There are three types of gear title templates: one for displaying a gear title bar, one for displaying HTML to be rendered immediately before gear output (gear pre-treatment), and one for displaying HTML output to be rendered immediately after gear output (gear post-treatment). One of each type of gear title template is provided:

Gear Title Template Example

The following code samples come from the titlebar.jsp file. The title bar displays the gear name and optional Edit, About, and Help links.

<table border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
    <td valign="top" bgcolor="<c:out value="${gearTitleBackgroundColor}"/>"
      <font color="<c:out value="${gearTitleTextColor}"/>">
            <c:out value="${gearName}"/>
    <td align="right" bgcolor="<c:out value="${gearTitleBackgroundColor}"/>"

The next section optionally displays an Edit link for the gear, if the gear has been configured to be customizable by the user:

<c:if test="${showEdit ==true}">
      <a href="<%= gearServletResponse.encodeGearURL
(gearServletRequest.getPortalRequestURI(),gearContext) %>">
<font color="<c:out value="${gearTitleTextColor}"/>">
<fmt:message key="titlebar-control-edit" bundle="${templatesbundle}"/></font></a>

The next section optionally displays an About link for the gear:

<c:if test="${showAbout == true}">
        <a href="<%= gearServletResponse.encodeGearURL
(gearServletRequest.getPortalRequestURI(),gearContext) %>">
<font color="<c:out value="${gearTitleTextColor}"/>">
<fmt:message key="titlebar-control-about" bundle="${templatesbundle}"/></font></a>

The next section optionally displays a Help link for the gear:

      <c:if test="${showHelp == true}">
        <a href="<%= gearServletResponse.encodeGearURL
(gearServletRequest.getPortalRequestURI(),gearContext) %>">
<font color="<c:out value="${gearTitleTextColor}"/>">
<fmt:message key="titlebar-control-help" bundle="${templatesbundle}"/></font></a>

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