Costed Line Items in the Grid

The option of “Insert Costed Line Items…” allows you to add Costed Line Items for a Line Item. Clicking this option will launch the CBS Picker window. Multiple CBS Codes can be selected.

The number of Costed Line Item inserted depends on the number of codes selected in the CBS Picker window. After you insert the Costed Line Items, along with the CBS codes, you can edit the rest of fields according to the Cost Line Item Type that these Costed Line Items belong to.

Line Numbers for the Costed Line Items follow the parent number (+ 1,2,3,4 etc.).


If parent line item has a Line No. of 1, then the subsequent Costed Line Items have the numbers of 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and so forth.

Note: The Line Item numbers are generated after you click Save.

Both the Summary Line Item and the Costed Line Item are indented on the page. The Summary Line Item has the option of Expand and Collapse.

The "Short Description" field is auto-populated from the Short Description field in the parent Line Item.

If you insert a blank Line Item through a key action, and there are no rows after the inserted row in the Grid, then the inserted row will be a Costed Line Item. If you want to change the next Line Item to a Summary Line Item, then you must insert the Line item by clicking the Gear menu and select the option “Insert Line Items…” The "Add Remaining" option is disabled for the Costed Line Item.

Gear Menus for Costed Line Item

The following explains the functions of the Gear menus when you select the Costed Line Item and click the Gear menu (in the first column).


Enabled/ Disabled


Insert Line Item…


You cannot add a Summary Line Item when a hierarchical relationship exists between the Costed Line Item and a Summary Line Item.

Insert Multiple Line Items…


You cannot add a Summary Line Item when a hierarchical relationship exists between the Costed Line Item and a Summary Line Item.

Insert Costed Line Items…


If you highlight a Costed Line item and click this option, then you can add additional Costed Line Items below the highlighted row.

Add Remaining…


You can perform this action for Summary Line Items, only.



(until you perform a Copy)

You can paste a copied Summary Line Item, only.

If you copy a Costed Line Item, for example 1.1, from the parent line, for example LIne 1, then you can paste the copied Costed Line Item under the parent line.

After you paste, the new Costed Line Item is inserted below the selected Line Item and renumbering of the Costed Line Items takes place automatically.

You can paste Costed Line Items that have the same source and destination.



If you highlight a Costed Line Item and click this option, then the highlighted Costed Line Item is copied.

You can copy multiple Costed Line Items and insert them below the highlighted/selected Costed Line Item. The Costed Line Items copied must belong to the same Summary Line Item.

You cannot copy Costed Line Items that belong to different Summary Line Items.



If you highlight a Costed Line Item and click this option, then the Costed Line Item will be removed.

System-defined Fields for the Costed Line Item

The following explains the function of the system-defined fields in the Costed Line Item.


Enabled/ Disabled


Cost Code

Always Enabled regardless of the uuu_cost_li_type value

The initial value that is populated in this field is based on the selection that you had made when you clicked the "Insert Costed Line Items ..." option.

You can modify the value later.

Cost Name


The value in this field depends on the CBS Code that you had selected.

Short Description

Always enabled regardless of the uuu_cost_li_type value

The initial value that is populated in this field is based on value of the Short Description field of the Summary Line Item.

You can modify the value later.

Item Quantity

Enabled only when uuu_cost_li_type = Unit Price

User will be allowed to enter the quantity.

Item Unit Price


This field will get populated based on the Item Unit Price value in the Line Item.


Enabled when: uuu_cost_li_type = Lump Sum

Disabled when: uuu_cost_li_type = Unit Cost

Amount will be editable when uuu_cost_li_type = Lump Sum. Amount will be derived as Item Quantity* Item Unit Price when uuu_cost_li_type = Unit Cost

See Also

Grid Support for Base Commit

Additional Grid Toolbar Options

Other Elements of Line Items and the Grid

Effect of uDesigner on Gear Menus

Line Items in the Grid

Gear Menus for Summary Line Item

Adding and Managing Line Items in Grid View

Handling Errors in the Grid

System-defined Fields for the Summary Line Item

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023