Documents Page (with content repository)


Use this page to view, check in, check out, and download selected documents from one or more projects, associate additional items with a selected document, and compare documents across projects. With appropriate privileges, you can edit document information or use a selected document as a template for creating new documents of the same type for multiple projects.

Screen Elements

Project tab

See Project Tab of the Documents Page (with content repository).

WP & Docs tab

See WP & Docs Tab of the Documents Page (with content repository).

Document Details section

See Document Details Section of the Documents Page (with content repository).


Getting Here

  1. Click Projects.
  2. On the Projects navigation bar, click Documents.

Related Topics

About Documents

Working with Documents without the Content Repository

Creating Document Folders

Creating Document Templates

Copying Documents from Existing Templates

Configuring Document Details

Checking Out Documents

Checking In Documents

Downloading Documents

Reviewing Documents

Searching for Documents

Sending Email about Documents

Viewing Documents

About the Document Content Repository

Working with Documents with a Content Repository

Adding Documents to a Project and Storing Them in the Content Repository

Adding Documents to a Project from the Content Repository

Last Published Thursday, October 3, 2024