Creating Documents Using Wizards

Page Name

Definition Name


Wizard Execute - Document Creation Page


Create documents using contract wizards.

Test-Configurator Selection Wizard Page


Create a document type that uses a configurator selection wizard on the Add a Document page.

When you create a document, the system establishes a document based on the structure that is defined in the document configurator and answers to wizard questions. The system loads the wizard definition that is associated with the configurator ID and runs the question group or groups that are associated with the wizard definition. Authors will answer questions when prompted by the contract wizard. At the end of the process, the system creates the document that is ready for editing or approval.

You should not change a wizard that is currently being used in documents because the wizard question responses can change the composition of the document and can change information in the content of the document. If a wizard is changed, for example, you add a new question, you must evaluate how the changes will affect existing documents or contracts. If you make a change to a question group that is associated with a wizard that would affect multiple uses of that question group, the system displays a warning message. In this case, the system retains any common information between the old and new versions of the wizard. But you will still need to enter any information that is no longer valid or is newly required. Also, as the navigation could change, you need to enter any new fields that appear as part of the modified navigation.

Note: Amendment document configurators cannot have wizards specified for them; however, amendment configurators can use any wizard bind values set during the original generation of the contract.

To create a document using a wizard:

  1. Determine the document configurator and corresponding wizard that relate to the document you want to create.

  2. Ensure that the Wizard ID field on the Document Configurator Definition Page displays the wizard that you want to use.

  3. Access the Contract page for entering a purchasing contract, the Purchase Order page for purchase order or the Create Document Page for ad hoc contracts.

    Note: When entering contract or purchase order information, the transaction must already exist.

  4. Click the Add a Document button.

    The system displays the Document Management page. Make sure that you enter the configurator with the appropriate wizard in the Configurator ID field and complete the remaining entries. Also, ensure that the dates are valid or you will not be able to save the document when you complete it. You should have run the wizard in test mode to determine if any validation problems occur.

  5. Click the Create Document button.

    The system displays the Wizard Execution page along with the wizard questions. You scroll through the pages answering wizard questions. The system hides questions that are not part of the navigation based on the author's responses to the questions. The system provides Next and Previous buttons for you to use in scrolling between question groups. When you reach the last question group, the system displays the Finish button.

  6. Click the Finish button to complete the wizard questions.

    The system displays the Document Management Page with the document details and sets the document status to Draft. At this point, you can view or edit the document or send it for collaboration or approval.

    Note: The system warns you if the wizard has changed since the document was generated. Changes in the wizard's use in a document can affect the composition of the document and may change values within the content.

Use the Wizard Execute - Document Creation page (CS_WIZARD_EXECUTE) to create documents using contract wizards.


Supplier Contracts > Create Documents and Contracts > Document Management. Select a configurator ID that uses a contract wizard for document creation.

The system automatically displays these pages when you are using wizards.

Use these pages to answer wizard questions. The system displays information about the wizard that includes the description and instructions. The Question Groups area displays the name of the question group and any instructions defined for the group. The Questions area displays wizard questions. An asterisk (*) indicates when a question is required; otherwise, you do not have to answer it. A caret (^) indicates a question is navigational, meaning additional questions become available depending on the answers given. You use the Previous and Next buttons to navigate among question groups.

The Refresh Document and Recreate Document functions on the Document Management page check to see if responses already exist in the CS_WIZARD_BIND record for this wizard. If they do, then the system populates the previous answers before execution. The system verifies the questions and responses when you save the wizard values.

Field or Control


Question Group

Displays the group identifier for the questions that are listed on this page.

Group Instructions

Displays detailed instructions about how you use the wizard and the implication of questions. You define this information when you create the question group, and it cannot be changed.


Click to return to the previous list of questions. The Previous button is initially disabled if you are on the first question group in a series. If you have more than one page of questions, the system makes the button available on the next page.


Click to go to the next page of questions. The next page might be a continuation of a question group or another question group.


Click to create the document based on wizard questions and definitions. The system displays the Document Management page, where you can perform other tasks with the document.

Save for Later

Click to save your responses to the wizard questions. The system displays a confirmation page. When you click the OK button, the system saves your responses to this point in the wizard and exits the wizard. The document is not yet created because you have not responded to all of the wizard questions. When you are ready to continue, search for the document and click the Create Document button to continue creating it. The system displays your existing responses. You can page through the wizard to return to the last response. From that point, you can complete the questions and finish the wizard.

Click the Cancel button on the confirmation page to return to using the wizard. The Save for Later button is available regardless of the number of questions in the wizard, and is only available for use with document creation wizards.