifies the name of the repository. The repository name is case sensitive.


                                                                  Required. Specifies the object type that contains the strings that this utility exports. For example:


                                                                  The object name is case sensitive.


                                                                  Specifies the name of the log file.


                                                                  Specifies the language that this utility uses as the primary language to match when it searches for duplicate symbolic strings. For example, each symbolic string includes the following child records:

                                                                  • English (ENU)

                                                                  • French (FRA)
                                                                  • German (DEU)

                                                                  If you set the Language parameter to ENU, then the conversion export searches for matches between the ENU records. If it finds matches, then it examines the other child records of the other languages. If all child records match, or if one language includes a superset of one of the other languages, then this utility considers them as matching symbolic strings.


                                                                  Specifies the minimum number of matches in a set of matching symbolic strings before this utility writes them to the file. The default value is 2.


                                                                  Specifies the SQL log file name. If you set this parameter, then this utility logs all SQL that it runs to this file.


                                                                  Specifies a TRUE or FALSE value. If TRUE, then this utility excludes null values for conversion consideration. The default value is TRUE.


                                                                  Specifies a TRUE or FALSE value. If TRUE, then this utility matches records against all the other possible match candidates before it discards them. The default value is TRUE.


                                                                  Specifies a TRUE or FALSE value. If TRUE, then this utility considers records as a match only if all of the records include the same number of language records, and if the same values exist for each language. It does not consider partial matches. The default value is FALSE.


                                                                  Specifies a TRUE or FALSE value. If TRUE, and if the Inactive property of the record is set to Y, then this utility skips this record. The default value is TRUE.

                                                                    Parameters That You Can Use with the Conversion Import Utility

                                                                    The following table describes the parameters that you use with the conversion import utility.

                                                                    Table Parameters You Use with the Conversion Import Utility

                                                                    Parameter Description


                                                                    Required. Specifies the name of the import file. You must use the same name that you use when you export symbolic strings.


                                                                    Required. Specifies the name of the repository.


                                                                    Specifies the log file.


                                                                    Specifies a TRUE or FALSE value. If TRUE, then this utility unlocks all projects when the conversion finishes. This configuration is useful if multiple instances of the conversion service run against the same database. The default value is TRUE.


                                                                    Specifies a TRUE or FALSE value. If TRUE, then this utility does not update parent objects to use the symbolic string. The default value is FALSE. Set SkipParentUpdates to TRUE only if you do not simultaneously run multiple instances of the import. If you set SkipParentUpdates to TRUE, and if you run multiple instances, then errors might occur. The utility might abort an update or delete records because another instance updates the project at the same time.


                                                                    Specifies the log file name. If you use this parameter, then this utility logs all SQL that it runs to the file you specify.


                                                                    Required. Specifies the name of the project in the repository that includes the new strings. Predefined symbolic strings reside in the Symbolic Strings project. You can configure this utility to import custom strings. For more information, see About Predefined Objects.


                                                                    Specifies a TRUE or FALSE value. If TRUE, and if all translatable strings are NULL, and if language override is not enabled, then this utility deletes locale records. If FALSE, then this utility sets the locale record to Inactive. The default value is TRUE. For more information, see Setting the Language Mode.


                                                                    Specifies a TRUE or FALSE value. If TRUE, and if the Translate property for the object is N, then this utility does not convert this object. The default value is TRUE.


                                                                    Specifies a TRUE or FALSE value. If TRUE, then this utility exports all error records to a separate log file. The default value is FALSE.