6Configuring User Interface Elements

Configuring Recipient Groups for Requests and Advanced Templates

This topic describes configuring recipient groups for outbound communication requests and advanced templates. It contains the following information:

A recipient group is a group of people that you want to send communications to. Generally, you do not need to configure new recipient groups unless existing recipient groups do not meet your needs. Note the following information about recipient groups:

  • For outbound communication requests, recipient groups determine the actual recipients of communications. For example, for the Opportunity Contacts recipient group, recipients include the contacts associated with one or more opportunities.

  • For communications templates, which requests and other communications features use, recipient groups determine the Siebel objects that the template is associated with as follows:

    • For advanced templates used for outbound communication requests, substitution fields for templates come from Siebel objects. For example, for the Opportunity Contacts recipient group, substitution fields come from the Opportunity and Contact business components.

    • For simple templates used for email replies in Siebel Email Response and for the Send commands in the File menu, substitution fields come from a specified business object. No configuration is necessary other than for the template itself. For more information, see Configuring Recipients for Send Commands.

Outbound communication requests use advanced templates to send email, fax, or wireless messages in an automated fashion. Communication requests can support high-volume processing and output. For more information about working with recipient groups when creating advanced templates and requests, see Configuring Communications Templates and Defining Outbound Communication Requests

A user can create and submit outbound communication requests, and Siebel Workflow or other modules can automatically create and submit outbound communications requests by invoking the methods of the Outbound Communications Manager business service. For more information about Siebel Workflow, see Siebel Business Process Framework: Workflow Guide. For more information about using business services with Siebel Communications Server, see Business Service Methods for Siebel Email Response

About Recipient Groups

This topic describes concepts to help you to use or configure recipient groups used with advanced templates and outbound communication requests. For more information about working with business objects, business components, links, and other elements mentioned in this topic, see Configuring Siebel Business Applications and Siebel Developer's Reference.

Each recipient group specifies a source business object, called the recipient source, such as Opportunity, Account, Action, Internal Division, and so on. The recipient group also specifies a recipient group business component, which must be a direct child of the primary business component for the recipient source business object.

The actual recipients for a communication request come from the recipient group business component, such as Contact, Employee, and so on. The link between the primary and child business components defines these recipients. Note the following examples:

  • A recipient group might be based on a recipient source that specifies one or more accounts and the contacts of these accounts (Account Contacts).

  • A recipient group might be based on a recipient source that specifies one or more opportunities and the sales-team members of these opportunities (Opportunity Sales Team Members).

  • A recipient group might be based on a recipient source that directly specifies one or more employees (Employees).

Note: Make sure that you select Link Specification for the Primary Contact ID field in the parent business component.

Recipient groups directly determine actual recipients only for outbound communication requests. For advanced communications templates, they determine the fields that are available for substitution data from the Siebel application when the template is sent to each specific recipient for the request.

Note: If you create a new recipient group using a custom business component, and select the Create Activity check box for an advanced template that uses the recipient group, then you must create a System Activity object on the custom business component to specify the fields to log with activity logging. For more information about the description of the Create Activity check box, see Fields for Templates.

Predefined Recipient Groups

Several predefined recipient groups, and their underlying business objects and business components, are provided with Siebel Business Applications. If the predefined recipient groups do not meet all your business needs, then you can configure the Siebel application to extend or modify the available recipient groups. For more information, see Configuring Additional Recipient Groups and Recipient Sources Applets.

The following table lists predefined recipient groups that users or administrators can select in the Recipient Group drop-down list in the end-user and administrator views for working with outbound communication requests, or in the end-user and administrator views for working with communications templates in the Advanced form. You can also specify these recipient groups in workflow processes that you create using Siebel Workflow.

(In the Simple form of the templates views, the Object drop-down list displays business objects for which a primary business component is defined. These entries are not the same as the recipient groups described in this topic.)

Note: The Recipient Group drop-down list (for requests or for advanced templates) contains the most up-to-date list of recipient groups for the standard Siebel applications. Your Siebel products might not contain all of the recipient groups in the following table.

Most of the recipient groups in the Recipient Group drop-down list apply to both requests and advanced templates, but some recipient groups apply only to templates. Recipient groups not applicable to requests display a star icon.

The following table shows each recipient group along with the name of the source business object and recipient business component. For COMM_RECIP_SRC type in the List of Values view of the Administration - Data screen, the Parent LIC column corresponds to the source business object, and the Language-Independent Code column corresponds to the recipient business component. For more information about these elements, see About Recipient Groups.

Table Predefined Recipient Groups

Recipient Group (Display Value) Source Business Object (Parent LIC) Recipient Business Component (Language-Independent Code)

Account Contacts



Account Team Members



Activity Contact


Comm Contact

Activity Contacts



Activity Owner


Employee (MM)

Campaign Contacts/Prospects


Campaign Recipient

Campaign Team Members


Campaign Position




Division Positions

Internal Division


Email Activity Receiver*

Comm Outbound Email

Comm Outbound Email

Email Activity Sender






Expense Approver


Expense Report Approver

Expense Owner


Expense Report Owner

List Contacts/Prospects

List Mgmt

List Mgmt List Member

Messaging Activity*


Messaging Activity

Messaging Activity Assignee


Messaging Activity Assignee

Messaging Assignee*


Messaging Assignee

Messaging Contacts*



Opportunity Contacts



Opportunity Key Contact


Opportunity Key Contact

Opportunity Sales Team Members



Order Contact

Order Entry

Comm Contact

Order Contact (Purchasing Mgr)

Order Entry

Contact (Purchasing Manager)

Order Sales Team Members

Order Entry


Project Team Members


PS Project Team

Prospect Partner

Channel Partner

Prospect Partner

Quote Contact


Comm Contact

Quote Sales Rep



Service Request Contact

Service Request

Comm Contact

Service Request Owner

Service Request

Comm Employee

Time Sheet Approver

Time Sheet

TS Approver

Time Sheet Owner

Time Sheet

TS Owner

eEvent Attendee

eEvents Event Attendee

eEvents Event Attendee

Configuring Substitution Fields for Recipient Groups

For the business components in a recipient group, all business component fields are generally listed as available substitutions. (System fields, hidden fields, and fields that have a dot in the name are not listed.) Fields are listed from both the recipient group business component and recipient source business component, if the fields are different.

Note the following examples:

  • For the Contacts recipient group, the available substitution fields are from the Contact business component in the form [Field Name].

  • For the Account Contacts recipient group, the available substitution fields are from both the Contact business component in the form [Field Name] and the Account business component in the form [Account.Field Name].

Although it is usually unnecessary, you can use Siebel Tools to explicitly specify the substitution fields to list for any business component.

To configure a substitution field for a recipient group

  1. Start Siebel Tools, then select the business component on which the recipient group is based.

  2. In the Object Explorer, select Business Component User Prop.

    The Business Component User Properties applet appears.

  3. Select Edit, then New Record.

  4. Enter details for the new record as shown in the following table.

    In this field Enter


    Substitution Field #

    Replace # with the next number in the list of substitution fields. For example, if the name of the last created substitution field is Substitution Field 17, then the name of the new field is Substitution Field 18.


    The name of the business component field.

  5. Step off the record to save your changes.

Note: If you add one or more Substitution Field user properties, then only those business component fields that the user properties identify are listed as available substitution fields in the All Templates or My Templates view. No other fields are listed for the business component. For more information about specifying user properties, see Configuring Siebel Business Applications and Siebel Developer's Reference.

For the Account Contacts recipient group, any Substitution Field user properties defined on the Accounts or the Contacts business component affect the substitution fields for only that business component.

Configuring Additional Recipient Groups and Recipient Sources Applets

If the Recipient Group drop-down list does not contain the values you need, then complete the procedures in this topic. This topic describes how to configure your Siebel application to add or modify recipient groups or to modify user interface features for specifying recipients for outbound communication requests. For more information, see About Recipient Groups, Predefined Recipient Groups, and Configuring Substitution Fields for Recipient Groups.

If the predefined recipient groups do not serve all your needs, then you must configure the List of Values for the Recipient Group drop-down list to add values you need or remove values you do not need. For more information, see Configuring the List of Values for Recipient Groups.

If you want to add any items to the List of Values, then you must also configure the Recipient Sources applet to display records associated with the business objects and business components from which you want to specify recipients. The Recipient Sources applet is named Comm Source List Applet in Siebel Tools. For more information, see Configuring Recipient Sources Applets.

Configure the Recipient Sources applet for the following views:

  • Outbound Request Overview view of the Administration - Communications screen. The view name in Siebel Tools is Comm Request Source Recipient Admin View.

  • My Outbound Request Overview view of the Communications screen. The view name in Siebel Tools is Comm Request Source Recipient Personal View.

If you want to only remove a value from the List of Values, then you do not need to configure the applet in Siebel Tools.

Note: If you customize a recipient group to include child business component fields, then the user properties of the business component must exist in the child business component and not in the parent business component.

    Configuring the List of Values for Recipient Groups

    This topic describes how to configure the List of Values for the Recipient Group drop-down list. For more information about configuring Lists of Values, see Siebel Applications Administration Guide.

    To configure the List of Values for the Recipient Group drop-down list

    1. Navigate to the Administration - Data screen, then the List of Values view.

    2. Optionally, complete the following steps to create a new List of Values item of the COMM_RECIP_SRC type, if one does not already exist that specifies the business object that serves as the recipient source for the recipient group you require:

      1. Locate a record of the COMM_RECIP_SRC type for which the Parent LIC (Language-Independent Code) field contains no value.

      2. Copy the record.

      3. Set the Display Value and the Language-Independent Code fields for the new record to the business object name that represents the recipient source (for example, Campaign, Account, and so on).

    3. Locate a record of the COMM_RECIP_SRC type for which the field Parent LIC is contains a value.

    4. Copy the record.

    5. Specify values for the new record as follows:

      1. Set the Parent LIC field to the business object name that represents the recipient source, such as one you specified in Step 2.

      2. Set the Display Value field to any appropriate value.

      3. Set the Language-Independent Code field to the business component specified as the recipient group business component.

      Configuring Recipient Sources Applets

      This topic describes how to configure the Recipient Sources applet and associated applets. For more information about configuring applets, see Configuring Siebel Business Applications and Siebel Developer's Reference.

      To configure Recipient Sources applets

      1. Start Siebel Tools.

        If the Comm Source bus_obj_name List Applet applet is defined, where bus_obj_name is the name of the business object that serves as the recipient source, then you do not need to create the applet in Step 2 and Step 3.

      2. As necessary, create a new applet, or copy and modify an existing applet.

        For example, you can copy the Comm Source List Applet applet, which appears as the Recipient Sources applet.

      3. Provide a name for the new applet in the form Comm Source bus_obj_name List Applet, where bus_obj_name is the name of the business object that serves as the recipient source.

        Note: You must specify the Comm Source bus_obj_name List Applet for recipient groups for communication requests. The recipient groups listed for communication requests are only those recipient groups for which applets with this naming convention are defined. For recipient groups to use only for communications templates, this naming convention is not required.

        The class of the new applet must be CSSFrameListCommSrc.

      4. Specify the business component associated with your new applet. If you copied Comm Source List Applet or another existing applet, then you must also modify the business component that your new applet is associated with.

      5. Add the new applet to the Applet Toggle list for the Comm Source List Applet.

        When a user selects the corresponding value from the Recipient Group drop-down list, as configured in the previous procedure, the Recipient Sources applet automatically functions like the new applet you define in this procedure. You define the recipient source business object using a label that appears on the right side of the applet header area.

      6. Create a new association applet for the new recipient source, or use an existing association applet, and set it into the new list applet.

        An association applet is the applet that appears in a dialog box when you add a new record in a fixed applet that allows association. For example, an association applet might be for associating an account with a communication request. Every list applet has an Assoc Applet property that you can set to an association applet.

      7. Create a link between the Comm Request business component and the new recipient source business component, and use S_COMM_REQ_SRC as the intersection table.

        For examples, refer to the existing links defined for the Comm Request business object.

      8. Add the new recipient source business component to the Comm Request business object, and specify the link from Step 7.

      9. For outbound communication requests for email, fax, or page, define the following user properties on the business component to use as the recipient group:

        • Recipient First Name Field. The business component field containing the recipient’s first name.

        • Recipient Last Name Field. The business component field containing the recipient’s last name.

        • Recipient Preferred Medium Field. The business component field containing the recipient’s communications channel preference.

          If the Only Send Preference setting is specified for a communication request, then a communications template is sent to a recipient if the template channel type corresponds to the value in the field that this user property indicates. For more information about the Only Send Preference, see Fields for Outbound Communication Requests.

          If you do not set this user property, then the preference is retrieved from the Preferred Communications field if the business component includes such a field.

        • Recipient Email Address Field. The business component field containing the recipient’s email address data.

          For example, in the Contact business component, your application might use the Email Address field for email address data. In this scenario, Recipient Email Address Field must specify the Email Address field. (This field is specified by default.)

        • Recipient Fax Address Field. The business component field containing the recipient’s fax address data.

          For example, in the Contact business component, your application might use the Fax Phone # field for fax address data. However, the Recipient Fax Address Field must specify the Fax Address field. (This field is specified by default.) Fax Address is a calculated field that prepares fax addressing data obtained from the Fax Phone # field for use with your fax server.

          The formatting for fax-related fields depends on your fax server requirements. By default, the calculated field value for the Fax Address field contains fax formatting that applies to OpenText RightFax and specifies the email account that the fax server monitors. You must modify all such field values as appropriate for your specific fax integration. For more information, see Integrating with Fax Products and Configuring Fax Integration Elements in Siebel Tools.

        • Recipient Fax Address Prefix. An optional prefix string for the recipient’s fax address.

        • Recipient Fax Address Suffix. An optional suffix string for the recipient’s fax address.

        • Recipient Pager Address Field. The business component field containing the recipient’s pager address data. For more information about this field, see the Recipient Pager Address Field in the Employee business component for the correct pager address format.

      For outbound communication requests that use wireless messaging, the listed user properties are not used. Each recipient’s mobile device address data is obtained from the Mobile Device Address business component using the recipient’s ID stored in the S_PARTY table. System administrators enter mobile device address data in the Mobile Devices view of the Administration - Communications screen, and users enter mobile devise address data in the Mobile screen. For more information about wireless messaging, Using Wireless Messaging

        Configuring Recipients for Send Commands

        This topic describes how to specify user properties to configure generic recipients for messages that users send using the Send Email, Send Fax, and Send Wireless Message commands.

        The Send Wireless Message command uses generic recipients, but it does not use the user properties for nonjoined generic recipients. The Send Page command does not use generic recipients, and the user properties do not apply. For information about using the Send commands, see Using Send Commands to Send Messages.

          About Generic Recipients

          A generic recipient is associated with a business component and identifies a potential recipient related to a specific record. Generic recipients include the following types:

          • Nonjoined generic recipients. With nonjoined generic recipients, addressing information is obtained directly from fields in the current business component. For more information, see Configuring Nonjoined Generic Recipients.

            For example, the Contact business component uses the nonjoined generic recipient type. If a contact record is selected when the user invokes the Send Email command, then the Send Email window appears, preaddressed to the selected recipient. Recipient data comes directly from the contact record.

            The Send Wireless Message command does not use the user properties for nonjoined generic recipients. The mobile address data for the wireless messaging recipient is obtained from the Mobile Device Address business component by using the recipient’s ID stored in the S_PARTY table.

            Administrators enter mobile device data in the Mobile Devices view of the Administration - Communications screen, and users enter mobile device data in the Mobile screen. Mobile device data can be captured automatically. For more information about wireless messaging, see Using Wireless Messaging

          • Joined generic recipients. With joined generic recipients, addressing information is obtained from fields in another business component that is joined to the current business component. For more information, see Configuring Joined Generic Recipients.

            For example, the Service Request business component uses the joined generic recipient type. If a service request record is selected when the user invokes the Send Email command, then the Recipient field allows the user to select Service Request Owner or Service Request Contact as the email recipient. (The user can also select None and specify the recipient.) After the user selects the recipient (and other settings), the Send Email window appears, preaddressed to the appropriate recipient.

            For Service Request Owner, recipient data comes from an employee record. For Service Request Contact, recipient data comes from a contact record. In each case, recipient data comes from a record that is joined to the service request record.

            For Send Wireless Message, mobile device address data is obtained without using the user properties for nonjoined generic recipients. However, the user properties for joined generic recipients user are used.

            User Interface Context for the Recipient Field

            The user interface context for the Recipient field is as follows for the Send Email, Send Fax, and Send Wireless Message commands:

            • For Send Email using the native Siebel email client, or for Send Fax and Send Wireless Message, the Recipient field is part of the Pick Recipient dialog box.

              If invoking the Send command does not require the user to select from this field, such as when the current business component uses nonjoined generic recipients for Send Email or Send Fax, or any time the user invokes Send Wireless Message, then the Pick Recipient dialog box does not appear. The Send Email, Send Fax, or Send Wireless Message window appears.

            • For Send Email using Lotus Notes or Microsoft Outlook, the Recipient field is part of the Recipient or Template dialog box.

              If invoking the Send Email command does not require the user to select from this field, such as when the current business component uses nonjoined generic recipients for Send Email, then the Recipient or Template dialog box appears without the Recipient field. After the user selects a template, the Lotus Notes or Microsoft Outlook email window appears.

              Configuring Nonjoined Generic Recipients

              To configure nonjoined generic recipients for a business component, specify values for the following business component user properties:

              • Recipient Email Address Field. The business component field from which email address data is obtained for the Send Email command.

                For example, in the Contact business component, your application might use the Email Address field for email address data. In this scenario, Recipient Email Address Field must specify the Email Address field. (This field is specified by default.)

              • Recipient Fax Address Field. The business component field from which fax address data is obtained for the Send Fax command.

                For example, in the Contact business component, your application might use the Fax Phone # field for fax address data. However, Recipient Fax Address Field must specify the Fax Address field. (This field is specified by default.) Fax Address is a calculated field that prepares fax addressing data obtained from the Fax Phone # field for use with your fax server.

                The formatting for fax-related fields depends on your fax server requirements. By default, the calculated field value for the Fax Address field contains fax formatting that applies to OpenText RightFax and specifies the email account that the fax server monitors. You must modify all such field values as appropriate for your specific fax integration. For more information, see Integrating with Fax Products and Configuring Fax Integration Elements in Siebel Tools.

                Additional Requirement for Nonjoined Generic Recipients

                When you configure nonjoined generic recipients, the business component must belong to the Messaging Recipient business object. (The Contact and Employee business components already belong to this business object.)

                  Configuring Joined Generic Recipients

                  To configure joined generic recipients for a business component, specify values for the following business component user property:

                  • Recipient Id Field N (where N is an integer). A comma-delimited list of three required values, and an optional fourth value, that points to records in the joined business component. The Send Email, Send Fax, and Send Wireless Message commands use this user property.

                    For example, the Service Request Contact joined generic recipient type is defined for the Service Request business component using the Contact Id, Contact, Service Request Contact value. The value for this user property includes the following elements:

                    • The foreign key field in the parent business component that points to records in the joined business component. In this example, this field is Contact Id, a field in the Service Request business component that corresponds to the Id field in the Contact business component.

                    • The joined business component. In this example, the joined business component is Contact.

                    • The text of the label to appear for this generic recipient in the Recipient field. In this example, this text is Service Request Contact.

                    • An optional fourth element that identifies the primary key field in the target business component to join to. By default, the field name is assumed to be Id. Include this element in the user property value if the field name is other than Id. (In this example, this element is unnecessary because the Contact business component uses the Id field.)

                  You can specify multiple joined generic recipients for a business component. That is, you can define the Recipient Id Field 1 user property to specify one joined generic recipient (such as Service Request Contact), Recipient Id Field 2 to specify another recipient (such as Service Request Owner), and so on. The order of the integers in the user property names determines the order in which the joined generic recipients are listed in the Recipient field.

                    Additional Requirements for Joined Generic Recipients

                    When you configure joined generic recipients, also consider the following requirements:

                    • For Send Email and Send Fax, the user properties of the nonjoined type must be set in the joined business component, such as in the Contact business component, joined from the Service Request business component. For information about the user properties of the nonjoined type, see Configuring Nonjoined Generic Recipients.

                    • The joined business component, such as Contact, must belong to the Messaging Recipient business object. (The Contact and Employee business components already belong to this business object.)

                    • If a business component has user properties defined to specify both nonjoined and joined generic recipients, then the joined recipients take precedence.

                    • If any user property definitions of Recipient Id Field N are specified as inactive in Siebel Tools, then all such definitions with higher numbers are also inactive.

                      Configuring Default Templates for Send Email Command

                      This topic describes how to configure a default communications template for an applet. You use this communications template with the Send Email command (F9 shortcut). A default template is preselected and populates the message area when the Send Email command is invoked. The default template is based on the current (active) applet at the time the command is invoked. For more information about communications templates, see Configuring Communications Templates

                      To specify that a specific email template is the default for a given applet, specify the template name as the value for the Mail Template applet property for the applet. You do this in Siebel Tools. For more information about using Siebel Tools, see Using Siebel Tools, Configuring Siebel Business Applications, and Siebel Developer's Reference.

                      For example, by default, the email template Service Request Assignment is associated in this manner with the applet Service Request List Applet and with other applets that display service request records in the Service screen.

                      When the Mail Template applet property is set for an applet, and the repository changes are compiled and distributed, users do not need to explicitly select the template from the Body drop-down list when they use the Send Email command and this applet is active.

                      Setting a default template for the Send Email command overrides template visibility by channel. For example, if a template is specified as the default email template for Change Request applets, then this same template is also the default template for these applets for the fax and wireless message channels (using the Send Fax and Send Wireless Message commands).

                      Configuring the Retry Interval for Outbound Email

                      When users send an outgoing email, sometimes the processing does not complete because, for example, the recipient address on the email is invalid. An attempt is made to send the email again at an interval (in minutes) that you can designate. The default value for this retry interval is 15 minutes, but you can change this default value.

                      To configure the retry interval for outbound email

                      1. In Siebel Tools Object Explorer, select the Business Component object.

                      2. In the Business Components list, select the Comm Outbound Email business component, and check out the project.

                      3. Select the Send Retry Interval user property for this business component.

                      4. Change the value for this user property.

                      5. Check in the project.

                      6. Deploy the changes to the Siebel runtime repository.

                      Configuring Invalid Characters or Symbols in Email Attachment Names

                      By default, if the file name for an email attachment contains a designated invalid character, then the character is replaced with an underscore ( _ ). Although you cannot delete the default invalid characters, you can add additional invalid characters to these default invalid characters. You can also change the default replacement character from the underscore to another valid character or symbol.

                      The default invalid characters and symbols follow:

                      • Backslash (\)

                      • Quotation mark (")

                      • Slash (/)

                      • Less than symbol (<)

                      • Colon (:)

                      • Greater than symbol (>)

                      • Asterisk (*)

                      • Vertical bar (|)

                      • Question mark (?)

                      • Tab character (\t)

                      To configure the invalid characters or symbols in email attachment names

                      1. In Siebel Tools Object Explorer, select the Business Service object.

                      2. In the Business Service list, select the Inbound E-mail Manager business service, and check out the project.

                      3. Select the InvalidAttachmentFileNameCharacters user property for this business service, and add additional characters or symbols to the existing invalid characters or symbols.

                        If this user property does not exist, then you can create it. Define the invalid characters or symbols in hexadecimal format, and separate each character or symbol with a semicolon.

                      4. Select the InvalidFilenameReplacementChar user property for this business service, and change the existing replacement character (the underscore) to another valid character or symbol.

                      5. Check in the project.

                      6. Deploy the changes to the Siebel runtime repository.

                      Process of Authenticating Sender Email Addresses

                      To authenticate a sender’s email address, perform the following tasks:

                      The eMail Response - Process Service Request workflow process authenticates inbound email sender addresses during the Lookup Sender step. For more information, see eMail Response - Process Service Request Workflow.

                      Note: Many customers can deploy Siebel Email Response without further customizing. For customers with more complex needs, this topic contains information that they can use to customize eMail Response - Process Service Request workflow.
                      Caution: Changes to one step in a workflow process can affect other steps later in the process. Therefore, be careful when customizing any workflow, and test all customized workflow processes thoroughly before implementing them in a production environment.

                        Authenticating Sender Email Addresses Using Employee Email Addresses

                        When authenticating a sender’s email address using the employee email address, returning the Account Id value is not useful. Therefore, you might want to change the Value Fields argument to Id to return the row ID of the employee who has access. You might decide to use the value in the workflow to set the Owner Id field of the service request record. Before changing any workflow, make sure that you are familiar with the procedures and guidelines for changing workflows. For more information, see Siebel Business Process Framework: Workflow Guide.

                        Perform the following procedures to customize the workflow to authenticate the sender’s email address:

                        This task is a step in Process of Authenticating Sender Email Addresses.

                          Changing the Lookup Sender Step to Capture Employee Email Addresses

                          If employees must be authenticated using email, then you can modify the Lookup Sender step input arguments by setting the Business Object field to Employee, the Business Component field to Employee, and the Query field to EMail Addr (the field in the Employee business component that stores the email address).

                          To change the Lookup Sender step to find the employee email address
                          1. In the Siebel Tools Object Explorer, select the Workflow Processes object.

                          2. In the Workflow Processes list, query for a process name of eMail Response - Process Service Request.

                          3. In the Workflow Processes list, select eMail Response - Process Service Request and then click Revise.

                            The status of the workflow process changes to In Progress.

                          4. In the Workflow Processes list, right-click eMail Response - Process Service Request and choose Edit Workflow Process.

                            The Business Process Designer appears.

                          5. Right-click the Lookup Sender step and choose Show Input Arguments.

                          6. In the Input Argument list, make the changes in the following table.

                            Input Argument Type Value

                            Business Object



                            Business Component



                            Email Address

                            Process Property

                            Email Addr



                            Email Addr




                          7. Right-click the Lookup Sender step and choose Show Output Arguments.

                          8. In the Output Arguments list, delete Account Id.

                            Note: For information about recapturing the Account Id, see Recapturing the Account ID.
                          9. Right-click the Lookup Sender step and choose Show Process Properties.
                          10. In the WF Process Props list, add a new process property named Employee ID and change the value in the Data Type field to String.

                          11. Right-click the Lookup Sender step and choose Show Output Arguments.

                          12. In the Output Arguments list, modify the Contact Id output argument by changing the Property Name field to Employee Id instead of Contact Id.

                          13. In the History Toolbar, click Back to return to Siebel Tools.

                          14. In the Workflow Processes list, right-click eMail Response - Process Service Request and choose Validate.

                          15. In the Workflow Processes list, right-click eMail Response - Process Service Request and click Deploy.

                            Authenticating Sender Email Addresses Using Alternate Email Addresses

                            You might want to store more than one email address for each contact in the Siebel database. You can use the Alternate Email Address field in the Contact business component. This field has multiple values, and the data is stored in the Address field of the Communication Address business component.

                            The following procedures describe how to change standard workflow processes so that they check the Alternate Email Address field to authenticate the sender of inbound email:

                            This task is a step in Process of Authenticating Sender Email Addresses.

                              Using Siebel Webtools to Create New Business Objects

                              Because the Alternate Email Address field in the Contact business component is a multivalue field, you can use Siebel Webtools to determine the destination business component and the destination field that stores the data. To find the destination business component, check the multivalue link for the field. The destination field is defined as a field parameter. In this example, the Alternate Email Address field in the Contact business component uses the data in the Address field of the Communication Address business component. These values are used to define the input arguments in the Lookup Sender step.

                              Before you can use the Communication Address business component in the workflow, you must define it as part of a business object in the repository. Because Communication Address is not defined as part of a business object in preconfigured workflows, you must create a new business object in Siebel Tools. For more information about creating business objects, see Using Siebel Tools.

                              To use Siebel Webtools to create a new business object
                              1. In Siebel Webtools Object Explorer, select the Business Object.

                              2. Create a new business object named Communication Address.

                              3. Add the Contact and the Communication Address business object components to the new business object.

                              4. Set the link parameter on the Communication Address business object component to Contact/Communication Address.

                              5. Navigate back to the new business object, and set the primary business component to Contact.

                              6. Deploy the changes to the Siebel runtime repository.

                                Changing the Lookup Sender Step to Capture Alternate Email Addresses

                                After you redeploy the changes to the Siebel runtime repository and restart the Siebel Server, perform the following steps to change the Lookup Sender step.

                                To change the Lookup Sender step to find the alternate email address
                                1. In the Siebel Webtools Object Explorer, select the Workflow Processes object.

                                2. In the Workflow Processes list, query for a process name of eMail Response - Process Service Request.

                                3. In the Workflow Processes list, select eMail Response - Process Service Request and then click Revise.

                                  The status of the workflow process changes to In Progress.

                                4. In the Workflow Processes list, right-click eMail Response - Process Service Request and choose Edit Workflow Process.

                                  The Business Designer appears.

                                5. Right-click the Lookup Sender step and choose Show Input Arguments.

                                6. In the Input Arguments list, make the changes in the following table.

                                  Input Argument Type Value

                                  Business Object


                                  Communication Address

                                  Business Component


                                  Communication Address

                                  Email Address

                                  Process Property







                                  Person Id (the foreign key that stores the row ID of the contact)

                                7. Right-click the Lookup Sender step and choose Show Output Arguments.

                                8. In the Output Arguments list, make the following changes:

                                  1. Delete Account Id.

                                    Note: For information about recapturing the Account Id, see Recapturing the Account ID.
                                  2. Change the argument from Object Id to Person Id.

                                  Recapturing the Account ID

                                  When you delete the Account Id output argument, eMail Response - Process Service Request no longer captures the account ID for the contact. You can use the Contact Id process property to obtain the account ID using the procedure in this topic. For more information, see Siebel Business Process Framework: Workflow Guide.

                                  Note: This procedure is optional.

                                  This task is a step in Process of Authenticating Sender Email Addresses.

                                  To recapture the account ID

                                  1. Create a new business service step in the workflow process named Find Contact Account.

                                    Set the business service to Inbound Email Siebel Operation and the method to FindRecord.

                                  2. Connect the Lookup Sender to the Find Contact Account step instead of the Get Subject Keyword step.
                                  3. Connect the Find Contact Account step to the Get Subject Keyword step.
                                  4. In the Find Contact Account step, create the input arguments in the following table.

                                    Input Argument Type Value

                                    Business Object



                                    Business Component



                                    Query Fields



                                    Value Fields


                                    Account Id

                                    Object ID

                                    Process Property

                                    Contact Id

                                  5. Create an output argument named Account Id and set its value to Account Id.