Contract Fields and Settings


Enter the subcontract number, which will display on the Subcontractor's claim documents.


Search for the Subcontractor organisation on the system
Enter an organisation's name or ABN, and a list of matching on-system organisations will display. The system displays 100 matches. If you cannot find the organisation, but you know it is on-system, try Browse Organisations from the Home page.

See tips on searching for a Subcontractor in the Invite Organisations topic.

Reassign Organisation

This button allows the user to reassign the contract to a different organisation

The Reassign Organisation button only appears on complete, unaccepted contracts. It displays under the original organisation's address and phone number.

See Reassigning Contracts for more information.

Vendor ID

Use a unique number that identifies the contractor. If you use an accounting interface with the system, the Vendor ID (identity number) assigned to the Subcontractor in your accounting package will appear.

Contract Amount

Field defaults to $0.00 until the budget amounts for the subcontract components have been entered.

Default Payment Form

Choose the way a Subcontractor will be paid. You can override the form of payment on the Manage Payment page when disbursing funds.


Enter a description of the subcontract.

Project Retention Mode

Field defaults to the value selected on Project Settings page.

See Configuring Subcontract Retention for more information.

Retention settings default to the value selected on the Project Settings page.

Retain __%

Initial rate at which retention should be held; standard in Australia is 10%.

Until contract reaches __% complete

Completion percentage of the contract that the retention rate should change to the second rate; standard in Australia is 50%. This is not the total percentage of the contract to be held in total.

See Configuring Subcontract Retention for more information on how to calculate the correct value.

Then hold __%

Second retention rate for balance of contract; standard in Australia is 0%.

The above settings will hold a total of 5% or 2 x 2.5% of the contract value (i.e. 1/10 of 50%). Discuss this setting with your implementation team before modifying it.

Bank Guarantee Value

If the Subcontractor has provided a bank guarantee, enter the dollar value of the guarantee provided.

Open Book

Choose this setting to allow Above the Line (ATL) project participants to view details of the subcontract.

Contract Date

Shows today's date by default. If different, enter the date the contract will take effect.

Use Specified Billing

Choose this setting to create and manage a Subcontractor's billing on their behalf. You enter the Subcontractor billing amounts. The Subcontractor electronically signs the progress claim document.

See Specified Billing Overview for more information.

Open Ended Contract

Instead of defining a contract amount for general contract conditions, choose to control the contract amount through a Do Not Exceed Amount field. This amount will display on your view of the Contract Status page for the subcontract, however will not be displayed to the Subcontractor. The contract value amount becomes the sum of the billed to date and onboarded values.

Once the Subcontractor accepts the contract, you cannot edit the Do Not Exceed Amount fields on the subcontract. If you need to change the Do Not Exceed Amount field after a Subcontractor accepts the contract, you will need to add a variation. This variation cannot lower the Do Not Exceed Amount value below the perceived contract amount.

Subcontractors can bill for any amount when they submit their progress claims, but as the Head Contractor progress claim approver, you cannot approve a progress claim if the billed amount exceeds the set Do Not Exceed amount. You will either need to modify the progress claim or adjust the Do Not Exceed amount first.

Additionally, Subcontractors will pay a usage fee based on approved claim values. Unlike Subcontractors with a typical contract, they do not pay usage fees when accepting their contract; instead, they are charged when each claim is approved.

Sub WB Option

Display Units

Choose this setting to allow schedule of rate or units of measure and quantity data to display on WB and enter claim pages. To display units on documents, a compatible document must be selected on the Project Settings page and will apply to all subcontracts on the project.

Contract Comment

Displays comments associated with the contract. Select the Add link to add a comment. The comments added or updated on this page are also reflected in the Edit Payment Status page and Owner Funding Entry page.

Discount Terms

Offer discounted payments to Subcontractors. Complete the discount rate, number of days the subcontract must meet to trigger the discount, and the trigger date fields. Select the No Discount option if you are not offering a discount to your Subcontractors.

If you plan to use discount terms, you will also need to complete the following fields:

Allow Overbilling

This setting is displayed only if the Allow contract overbilling project setting is enabled. Choose this setting to enable Subcontractors to overbill any line item or component on their contract, and to bill above the current contract amount. This setting is automatically enabled if the Default new subcontract to allow overbilling project setting was enabled.

Caution: Prior to enabling this feature please verify that your ERP is able to accept progress claims for amounts greater then the remaining contract balance. Not all integrations support this, and can result in the failure of progress claims to successfully post. If you have additional questions about this feature please reach out to your Oracle Textura support representative.

Progress Claim Approval Method

Field defaults to the value selected on Project Settings page. Only Serial Signatory Approval will issue a Payment Schedule to a Subcontractor.

Non-Signatory Approval: Choose this method to allow any Progress Claim Approver assigned to the project to approve Subcontractor claims.

Parallel Signatory Approval: Choose this method to designate multiple users who must approve Subcontractor progress claims.

Serial Signatory Approval: Default for Australia – Only this approval method will issue the subcontractor a Payment Schedule signed by your organisation.

Approval Group: Select Default to use the standard approval workflow or choose a Conditional Approval Group from the drop-down list to send claims to alternate Approvers.

See Manage Conditional Approval on a Project for steps to create Conditional Approval Groups.

Subcontractor cannot modify retention

Field defaults to the value selected on Project Settings page. Choose this setting to prevent Subcontractors from changing the retention held in a period.

Subcontractor may bypass Electronic Witnessing

Only available when you enable the Allow Subcontractors to Bypass Electronic Witnessing organisation setting. When enabled, the Subcontractor can bypass the electronic witnessing step when signing documents which require witnessing on TPM. Instead, a Subcontractor will upload a scanned document which was witnessed on paper. You will then need to review this document and approve it in order for the Subcontractor to remain in compliance.

You can also manually enable or disable this setting from the Documents section of the Project Settings page.

If you turn this setting off on a subcontract mid-project, you can still access all past documents uploaded as a part of the electronic witness bypass workflow, but the bypass the electronic witnessing step will no longer be available when signing documents in future periods.

Calculate Payment Due Date

Choose the Payment Due Date setting to generate the date a Head Contractor should disburse payments to a Subcontractor. Customising a Payment Due Date at the contract level replaces the general setting chosen at the project level.

See Calculating Payment Due Dates for more details on how to use this setting.

(Optional) Bonding Information

Bonding settings are used on projects that must provide proof of a bond performance. The system does not use this information, but it may be displayed on custom documents.

Contact your implementation team if you think you need to use this setting.

Bonding Institution

Enter the institution providing the bond.

Bond Amount

Enter the amount of the bond.

Expiry Date

Select the expiration date of the bond.

(Optional) Enter any Prior Off-System Period/Payment Information

Contact your implementation team if you think you need to use this setting.