Effect of uDesigner on Gear Menus

The options on the corresponding uDesigner Upper form affect the toolbar and Gear menus when a line item and a Costed line are selected in the Grid view. The table below indicates the effects of the uDesigner options.

uDesigner Upper form options

Toolbar and Gear menus seen at runtime when a line item is selected

Gear menus seen at runtime when a Costed line is selected

Allow Add/Remove/Copy line items option checked

Allow Cost Breakdown unchecked


Add option is seen

Gear menus

Insert Line Item with submenu options of Lump Sum and Unit Cost

Insert Multiple Line Items with submenu options of Lump Sum and Unit cost

Copy-To make an exact copy of the line item

Remove-To remove a line item

Gear menus

No actions in the gear

Allow Add/Remove/Copy line items option unchecked

Allow Cost Breakdown unchecked


Add option is not seen

Gear menus

No actions in the gear

Gear menus

No actions in the gear

Allow Add/Remove/Copy line items option checked

Allow Modification of Line Item checked with Allow Cost Breakdown unchecked


Add option is seen

Gear menus

Insert Line Item with submenu options of Lump Sum and Unit Cost

Insert Multiple Line Items with submenu options of Lump Sum and Unit cost

Copy-To make an exact copy of the line item

Remove-To remove a line item

Gear menus

No actions in the gear

Allow Add/Remove/Copy line items option unchecked

Allow Modification of Line Item checked with Allow Cost Breakdown unchecked


Add option is not seen

Gear menus

No actions in the gear

Gear menus

No actions in the gear

Allow Add/Remove/Copy line items option unchecked

Allow Cost Breakdown checked


Add option is not seen

Gear menus

Insert Costed Line Items-To add cost break down to a line item

Add Remaining-To add a costed line which will have the Amount field=Non-Costed Amount - Costed Amount. This option will not be seen when the Costed Amount=Amount in the Costed lines

Copy-To make an exact copy of the line item

Remove-To remove a line item and its costed lines

Gear menus

Insert Costed Line Items-To add cost break down to a line item

Copy-To make an exact copy of the line item

Remove-To remove line items

Allow Add/Remove/Copy line items option checked

Allow Cost Breakdown checked


Add option is seen

Gear menus

Insert Line Item with submenu options of Lump Sum and Unit Cost

Insert Multiple Line Items with submenu options of Lump Sum and Unit cost

Insert Costed Line Items-To add cost break down to a line item

Add Remaining-To add a costed line which will have the Amount field=Non-Costed Amount - Costed Amount. This option will not be seen when the Costed Amount=Amount in the Costed lines

Copy-To make an exact copy of the line item

Remove-To remove a line item and its costed lines

Gear menus

Insert Costed Line Items-To add cost break down to a line item

Copy-To make an exact copy of the line item

Remove-To remove line items

See Also

Grid Support for Base Commit

Additional Grid Toolbar Options

Other Elements of Line Items and the Grid

Line Items in the Grid

Gear Menus for Summary Line Item

Adding and Managing Line Items in Grid View

Handling Errors in the Grid

System-defined Fields for the Summary Line Item

Costed Line Items in the Grid

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023