Sending and Receiving Cash Flow Data

After Unifier Essentials and Oracle Primavera Cloud are integrated, the Unifier Essentials Project Manager can send (push) the planned budget data (Baseline, Actuals, and Forecast) to Oracle Primavera Cloud to update the project in Oracle Primavera Cloud. After the project in Oracle Primavera Cloud is updated, with the planned budget information, the Project Manager will notify the Oracle Primavera Cloud Portfolio Planner that the planned budget has been sent, by way of an external email.

For the project cash flow data to be sent to Oracle Primavera Cloud, a corresponding project must be created, or must be available, in Oracle Primavera Cloud, and the Unifier Essentials project must be linked to the corresponding project that was created, or a previously existing project, in Oracle Primavera Cloud.

You have two options to send (push) data from Unifier Essentials to Oracle Primavera Cloud and receive data (pull) from Oracle Primavera Cloud to Unifier Essentials:

  1. From each individual Unifier Essentials project

    After you have ensured that the Project Manager has determined the project budget (Baseline, Forecast, Actuals, and so on), you can go to the shell (User mode) that contains the project, and send (push) or receive (pull) the data. See Primavera Cloud Integration and Unifier Cash Flow (User Mode) for details.

  2. From multiple Unifier Essentials projects (bulk)

    After you have ensured that the Project Manager has determined the project budget (Baseline, Forecast, Actuals, and so forth) for all the projects in the company, you can go to the Company Sponsored Shells grouping node (Admin mode) that contains all of the Unifier Essentials company shells and their projects, and send (push) data from multiple projects to Oracle Primavera Cloud and receive data (pull) from Oracle Primavera Cloud into multiple projects from the District or Region log, in bulk, as explained below. See Primavera Cloud Integration in Company Sponsored Shells for details.

The next step is for the Oracle Primavera Cloud Portfolio Manager to review the planned budget and submit results back to the Unifier Essentials Project Manager.

See Also

Unifier Essentials and Oracle Primavera Cloud

Integrating Unifier Essentials with Oracle Primavera Cloud Overview

Permissions for Oracle Primavera Cloud Integration Settings

Reviewing the Planned Budget and Submitting Results

Oracle Primavera Cloud Integration in Unifier Essentials Company

Oracle Primavera Cloud Integration in Unifier Essentials Shell

Oracle Primavera Cloud Integration and Unifier Essentials Cash Flow (User Mode)

Oracle Primavera Cloud Integration in Company Sponsored Shells

Sending Data from Cash Flow

Receiving Data from Primavera Cloud Project Cash Flows

Unifier Essentials and Oracle Integration

Integrating a System Activity Sheet or Master Rate Sheet through Oracle Integration

Last Published Tuesday, June 4, 2024