Using Fluid Candidate Gateway to Manage Applications and Attachments

This topic describes the My Job Applications page and the activities that applicants perform there.

Note: Applicants must sign in before they can access the My Job Applications page.

Page Name

Definition Name


My Job Applications Page


  • Review summary information about applications, resumes, and attachments.

  • Withdraw applications.

  • Add and remove attachments that aren’t associated with an application.

  • View application acknowledgements (consent)

Resume Page


View a resume that was copied and pasted into the system.

Although Fluid Candidate Gateway does not provide a way for applicants to paste resumes into applications, applicants use this page to see resumes that were previously pasted using classic Candidate Gateway.

Add/Edit Attachment Page


Enter attachment information and upload attachments.

By withdrawing applications, an applicant can remove submitted applications from consideration and make unsubmitted (draft) applications invisible in both Candidate Gateway and Talent Acquisition Manager.

An applicant withdrawing an application in Candidate Gateway is equivalent to a recruiter using the Withdraw Application action in Talent Acquisition Manager as described in the topic Withdrawing Applications.

Withdrawing an Unsubmitted Application

When an unsubmitted application is withdrawn, the system performs a logical delete (but not a physical delete) of the application. The applicant no longer sees the withdrawn application on the My Job Applications page in Candidate Gateway. In Talent Acquisition Manager, the withdrawn draft application is no longer searchable or visible, even to recruiting administrators.

If the draft application is an applicant’s only application, then after the application is logically deleted and the recruiting search indexes are rebuilt, the applicant is no longer searchable or visible in Talent Acquisition Manager.

Withdrawing a Submitted Application

Withdrawing a submitted application assigns the 130 Withdrawn Application disposition to the application. When an applicant uses Candidate Gateway to withdraw an application, the disposition change has the reason Candidate Withdrawn. (When an application is withdrawn in Talent Acquisition Manager, the default reason for the change is Recruiter Withdrawn, but the user has the option to choose a different reason code.)

Withdrawing a submitted application has these effects in addition to the disposition change:

  • In Candidate Gateway, the application status on the My Job Applications page changes from Submitted to Withdrawn and the Date Withdrawn appears.

    Candidate Gateway does not display dispositions.

  • Any online job offer or notifications for the withdrawn application are removed from the My Job Notifications Page.

  • Any resume that was associated with the withdrawn application (that is not also associated with a still active application) is no longer visible on the My Job Applications page and is no longer available for selection in future applications.

    The resume remains visible in Talent Acquisition Manager unless the application was a draft application and was therefore logically deleted.

  • If an applicant starts a new application for a job after the previous application was withdrawn, the system does not alert the applicant that there was a previous application.

Configuring Applicant Withdrawal

In order for an applicant to withdraw an application, the application must be in a disposition that is specifically configured to allow applicants to withdraw the application. This option is configured on the Recruiting Status Area Page. To activate this option on the Status Area page, you must also use the Status Successors Page to list 130 Withdrawn Application as a successor to every disposition that allows applicant withdrawal.

Note: Although successor configuration is all that is required to activate the Withdraw Application action in Talent Acquisition Manager, configuring Candidate Gateway to permit withdrawal requires the additional step of explicitly selecting the Applicant Withdrawal check box on the Status Area page.

The Withdraw Button

On the My Job Applications page, the Withdraw button is visible for all applications except ones that have already been withdrawn. However, if the application is in a disposition that does not permit applicants to withdraw the application, then clicking the button displays a message stating that the application cannot be withdrawn. If the application includes multiple jobs, the message appears if at least one job in the application has a disposition that prevents withdrawal.

Note: For the submitted Multiple Job Application, if the ‘Split Multiple Jobs’ is selected on the Site Setup page, the applicant can view and withdraw the job applications separately. For drafted Multiple Job applications, this setting is not applicable. Drafted multiple job applications will not be shown separately and cannot be withdrawn individually.

Unsubmitted applications are in the Draft disposition, which always allows applicant withdrawal. However, if an unsubmitted application includes prescreening, and the applicant failed prescreening, then the ability to withdraw the application depends on whether the failed prescreening disposition is configured to allow applicant withdrawal.

Applicants use the My Job Applications page (HRS_CE_ACTVTY_FL) to:

  • Review summary information about applications, resumes, and attachments.

  • Withdraw applications.

  • Add and remove attachments that aren’t associated with an application.


  • Click the My Job Applications action on the Careers page.

  • Click the My Job Applications item in the Actions List.

This example illustrates the My Job Applications page as viewed on a desktop.

My Job Application Page - Desktop view

This example illustrates the My Job Applications page as viewed on a smartphone

My Job Applications page - Smartphone view

My Job Applications

This grid lists an applicant’s submitted and unsubmitted applications.

Field or Control


Job Title

This field displays the job posting title unless the applicant initiated the application as a multi-job application. In this case, the field displays the text Multiple Job Application.

Note: Multiple Job Application refers only to applications where the applicant explicitly chose to include multiple jobs in a single application. If a recruiter uses Talent Acquisition Manager to link an applicant to additional jobs, those jobs are technically added to an existing application. But although the application now has multiple jobs, each job that was linked using Talent Acquisition Manager appears in a separate row in this grid in Candidate Gateway, and each row in the grid shows the job posting title in the Job Title field.

Job ID

Displays the job opening ID for the application, or displays the word Multiple if the application is for multiple jobs.


Displays the primary recruiting location for the job. If the application includes multiple jobs, this column displays a dash.

Application Status

The Application status is Submitted if the application has been submitted.

Note: The system does not update this status as the application moves through the recruiting process. Even if the application is rejected or the job opening is filled, the status remains Submitted.

The Application status is Not Eligible if an applicant failed prescreening for all job openings and was not allowed to continue the job application.

The Application status is Not Submitted if the application was saved for later and the applicant is able to continue with the job application.

The Application status is Withdrawn if the disposition is 130 Withdrawn. This is the disposition that the system assigns when an applicant or a recruiting user withdraws the application. However, if an unsubmitted application is withdrawn, it is logically deleted and disappears from the My Job Applications grid entirely rather than appearing with a Withdrawn status.

Note: For Multiple Job Application, the statuses of Not Eligible and Not Submitted will be shown.

Application Status Information

Lists the application statue information.

Review Application Status Information

Review the application status.

Date Created

Displays the date and time that the application was started, regardless of whether it was submitted on that date.

Date Submitted

Displays the date and time that the application was submitted. This column is blank for applications that have not been submitted.

Date Withdrawn

Displays the date and time that the application was withdrawn. This column is visible only if at least one application is in Withdrawn status.

Withdraw Application

An applicant clicks the Withdraw button in this column to withdraw an application. If the application (or at least one job in a multi-job application) is in a disposition that does not allow applicant withdrawal, a message informs the applicant that withdrawing the application is not allowed. Otherwise, the application is withdrawn.

Note: For submitted multiple job applications, based on the site set up, applications will be broken down into individual applications. Once the ‘Split Multiple Jobs’ check box is selected on the Site Setup page, the applicants can view the status of each submitted application and withdraw applications individually. For drafted Multiple Job Applications, this setting is not applicable. Drafted multiple job applications will not be shown separately and cannot be withdrawn individually.

Clicking the Withdraw button has different results depending on the type of application:

  • Withdrawing a draft application removes the application from this page.

  • Withdrawing a submitted application changes the Status to Withdrawn and hides the Withdraw button in the row.

The withdrawal process is discussed in more detail earlier in the Understanding Application Withdrawal section of this topic.

Open Application icon Open Application

If the application has been submitted, clicking this button displays the Application Summary Page.

If the application is unsubmitted, clicking this button opens the application so that the applicant can continue.

My Resumes

This grid lists all resumes that are associated with the applicant’s submitted applications. If a resume has been used more than once, it appears multiple times in the grid—once for each time it was used.

The grid does not include rows for unsubmitted applications or for withdrawn applications.

Field or Control


Attached File

If the resume is an attachment, this field displays the file name. Clicking the file name opens the file.

If the resume was pasted into the application, this field displays the text Pasted Resume. Clicking this text displays the Resume page.

Although Fluid Candidate Gateway does not provide a way for applicants to paste resumes into applications, applicants use this page to see resumes that were previously pasted in using classic Candidate Gateway.

Job ID

Displays the job ID if the resume is from an application for a single job.

Displays Multiple if the resume is from a multi-job application.

This field is blank if the resume is from an application that does not include a job opening.

Resume Title

Displays the resume title that the applicant supplied during the application process. The default resume title is the file name.

Date Created

Displays the date and time that the applicant first added this resume to an application.

My Cover Letters and Attachments

This grid displays the applicant’s non-resume attachments, including attachments that were uploaded in Talent Acquisition Manager.

Attachments that are associated with unsubmitted or withdrawn applications do not appear here. However, a Talent Acquisition Manager user who views a withdrawn application can still see that application’s attachments.

Field or Control


Add icon Add Attachment

Applicants click this button to add an attachment. This button opens the Add Attachment page.

If no attachments have been uploaded yet, the Add Attachment button has a text label rather than appearing as an icon.

Attachments that are added here are not associated with a specific application.

Attached File

Displays the file name of the attachment. Click to open the file.

Job ID

Displays a job ID if the attachment is associated with an application for a single job.

Displays Multiple if the attachment is associated with a multi-job application.

Displays All if the attachment is not associated with a job application. Because these attachments are associated with the applicant rather than with a specific job application, Talent Acquisition Manager users can see these attachments in all of the applicant’s applications.

Attachments that are uploaded on the My Job Applications page are not associated with specific job applications.

Attachment Title

Displays the descriptive title that the applicant supplied when adding the attachment.

Attachment Type

Displays the attachment type (not the file type) for the attachment.

An applicant who uploads a file must specify an attachment type. However, an attachment type is not required for attachments that are uploaded in Talent Acquisition Manager.

Date Uploaded

Displays the date and time that the attachment was uploaded.

Edit icon (fluid) (Edit button)

Applicants click this button to open the Edit Attachment page, where they can change the attachment information, upload a different file, or delete the attachment.

This button is available only for attachments that are not associated with a job application. These are attachments where the Job ID is All.

Application Acknowledgement

The Application Acknowledgement section displays all the application acknowledgements that the user has accepted. This section is available only if Acknowledgement is enabled in the Site setup page or if the applicant has as least one acknowledgement. This is only for the acknowledgements created using the Acknowledgement Framework. The grid has the following details:

Field or Control


Job Title

The job titles for which the application acknowledgement were accepted.

Job ID

The Job IDs for which the application acknowledgement were accepted.

Date/Time Stamp

The time at which the acknowledgements were accepted.

Note: For the submitted Multiple Job Application, if the ‘Split Multiple Jobs’ is selected on the Site Setup page, the applicant can view the job applications separately.

Select the application acknowledgement row to view the details of the acknowledgement.

This example depicts the application acknowledgement details

Application acknowledgement details.

Applicants use the Resume page (HRS_APP_CE_RES_SCF) to view a resume that was pasted into the system.


In the Resumes grid on the My Job Applications page, click the Pasted Resume link that appears for resumes that were pasted into the system.

This example illustrates the Resume page.

Resume page for pasted resumes(fluid)

This is a read-only page. Close the modal window to return to the My Job Applications page.

Applicants use the Add Attachment or Edit Attachment page (HRS_APPL_ATCH_SCF) to enter attachment information and upload attachments. Applicants additionally use the Edit Attachment page to delete attachments.


  • Click the Add button above the My Cover Letters and Attachments grid on the My Job Applications page.

  • Click the Edit button for an existing attachment in the My Cover Letters and Attachments grid on the My Job Applications page. The Edit button is present only for attachments that are not associated with a specific application.

This example illustrates the Add Attachment page.

Add Attachment page (fluid) for attachments outside of applications

This example illustrates the Edit Attachment page.

Edit Attachment page (fluid) for attachments outside of applications

Field or Control



Clicking this button closes the page without adding or updating an attachment.

If the applicant already uploaded a file before canceling, the file remains in the file repository for Candidate Gateway attachments, but it is not visible in either Candidate Gateway or Talent Acquisition Manager.

Add Attachment Fields

Field or Control



After supplying all required information, applicants click this button to open a generic File Attachment dialog box. The options for selecting files depend on the device and on any available integrations to cloud storage.


After uploading an attachment using the File Attachment dialog box, the Save button replaces the Continue button. Clicking the Save button closes the page and adds the attachment to the My Cover Letters and Attachments grid on the My Job Applications page.

Attachment Type

Applicants must select an attachment type before uploading an attachment.

The available values are the attachment types where the Attachment Type Setup Page has a Max Occurrences Outside of Applications value of one or more.

The system does not check whether the applicant has already reached the specified maximum for the attachment type until the applicant clicks the Continue button. At that point, an error appears if the maximum has been reached.

Attachment Title

Applicants enter a descriptive title for the attachment.

Edit Attachment Fields

Note: The Attachment Type and Attachment Title fields are the same on the Edit Attachment page and the Add Attachment page.

Field or Control



Applicants click this button to save attachment changes and close the page.

Attached File

Displays the file name of the uploaded attachment. Clicking this link opens the file.

Use Different Attachment

Applicants click this button to reopen the File Attachment dialog box and upload a new file. Before opening the File Attachment dialog, the system performs the same validations (required fields and attachment type maximums) as it does during the initial document upload.


Applicants click this button to delete an attachment. The file remains in the file repository for Candidate Gateway attachments, but it is not visible on any recruiting pages.