Integrating with PeopleSoft Global Payroll

The PeopleSoft Global Payroll product is now integrated with PeopleSoft Cash Management to enable each country affected by SEPA regulations to comply with SEPA credit transfer requirements. While the PeopleSoft Global Payroll Core banking process prepares all the payment data, Financial Gateway provides this functionality:

  • Formats the payment data based on Global Payroll Country setup.

  • Produces the SEPA payment file.

  • Sends the payment files to and receives responses from the banks.

  • Sends acknowledgements back to Global Payroll.

The SEPA Credit Transfer layout (SEPA_CT, pain.001.001.02) is the only payment format currently supported from Global Payroll through Financial Gateway.

See PeopleSoft Financial Gateway Integrations.

Setting Up Global Payroll for SEPA Processing

The delivered SEPA framework for HCM is an addition to the existing banking features in PeopleSoft Global Payroll Core and PeopleSoft Global Payroll Country Extensions for European countries. You must set up core and country extensions to prepare all the payment data for SEPA processing through Financial Gateway. For detailed information,see the product documentation for PeopleSoft HCM: Global Payroll

  1. Set up Global Payroll banking.

    Bank data from Global Payroll must match the bank information defined in Financial Gateway. Bank ID as well as IBAN and BIC have to be identical on both HCM and FMS instances for a given bank and bank account. You must also set the default currency to euro (EUR) in both systems.

  2. Set up IBAN and BIC for Global Payroll banking for each country.

    Populate the IBAN Country Setup page Set Up HCM > Common Definitions > Banking > IBAN Country Setup for each country for which you want to process SEPA payments.

  3. Enter a valid IBAN number for each employee in Global Payroll who will receive SEPA payments.

    Employees can add this information on the Personal Bank Accounts - Add Account Details page.

  4. Define banking at the country level in Global Payroll.

    This involves these two steps:

    • Define how the system populates the Global Payroll SEPA payment (GP_PAYMENT_FG) record for each country on the Banking Country Setup page (Set Up HCM > Product Related > Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Banking > Banking Country Setup).

    • Set up and order country-specific SQL statements to populate the GP_PAYMENT_FG record according to your specific business process on he Banking Preparation Definition page (Set Up HCM > Product Related > Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Banking > Banking Preparation Definition).

Setting Up Financial Gateway for Global Payroll SEPA Payments

To support payment transfer from Global Payroll through Financial Gateway, you must set up banking in Financials, map banks and accounts to the SEPA_CT payment layout, and register Global Payroll as a third-party source. In addition, you must associate Global Payroll with Integration Broker to pass the data and subscribe to the asynchronous, outbound service operation (PAYMENT_RESPONSE_OUT_ASYNC) to handle requests sent from Global Payroll.

  1. Define banks and branches for payroll payments processing in PeopleSoft Financials.

    Bank data from Financial Gateway must match the bank information defined in Global Payroll. Bank ID as well as IBAN and BIC have to be identical on both HCM and Financials instances for a given bank and bank account. You must set the default currency to euro (EUR) in both systems.

    See Defining General Bank Setup.

  2. Set up external bank accounts to be used by Global Payroll.

    The GP check box on the External Accounts Page (Banking > Bank Accounts > External Accounts > External Accounts) designates an account for use by Global Payroll for a SEPA credit transfer (SEPA_CT).

    This example illustrates the fields and controls on the External Accounts page designated for Global Payroll. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

    Example of External Accounts page designated for Global Payroll

    Account data, including bank account number, from Financial Gateway must match the accounts defined in Global Payroll. IBAN and BIC have to be identical on both HCM and FMS instances for a given bank and account.

    See Defining External Account Information.

  3. Associate the SEPA_CT layout with the banks and bank accounts.

    Before the SEPA_CT layout can be associated with external bank accounts, it must be set up for a selected bank on the Bank Integration Layouts Page (Banking > Administer > Bank Integration > Bank Integration Layouts).

    Then you access one or more external bank accounts that you want to set up to perform SEPA credit transfers and attach the layout to the bank account. You also have to set up the payment method to dispatch the credit transfer transaction electronically using PeopleSoft Financial Gateway.

    See Defining External Account Information.

  4. Define a subsystem or transaction source to identify Global Payroll as the originator of the payment.

    Although the GP source system is registered as system data, you assign attributes including payment status and payment numbering properties on the Source Registration page (Financial Gateway, Administration, Source Registration). For integration with Global Payroll, Integration Broker is selected to pass data between the source application and Financial Gateway.

    This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Source Registration page for Global Payroll. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

    Example of Source Registration page for Global Payroll

    Note: Financial Gateway delivers the GP source system with an additional override payment status option. On the Override Payment Status Page (Financial Gateway > Administration > Override Payment File Status), you can override erroneous payments with an Error status to mark them as Canceled so there is closure on the business process for that payment.

    See Registering a Source Application with Financial Gateway.

    See Override Payment File Status Page.

  5. (Optional) Set up load error responses.

    You can choose an option on the Source Registration page to receive errors only during the Payment Load process. The default is to receive all response messages.

    See Registering a Source Application with Financial Gateway.

  6. Enable the service operation PAYMENT_RESPONSE_OUT_ASYNC in Integration Broker to pass the data between Global Payroll and Financial Gateway.

    See Setting Up PeopleSoft Integration Broker for Bank Statements, Payments, and Payment Acknowledgements.

    See the product documentation for PeopleTools: Integration Broker.