The following is an example of the e-mail template file mentioned in step 8 of Adding Custom Alert Messages to Gears above. The e-mail template file, whose name is specified in the resource bundle created in Step 7, is used by the DPS targeted e-mail system to create, format, and send e-mail alerts. This file should be placed in a directory in the DOCPATH.

This page fragment will be passed a parameter called alertMsg, which contains the message bean for this event.

<!-- Title: Document Updated Alert Notification -->

<setvalue param="messageFrom" value="">
<setvalue param="messageSubject" value="Alert Notification">
<setvalue param="messageReplyTo" value="">
<setvalue param="mailingName" value="Alert Notification">

<p>The document named <valueof param="alertMsg.documentName">unknown</valueof> has
been created by <valueof param="alertMsg.authorName">unknown</valueof> on <valueof

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