Setting Permissions for Inbox

To set Inbox permissions for Company Workspace and project/shell instances:

  1. Go to the Company Workspace tab and switch to Admin mode.
  2. In the left Navigator, click User Administration > Access Control.
  3. On the right pane, expand User Mode Access.
  4. Expand Projects/Shells, expand Mailbox, and then expand Project Mailbox.
  5. Click Inbox to open the Permissions Setting for: Inbox window.
  6. Click Add or Modify and grant the following permissions:
    • Delete: To delete messages.
    • Reply: To reply to messages.
    • View: To view messages.
    • Create/Manage Folders: To create, rename, and move folders under Inbox.
  7. Click Apply when finished.

    Note: You cannot grant permissions at Project Mailbox level. All Project Mailbox permissions must be granted at Inbox level.

For Permission Templates:

  1. Go to the Company Workspace tab and switch to Admin mode.
  2. In the left Navigator, click User Administration > Access Control.
  3. On the right pane, expand Administration Mode Access and then expand Standards & Libraries.
  4. Click Permission Templates to open the Permission Settings for: Permission Templates window.
  5. Click New.
  6. Click Permissions.
  7. Go to User Mode Access and expand it.
  8. Click Mailbox to expand it.
  9. Click Project Mailbox to expand it.

See Also

User Administration

Owner Company or Sponsor Company

Partner Company or Member Company

Editing User Permissions at Company, Shell, and Project Levels

Adding and Managing Company Users

Creating Partner Companies and Users

Adding and Managing Partner Company Users

Adding and Managing Groups

Integration Users

Managing Users in Bulk

Creating and Managing User Preference Templates

Creating and Maintaining an Approved Email List for Project/Shell Mailboxes

Updating the Email Address for a Project/Shell

Importing and Exporting Email Addresses

Managing Permissions and Access Control

Announcements Node

Working with the License Manager

Running System Usage Reports

Setting Permissions for Unpublished Attachments

Task Reassignment (Company and Project)

Last Published Tuesday, June 4, 2024