Setting Up FACTS I Data

Use the FUND_CF component interface to load data into the tables for the Fund Code component. Use the ACCOUNT_CF component interface to load data into the tables for the Account component.

This section provides an overview of FACTS I reporting, lists prerequisites, and discusses:

Note: The setup of miscellaneous ChartFields applies to both FACTS I and FACTS II.

Page Name

Definition Name


ChartField Attribute Page


Enter the ChartField attributes and attribute values that are listed in the Attributes table.

Account Page


Access the Account ChartField that you want to associate with selected ACCOUNT ChartField attributes on the ChartField Attributes page.

See Setting Up or Modifying Accounts for USSGL Rollup and Linking Associated Attributes

Fund Code Page


Access the Fund Code ChartField that you want to associate with selected FUND_CODE ChartField attributes.

ChartField Attributes Page


Select a ChartField attribute and attribute value that applies to either the selected Fund Group or selected Account ChartField.

See Setting Up or Modifying Accounts for USSGL Rollup and Linking Associated Attributes

Miscellaneous ChartFields Page


Set up ChartFields for Federal or NonFederal Partner, and Transfer Agency.

See Miscellaneous ChartFields Page

See PeopleTools documentation: PeopleSoft Tree Manager, "Using PeopleSoft Tree Manager"

FACTS I is a federal government electronic reporting feature that federal government agencies use to report the proprietary account balances of the agency, including assets, liabilities, net position, revenues, and expenses in a pre-closing Adjusted Trial Balance (ATB) format. Agencies submit this data to the U.S. Treasury in flat file format for preparation of U.S. Audited Consolidated Financial Statements. The ATB is a list of Standard General Ledger (SGL) accounts in numerical order with pre-closing adjusted balances that are prepared on a specified date and are transmitted by fund group. The total sum of the debit balances must equal the total sum of the credit balances in an ATB. These account balances may include both governmental and nongovernmental totals and are normally stated separately.

Overview of FACTS I Setup

After you set up your U.S. SGL Account ChartFields, Fund Code ChartFields, and any other ChartFields that are used by your agency, FACTS I requires that you set up and associate the following ChartField attributes with your accounts and fund codes, as well as miscellaneous ChartFields:

  • Exchange ChartField Attribute - Account ChartField.

  • Custodial ChartField Attribute - Account ChartField.

  • Budget Subfunction Attribute - Fund Code ChartField.

The FACTS I ChartFields are determined during implementation.

See Setting Up FACTS I Data.

Overview of FACTS I Trees

You also must set up FACTS I trees. These trees determine how the posting level ChartField values roll up to the detail values that are mandated by the U.S. Treasury for FACTS I reporting. After you set up your FACTS I trees, you add them to a FACTS tree group. When you are ready to process your FACTS I data, you identify this FACTS tree group on the Generate FACTS I, Validation Report, and Trial Balance page. The FACTS I trees are:

  • Transfer Agency Tree (Common to FACTS I and FACTS II).

    This tree consists of transfer agency levels that contain associated Transfer Agency ChartField ranges where the sum of the accounts roll up into a total amount for each transfer agency to report. Note that the Transfer Agency ChartField is specified on the Miscellaneous ChartFields page under FACTS II Definition. The totals for each transfer agency can also roll up into a total for all the agencies and their associated accounts at a summary level for reporting purposes. The level that appears for this tree on the FACTS Tree Group page indicates the level that will be used for reporting.

  • Bureau tree.

    This tree consists of a hierarchy of bureau levels with the ledger values that roll up into them. The level that appears for this tree on the FACTS Tree Group page indicates the level that will be used for reporting.

  • Department tree.

    This tree consists of a hierarchy of department levels with the ledger values that roll up into them. The level that appears for this tree on the FACTS Tree Group page indicates the level that will be used for reporting.

  • Fund Group tree.

    This tree consists of Fund Group levels with the fund ChartField values that roll up into them. All of these fund group levels and associated fund values roll up to a summary level for reporting purposes. The level that appears for this tree on the FACTS Tree Group page indicates the level that will be used for reporting.

  • Account tree.

    This tree consists of levels of Account Types (Assets, Liabilities, and so on) where the totals of associated Account ChartField values roll up into one total for each level, which in turn can roll up into a larger total. The level that appears for this tree on the FACTS Tree Group page indicates the level that will be used for reporting.

  • Exchange/Account tree.

    This tree is used to perform the FACTS I validation edits 30 through 33. The tree identifies accounts that require the Exchange attribute value.

  • Custodial/Account tree.

    This tree is used to perform the FACTS I validation edits 40 through 43. The tree identifies accounts that require the Custodial attribute value.

  • Budget SubFunction/Account tree.

    This tree is used to perform the FACTS I validation edits 52 and 53. The tree identifies accounts that require the Budget Subfunction attribute value.

  • FACTS I Transaction Partner tree.

    This tree has levels that represent the categories of transaction partners (federal (F) and non-federal (N) and the breakdown of those categories, such as X for Non-Federal and E for Non-Federal Exception. The level that appears for this tree on the FACTS Tree Group page indicates the level that will be used for reporting.

  • Transaction Partner/Account tree.

    This tree is used to perform the FACTS I validation edits 20 through 23. The tree identifies accounts that require the Transaction Partner attribute value.

  • Accts. Req. Attributes (accounts requiring attributes) tree.

    The levels of this tree indicate the U.S. Treasury attributes that are required for FACTS I and their associated accounts.

Note: The use of the FACTS I Trading Partner tree is basically equivalent to the use of the FACTS II Transfer Agency tree.

See Setting Up FACTS I Trees.

Overview of FACTS I Processing

After you set up your data and trees, perform these steps to load the Master Appropriation File (MAF) data and generate a FACTS I flat file to send to the U.S. Treasury.

  1. Import the U.S. Treasury MAF, FACTS I SGL account, and Trading Partner data.

  2. Run the GL_FACTS I application engine to:

    • Generate and store the FACTS I data.

    • Validate the generated FACTS I data and note any errors.

    • Create the FACTS I flat file, provided the validation is free of errors.

  3. Print the FACTS I Validation report.

  4. If necessary, correct any validation errors and repeat the cycle until the validation is error-free.

See Processing and Generating a FACTS I Flat File.

Before setting up FACTS I data or regulatory reporting data, complete these procedures:

  • Set up FACTS I business units.

  • Set up FACTS I SGL accounts.

  • Define ChartFields.

The following table describes two account attributes and one fund code attribute. You can use the predefined data that the PeopleSoft application provides in the sample database as a guide to set up your ChartField attributes and link them to your agency's appropriate accounts and fund codes.

Access the ChartField Attribute page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Design ChartFields, Configure, Attributes, ChartField Attribute).

Note: In the sample data, these Attributes are located under the FEDRL SetID.

Field Name

ChartField Attribute Name


Allow Multiple Values per Attr

ChartField Attribute Value (Description)



Indicates whether the revenue balance that is reported is exchange revenue or non-exchange revenue.

Warning! This check box should NOT be selected.

X (Exchange Revenue)

T (Nonexchange Revenue)



Indicates whether the reported balance is custodial or noncustodial and reported by the agency in a Statement of Custodial Activity or in a separate footnote of a custodial activity.

Warning! This check box should NOT be selected.

S (Custodial)

A (Noncustodial)



Subfunctions used in the classification of data according to major purpose served (for example, income, security, or national defense).

Warning! This check box should NOT be selected.

Three-digit budget functional classification subfunction. Each 3-digit budget subfunction code that is contained in the MAF represents a subfunction that is grouped under one of 19 functions.

See also PeopleTools: PeopleSoft Tree Manager, "Creating Trees"

The two fields that you set up for FACTS I in Miscellaneous ChartFields are Federal or Non Federal Partner and Transfer Agency. The setup of these two fields applies to both FACTS I and FACTS II.

You can change delivered ChartField specifications to any configurable ChartField. For example, you can associate the FACTS I Data Element Transfer Agency with ChartField 2 or any of the configurable ChartFields.

Access the Miscellaneous ChartField page (General Ledger, Federal Reports, FACTS II Definition, Miscellaneous ChartFields).

See Miscellaneous ChartFields Page.