In order to access the data and functionality made available by the PAF, your page should obtain the GearServletResponse and the GearServletRequest. For example:

 //Obtain request/response
 GearServletResponse gearServletResponse =
 GearServletRequest gearServletRequest =

This makes available the following PAF functionality:

If your gear page fragments contain references to subsidiary page fragments, then whether or not you need to declare the tag libraries in a particular subsidiary page fragment for a gear depends on how the page fragment is included in its containing page fragment. If the page is included at compile time (using <%@ include ... %>), then you do not need to supply the includes for that page fragment. If, however, the gear page is included as output (using jsp:include or dsp:include), then you would need to initialize the tag libraries within that gear page, since it is essentially a complete JSP page.

For additional information on the PAF Tag Library, refer to Appendix B: PAF Tag Library Reference in this manual.

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