A Gear Title Template manifest file enables you to specify the location of title bar templates and templates for the HTML to be rendered before and after gear output (gear pre- and post-treatment) for shared and full gear display modes.

The following example shows a complete Gear Title Template manifest (minus the header) that specifies a gear title template, gear pre-treatment template, and gear post-treatment template for both shared and full modes.



  <gear-title-template name="Default Gear Title Template" version="1.0"
    <description>Default Gear Title Template</description>
        <gear-title-template-mode name="template">
             <display-mode name="full">
                <device-output name="html">
             <display-mode name="shared">
                <device-output name="html">





For details about the tags and attributes you can use in a Gear Title Template manifest file, see Gear Title Template Manifest Elements in Appendix A: Portal Manifest Reference.

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