Oracle Primavera Cloud Integration in Company Sponsored Shells

In cases that one Company Administrator administers all the Unifier Essentials projects that need to send their cash flow data, or in cases that one Company Administrator administers just a set of projects that need to send their cash flow data, the following send data and get data options in the Company Sponsored Shells grouping node can be used, as explained below.

  1. Go to the Company Workspace tab and switch to Admin mode.
  2. In the left Navigator, click Company Sponsored Shells > Organization to open the Organization log.
  3. In the Organization log, click the organization of your choice to open the shell dashboard for the organization, Summary tab. Notice that on the left Navigator, the Organization grouping node expands to display the organization that you had selected with the applicable functional nodes.
  4. On the organization shell dashboard, click the Workspace tab to open the organization workspace window.
  5. From the View drop-down list, click to select Projects to display all of the available projects in the log.
  6. Either select as many projects as you need from the displayed list, or select all of the projects displayed. These are the projects that you want to send their cash flow data to Oracle Primavera Cloud.
  7. From the Actions drop-down list, click to select one of the following options:
  8. These options are available after the Oracle Primavera Cloud integration and cash flow configurations are defined successfully, and the projects are synchronized successfully.
    1. Send Cash Flow Data to Primavera Cloud for Selected Shells
    2. Get Portfolio Budget Data from Primavera Cloud for Selected Shells
    3. Send Cash Flow Data to Primavera Cloud for All Shells
    4. Get Portfolio Budget Data from Primavera Cloud for all Shells

      You can use the Get Portfolio Budget Data from Primavera Cloud for Selected Shells and Get Portfolio Budget Data from Primavera Cloud for all Shells options after the Oracle Primavera Cloud Portfolio Manager has made updates to the planned budget that you have submitted.

    The Integration History Details option (in the Actions drop-down menu) lets you open the History Details window and see the action name (Get Data or Send Data), requestor information, date and time of the job initiation, start date and end date of the action, and the status of each action (Completed, Failed, or Completed with errors). The status Completed with errors is shown when the data push of at least one project of the selected projects has failed.

    The History Details window shows whether or not the push or pull of the cash flow data to the linked projects is successful. In case a push is not successful, then the system will display a message specifying the reason for failure.

    You can click on a history record to select it and click Open to open the Job Details window and see more details, such as the shell name (the Unifier Essentials shell that contains the project), dates, status, and a message that indicates whether or not getting data from the Oracle Primavera Cloud project <PROJECTNAME> or sending data to the Oracle Primavera Cloud project <PROJECTNAME> is successful. Use the toolbar options on the History Details window to open items, refresh the items displayed, print (including exporting to CSV or Excel) items, or find an item.

    When the source project is not active, the system displays a message indicating that the source project ID is not active.

    Note: When you incorporate changes or modify the cash flow data and save your changes, it will take the system at least five seconds to refresh the data. User can select Send Data options after five seconds to push the latest cash flow data to Oracle Primavera Cloud.

At this point:

In Oracle Primavera Cloud, the Portfolio Manager reviews the data received (from the Unifier Essentials cash flow and into the portfolio), decides about the planned budget (either proposes a new plan or approves the plan), and sends (pushes) the data back to Unifier Essentials.

See Also

Unifier Essentials and Oracle Primavera Cloud

Integrating Unifier Essentials with Oracle Primavera Cloud Overview

Permissions for Oracle Primavera Cloud Integration Settings

Sending and Receiving Cash Flow Data

Reviewing the Planned Budget and Submitting Results

Oracle Primavera Cloud Integration in Unifier Essentials Company

Oracle Primavera Cloud Integration in Unifier Essentials Shell

Oracle Primavera Cloud Integration and Unifier Essentials Cash Flow (User Mode)

Sending Data from Cash Flow

Receiving Data from Primavera Cloud Project Cash Flows

Unifier Essentials and Oracle Integration

Integrating a System Activity Sheet or Master Rate Sheet through Oracle Integration

Last Published Tuesday, June 4, 2024