Adding and Managing Line Items in Grid View

Adding Line Items in Grid View

Upon selecting the Line Items tab of the record, you can add a Lump Sum item or a Unit Cost item using the Add dropdown.

Fields seen in the grid are based on the detail form design. The editable field cells are bolded while the read-only field cells are italicized. Row numbers for the line items are generated upon saving the grid.

Adding Multiple Line Items in the Grid

After selecting to add multiple line items, a dialog box is displayed where you can specify the number of added line items. When adding these line items, the total number of rows displayed depends on the number indicated in the dialog box.

The Cost Line Item Type for each line item is populated based on the selected sub-menu option.

Modifying Cost Line Item Types

When an alert window is displayed regarding a change of value for uuu_cost_li_type, the rules are applied as listed below:

See Also

Grid Support for Base Commit

Additional Grid Toolbar Options

Other Elements of Line Items and the Grid

Effect of uDesigner on Gear Menus

Line Items in the Grid

Gear Menus for Summary Line Item

Handling Errors in the Grid

System-defined Fields for the Summary Line Item

Costed Line Items in the Grid

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023