Other Elements of Line Items and the Grid

The options of Attach and Linked Records are available for Line Items, only. If you attempt to add attachments or linked records to a Costed line, an error message is displayed. If a Costed Line Item (Cost allocated Line Item which belongs to a Summary Line Item) is selected, then these options are not available.

Before adding attachments or linked records to a line item, you must save the line item.

If a Costed Line Item and a Summary Line Item are selected, then you can upload the attachments, or link records, to the Summary Line Item.

If multiple Summary Line Items are selected, and you click Attach, or Linked Records, the system notifies you then an alert will be seen informing user that only one record needs to be selected (this is existing elsewhere in the grid).

The search parameters, in the Find option, are based on the design of the Line Item list, prepared in uDesigner.

Note: The search parameters are not for the Costed Line Items.

Any time you run a search, the Line Item that matches the search parameter is found. In addition to the parent Line Item, the Costed Line Items belonging to that Line Item will be found.

The Grid rows can be expanded.

The Grid columns contain the Cost Allocation columns, and the fields designed in the Detail Form, in uDesigner.

The sorting order is based on the order set in uDesigner. Line items are sorted first, followed by Costed lines.

You can use the Split option to split the view into 2 sections.

By default, the order of the following columns will be fixed:

Subsequent columns appear in the order that was set in the Detail Form, during the design.

Note: The system uses the Row number to display an error messages.

The column names are based on the Data Element (DE) labels specified in the Data Structure setup. Cost Code and Cost Name columns have fixed labels and cannot be changed.

The first column (Gear menu) provides the following options:

See Also

Grid Support for Base Commit

Additional Grid Toolbar Options

Effect of uDesigner on Gear Menus

Line Items in the Grid

Gear Menus for Summary Line Item

Adding and Managing Line Items in Grid View

Handling Errors in the Grid

System-defined Fields for the Summary Line Item

Costed Line Items in the Grid

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023