Reviewing Expense Report Budget Exceptions

Page Name

Definition Name


Expense Report Exceptions Page


Review expense report errors that did not pass budget checking.

Line Exceptions Page


View expense report line errors from the budget checking process.

Exception Report Drill Down Page


View line details for expense report items with budget exceptions.

Use the Expense Report Exceptions page (KK_XCP_HDR_EX2) to review expense report errors that did not pass budget checking.


Travel and Expenses > Manage Accounting > Rvw EXP Rpt Budget Exceptions

Field or Control


Related Links

Click the related links button to open a page with the Go to Source Entry: link. Click this link to open the Create (or Modify) Expense Report Page, where you can change the source transaction or override the entire transaction.

See Approving Expense Reports.

Budgets with Exceptions

The scroll area displays all commitment control budgets with exceptions for the source transaction. Enter selection criteria to limit the number of budget rows in the scroll area.

Field or Control


Advanced Budget Criteria

Click to open the Refine Inquiry Criteria page, where you can restrict budget rows to specific business units, ledger groups, accounts, and exception types. Leave these fields blank to return all values.

View Exception Details

Click the View Exception Details icon to open the Exception Details page, where you can view the reason for the exception for each line and drill down to line details.

See Viewing and Handling Budget Transaction Exceptions.

Budget Override

Field or Control


Related Links

Click the Related Links icon to open a page with the following options:

Go to Budget Exception: Accesses the Budget Exception page, where you can view other transactions with exceptions for the budget and override them. You must have authority to inquire on the budget to open the page.

See Viewing and Handling Budget Transaction Exceptions.

Go to Budget Inquiry: Accesses the Budget Details page, where you can view the budget details, such as the available amount remaining, the attributes, and the commitments and expenses recorded in the selected ledger. You must have authority to inquire on the budget to open the page.

See Creating and Reviewing Budget Overview Inquiries and Viewing Budget Details and Transaction Activity.

Budget ChartFields

This section displays the budget ChartField values.

Use the Line Exceptions page (KK_XCP_LN_EX2) to view expense report line errors from the budget checking process.


Select the Line Exceptions tab on the Expense Report Exceptions page.

Field or Control


Related Links

Click the Related Links icon to open a page with the Go to Source Entry: link. Click this link to open the Expense Report Details page, where you can change the source transaction or override the entire transaction.

Transaction Lines with Budget Exceptions

The scroll area displays the source transaction lines with error or warning exceptions.

Field or Control


View Exception Details

Click the View Exception Details icon to open the Exception Details page, where you can view the budgets with error or warning exceptions, the budget ChartFields, and any overrides. You cannot override the budget on this Exceptions Details page. Use the Revenue Estimate Exceptions page to override the budgets.

See Viewing and Handling Budget Transaction Exceptions, Revenue Estimate Exceptions Page.

Line Chartfields

The system displays the ChartFields for the budget.

Line Amount

Field or Control


Foreign Amount

Displays the line amount in the original currency.

Monetary Amount

Displays the line amount in the base currency of the primary ledger.


Displays the statistical amount, if applicable.

Use the Exception Report Drill Down page (KK_DRL_EX2_SEC) to view transactions line details for expense report items with budget exceptions.


Click the View Exceptions Details link on the Expense Report Exceptions page or the Line Exceptions page.

Transaction Line Identifiers

This group box provides information to identify the source transaction. It displays the report ID, distribution line, and line number for the expense report.

Transaction Line Details

This group box displays the details for the line: the ChartField name, value, and description, depending on the budget.

Note: These may or may not match the budget ChartField values because the Budget Processor Application Engine process uses the control budget definition to translate the transaction ChartField values into the corresponding budget ChartField values.