Understanding Directed Picking

Directed picking enables you to maximize the efficiency of the order release process by using pegged supply, cross-docking, specified picking rules, and zone assignments to suggest the best storage locations from which to pick stock.

When pegged supply is received and putaway in the inventory business unit, the Complete Putaway process can soft-reserve and (optionally) pre-allocate the received stock to the outgoing pegged material stock request (MSR) or sales order. The Complete Putaway process can also place the incoming pegged supply in a default pegging putaway location when stock is received within the pegging location lead days.

The Order Release Request process:

  1. Determines if the order is pegged to stock that has been placed in the business unit.

  2. If a pegged MSR or sales order has also been pre-allocated, then the order is released as allocated.

  3. If a pegged MSR or sales order is soft-reserved but not pre-allocated, then the Order Release process uses the default pegging putaway location to fulfill pegged orders first regardless of the order release run time options defined on the Setup Fulfillment-Order Release page, the Setup Item Fulfillment page, or the Order Release Request page.

    The Order Release process finds the storage locations defined as pegging putaway locations for the item by searching the Default Putaway Locations page (at the business unit item level) and then the Default Pegging Putaway Location Details page (at the business unit level).

  4. Attempts to fulfill the order release requirements by allocating or suggesting the pegging putaway locations first.

    If they have been defined, the system picks from the owned pegging location first and then from the non-owned pegging location.

  5. Selects any remaining quantity using the order release run time options defined on the Order Release Request page, if no options defined, then the process looks to the Setup Item Fulfillment page, and then the Setup Fulfillment-Order Release page.

Cross-docking enables you to move an item for which there is open demand directly from the receipt staging area to the shipping dock for immediate picking and shipping. The items using cross-docking are usually high volume items. As stock is received into the business unit, the Load Staged Items process puts the items into the cross-docking location. With the exception of pegged orders, the Order Release Request process (IN_FUL_RLS) selects quantities from the cross-dock location first before selecting stock in other storage locations. The system uses pegged putaway locations (for pegged items) first, then cross-dock locations regardless of the order release run time options defined on the Setup Fulfillment-Order Release page, the Setup Item Fulfillment page, or the Order Release Request page.

The Order Release Request process:

  1. Determines whether the item to be picked is a cross-dock item by referring to the cross-dock options on the Setup Item Fulfillment page and the Setup Fulfillment page.

  2. Finds the storage locations defined as cross-dock locations for the item by searching the Default Putaway Locations page (at the business unit item level) and then the Default Cross Dock Locations page (at the business unit level).

  3. Attempts to fulfill the picking requirements by selecting from the cross-dock locations first.

    If they have been defined, the system picks from the owned cross dock location first and then from the non-owned cross-dock location.

  4. Selects any remaining quantity using the order release run time options defined on the Order Release Request page, the Setup Item Fulfillment page, or the Setup Fulfillment-Order Release page.

You can group storage locations into picking zones, each with a priority ranking, to help direct the picking operations to the most appropriate locations.

When you establish default order release run time options for the business unit on the Setup Fulfillment-Order Release page, you indicate the directed picking algorithms that you want to use. These algorithms enable you to maintain control over the order release process and over how storage locations are cleared to make room for incoming stock. You can override the default options for a particular item on the Setup Item Fulfillment page. You can override the default options for an individual run control by using the Rule Overrides link on the Order Release Request process page.

Container Option

The Container Option picking rule ensures that the storage containers are emptied whenever possible. When using this algorithm, the system picks from single-item containers that hold the quantity of stock requested or less.

If picking zones are assigned for the item, here is the Container Option picking hierarchy:

  1. Pick from whole containers in the highest priority zone, then from whole containers in the next zone, and so on until all whole containers have been exhausted.

  2. Pick loose stock in the highest priority zone, then loose stock in the next zone, and so on until there is no more available loose stock.

  3. Pick partial quantities of containers in the highest priority zone, then partial quantities in the next zone, and so on until the order has been fulfilled.

Default Putaway Location

When using the Default Putaway Location rule, the system picks items from their defined default putaway locations (established on the Default Putaway Locations page). Picking begins with the owned location assigned to an item and moves to the non-owned location only when the owned location is empty. If the total quantity in both default putaway locations is insufficient to fulfill the order, the Order Release Request process selects all available locations within the highest priority picking zone. The Order Release Request process also selects all available locations if default putaway locations are not assigned for the item.

If you selected the Order Unit of Measure check box on the Setup Fulfillment-Order Release page or on the Setup Item Fulfillment page, the Order Release Request process uses the following picking hierarchy:

  1. Search the owned default putaway location for material whose stocking unit of measure (UOM) matches the ordering UOM.

  2. Search the non-owned default putaway location for material whose stocking UOM matches the ordering UOM.

  3. Search outside the default putaway locations for material with a matching UOM.

  4. Search the owned default putaway location for material stocked in any UOM.

  5. Search the non-owned default putaway location for material stocked in any UOM.

  6. Search outside the default putaway locations for material stocked in any UOM.

    Note: When searching outside the default putaway locations, the Order Release Request process considers locations according to zone priority if picking zones are defined.

Default Shipment Location

When using the Default Shipment Location rule, the system picks items from their defined default ship location established on the Setup Item Fulfillment-Shipping Options page (business unit item level) or the Setup Fulfillment-Shipping page (business unit level). If the total quantity in the default ship location is insufficient to fulfill the order, the Order Release Request process selects all available locations within the highest priority picking zone. The Order Release Request process also selects all available locations if default ship locations were not assigned at the item or business unit level.

If you selected the Order Unit of Measure check box on the Setup Fulfillment-Order Release page or on the Setup Item Fulfillment page, the Order Release Request process uses the following picking hierarchy:

  1. Search the default ship location for material whose stocking unit of measure (UOM) matches the ordering UOM.

  2. Search outside the default ship location for material with a matching UOM.

  3. Search the default ship location for material stocked in any UOM.

  4. Search outside the default ship location for material stocked in any UOM.

    Note: When searching outside the default ship locations, the Order Release Request process considers locations according to zone priority if picking zones are defined.

Fixed Pick Location

The Fixed Pick Location algorithm picks items exclusively from their defined fixed picking locations (established on the Fixed Picking Locations page). Because picking from other locations is never an option when using this rule (even when there is insufficient quantity to fulfill an order), you must have assigned at least one fixed picking location for the item to be picked. Otherwise, the Order Release Request process excludes the demand line from the pick batch ID and prints an error message.

When an item is assigned to multiple fixed picking locations, the Order Release Request process attempts to pick from the highest-priority location. However, if you select the Order Unit of Measure check box on the Setup Fulfillment-Order Release page or on the Setup Item Fulfillment page, the Order Release Request process searches the entire sequence of fixed picking locations for material whose stocking UOM matches the ordering UOM, possibly overriding the assigned priorities.

If you select the Use Fixed Pick Workflow option, the Order Release Request process automatically initiates the Fixed Pick workflow whenever the sequence of fixed picking locations contains insufficient quantity to fulfill an order. This occurs when there is no quantity available to allocate, or in environments that allow shipment of partial quantities, when the full quantity is not available and when there is sufficient quantity outside of the fixed picking locations. If the quantity does not exist in the business unit, the Order Release Request process prints an error message on the SQR picking plan.

The Fixed Pick workflow creates a worklist entry to notify you that you must transfer stock to the fixed picking locations before picking continues. When you open the worklist entry, the workflow transfers you to the EZ Transfers page, where you can select storage locations from which to transfer stock. The worklist entry recommends transferring enough stock to fill the highest priority fixed picking location to its optimal quantity; however, the entry also displays the order line quantity that triggered the workflow and indicates whether any partial quantity has been allocated to the order line, so you have the option to transfer only the minimum quantity required to fulfill the order.

Initiation of the workflow prevents an order release with a create allocation action (push picking plan) from creating a hard allocation, unless partial quantities are allowed and stock is available for partial fulfillment of the order line. This restriction ensures that the order line cannot be captured by another Order Release Request process during replenishment of the fixed picking location. Ideally, you replenish the stock before the picker visits the location in question. Once items have been picked, you can enter the correct fixed picking location on the Material Picking Feedback page and then continue on to the packing and shipping operations.

Whenever there is insufficient quantity, the SQR picking plan report generated by the Order Release Request process indicates that the order line is pending transfer, regardless of the status of the Use Pick Workflow option. This message continues to print for all order lines generated for the item until the fixed picking locations have been replenished. The Order Release Request process still assigns a pick batch ID to the order line, unless the entire business unit lacks the requisite quantity to fulfill the order.

Note: While the SQR picking plan report generated by the Order Release Request process always indicates when a transfer is necessary, the workflow is initiated only if the Use Fixed Workflow option is active. In addition, the system creates only one worklist entry at a time: multiple instances for the same item do not result in additional worklist entries until the current entry has been identified as Worked.

Pick by Date

If you have lot-controlled or staged date-controlled stock, you can use the Pick by Date rule. When applying this algorithm, the Order Release Request process selects stock according to the specified chronological parameters. You have four options:

  • Earliest Expiration Date (FEFO).

    The Order Release Request process sorts locations by lot expiration date, picking items with the earliest expiration date first.

  • Earliest Available Lot (FIFO).

    The Order Release Request process sorts locations by lot creation date, picking items with the earliest creation date first.

  • Earliest Staged Date (FIFO).

    The Order Release Request process sorts locations by staged date, picking items with the earliest staged date first.

  • Latest Staged Date (LIFO).

    The Order Release Request process sorts locations by staged date, picking items with the most recent staged date first.

If picking zones are assigned and multiple storage locations have available stock with the same date, the Order Release Request process selects the location assigned to the highest priority zone. If items with equivalent dates exist in the same zone, the system uses the specified picking tiebreaker to select a location.

All Available Locations

When you want PeopleSoft Inventory to direct the picking operations based upon user-defined rules, apply the All Available Locations algorithm. With this option, the Order Release Request process uses the defined picking zones and their priority ranking to select an appropriate picking location. If multiple locations exist within the same zone, the system applies the specified picking tiebreaker within the highest priority zone to determine the best locations from which to pick. Once all available stock has been picked in the highest priority zone, the system applies the picking tiebreaker to the remaining zones in order of decreasing priority until the order is fulfilled. If no zones are assigned, the picking tiebreaker becomes the sole determining factor.

Picking Tiebreakers

As PeopleSoft Inventory searches for the best storage location from which to pick stock, it may find multiple locations that meet the criteria for the given picking algorithm. If you are using the Container, Pick by Date, or All Available Locations algorithm, you must help the system narrow the selection by specifying a tie-breaking rule. You have two options:

  • Pick to Clear

    The Order Release Request process sorts storage locations by the quantity they contain and picks from those with the smallest quantity first. The logic is that locations should be emptied whenever possible.

  • Fewest Locations

    The Order Release Request process sorts storage locations by the quantity they contain and picks from those with the largest quantity first. If there is insufficient quantity in the first location, the Order Release Request process suggests the minimum number of additional locations required to fulfill the request. The logic is that the system should pick from the fewest number of locations possible.

Note: The Container Option algorithm applies the tiebreaker at the storage location level rather than at the container level. The Default Putaway Location, Default Shipment Location, and Fixed Pick Location algorithms do not use tiebreakers.

Picking Rule Hierarchy

No matter which algorithm you select, the Order Release Request process follows a basic picking rule hierarchy. The following diagram illustrates this hierarchical flow, along with the slight variations that each algorithm presents:

Picking rule hierarchy for the picking algorithms