Configuration Savepoints

Operations Monitor allows you to create configuration snapshots. Savepoints include most of the configuration values:

  • Settings dialog sections:

    • Platform

    • System Management

    • External Devices

    • Number Determination Sources

    • Realms

  • Alert Definitions

  • Operations Monitor user accounts

  • Counters currently configured on pages:

    • KPIs/Metrics

    • Devices

The management functionality for configuration savepoints is only available to the administration user. Savepoints can be created and used to restore the above mentioned settings. They can be downloaded as a file and uploaded again.


Savepoints are only valid for the exact Operations Monitor version for which they were taken. A savepoint might work in other Operation Monitor versions as well, however, when restoring a savepoint it is recommended to use a Operations Monitor version which is either the same or nearest to the original version. The reason being that sometimes changes between various Operations Monitor version may cause the savepoint to not get fully restored.

For example, if a savepoint was created for safety reason and then a system reinstall is required, the recommended approach would be reinstalling the same Operations Monitor version of which you have taken the savepoint, or the one nearest version to it.

Figure 7-37 Configuration Savepoints

Description of Figure 7-37 follows
Description of "Figure 7-37 Configuration Savepoints"

The Configuration Savepoints section (see Figure 7-37) lists all savepoints with name and creation date.

Table 7-8 lists the actions, which are provided by the buttons in the table's toolbar:

Table 7-8 Configuration Savepoint Fields

Field Description

Create Savepoint

Creates a new savepoint from the current Operations Monitor configuration.

Restore Savepoint

Restores the Operations Monitor configuration contained in the selected savepoint. Note, that on restoring a savepoint, Operations Monitor needs to restart some internal services, which can result in a downtime in monitoring.

Restoring a savepoint in an Operations Monitor deployment will result in downtime. The duration of downtime depends on the size and the configuration of the deployment.

Download Savepoint

Downloads the selected savepoint as a file.

Upload Savepoint

Uploads an Operations Monitor savepoint contained in a file.

Delete Savepoint

Removes the selected savepoint from the list and the system.


When using Mediation Engine with a Mediation Engine Connector, it is not possible to restore the configuration savepoint.


Do not manually alter savepoint files unless you know what you are doing, as this may lead to severe inconsistencies in the Operations Monitor setup.