Variations Overview for Subcontractors

Subcontract Variations

As a Subcontractor, you can create Subcontract Variations (SV) to change the contract value of an existing Sub-Tier subcontract.

See Creating Sub-Tier Subcontract Variations for detailed instructions.

Subcontract Variations (SV) modify Sub-Tier subcontracts.

After creating the SV, the system generates an email for the Sub-Tier as a reminder to edit the WB to allocate the variation. The Sub-Tier WB will be out of balance until the variation is allocated.

See About Modifying the Work Breakdown for Subcontractors.

Hidden Variations

Hidden Variations modify the Contract Sum to Date column in the Work Breakdown. They do not appear in the Net Change by Variation column. Hidden Variations are not identified as variation-related values on the Sub-Tier's claim or other payment documents.

A variation can only be identified as Hidden when it is created. The setting cannot be reversed.

Prime Contract Variations

Prime Contract Variations (PCV) displayed on the My Variations tab are created or approved by the Head Contractor organisation. PCVs change your project budget (contract value).

Variations that have been requested but not yet approved will only appear on the Variation Register.

Head Contractor Creates a PCV

The Allocate Variation page will show one variation at a time. If a contract has more than one variation, you must save the allocations for the first variation to see the next one.

Submitting a Prime Contract Variation to the Head Contractor

For projects using the Variation Register, you can Request Variations. For projects not using the register, you can edit Potential Variations.

See Variation Register Tab for Subcontractors, Request Variations Tab, and View/Edit Potential Variations.

Once created/approved, the Variations display on the Change Orders page.