Understanding Candidate Gateway Setup

Setup for PeopleSoft Candidate Gateway includes both general recruiting setup and Candidate Gateway-specific setup tasks.

The following table summarizes general Recruiting Solutions setup tasks of particular significance for Candidate Gateway:

General Recruiting Solutions Setup Task

Significance for Candidate Gateway


Set up general options in the Recruiting Installation component.

The Recruiting Installation settings affect a wide variety of processing rules for Candidate Gateway, including (but not limited to)

  • The maximum number of results for a job posting search.

  • Whether screening questions and answers appear in a random order.

  • Whether online job offers are allowed.

  • The maximum number of job agents an applicant can have, and how long job agents stay active.

Setting Up Recruiting Installation Settings

Set up profile integration.

Profile configuration determines which profile content types can be included in job openings and job applications.

For each profile content type, you can choose whether applicants can add items to an application or whether applicants are limited to supplying information about a predefined list of items (for example, ratings for a competency).

Configuring Profiles for Recruiting

Set up recruiting statuses.

Status configuration defines the dispositions that are used during the recruiting process. Settings of particular important to Candidate Gateway include a disposition for draft applications, a default disposition for newly submitted applications, and an indicator to control whether applicants can withdraw applications in the specified disposition.

Setting Up Recruiting Statuses

Set up screening processes.

Screening processes include Candidate Gateway-specific screening level options for prescreening and online screening.

Also, screening questions exist solely for use during the Candidate Gateway online application process: recruiters cannot enter an applicant’s answers in Talent Acquisition Manager pages.

Understanding Screening Setup

Set up recruiting locations.

Recruiting locations are the geographical categories that are exposed to applicants in Candidate Gateway. Applicants can search for jobs based on recruiting location. Applicants can also specify recruiting location preferences in their applications, and recruiters can then use that as search criteria when searching for applicants.

Setting Up Recruiting Locations

Set up the job posting description library and job posting templates.

Job postings that applicants see in Candidate Gateway originate in PeopleSoft Talent Acquisition Manager. The posting description library and job posting templates are used to construct these postings.

Setting Up the Job Posting Description Library

Setting Up Job Opening Posting Templates

Set up application attachments and online job offer attachments.

Application attachments include resumes, cover letters, transcripts, and other documents that can be attached to an application.

Online job offer attachments are standard documents that you associate with offers and that applicants can access when the offer is posted to Candidate Gateway.

Setting Up Application Attachments

Setting Up Online Job Offer Attachments

Set up integration with a third-party resume extractor.

Resume extractors prepopulate the online application with data from the resume that the applicant provides.

Resume Extractor Setup

Set up recruitment sources.

To post jobs to a Candidate Gateway site, you need to associate the site with a recruitment source that is then used as the posting destination. (Recruitment sources can also represent other types of destinations besides Candidate Gateway sites.)

Setting Up Recruitment Sources

Set up resume templates and recruitment templates.

Resume templates control the content and organization of the online job application. They are associated with job openings via recruitment templates.

Setting Up Resume Templates

Setting Up Recruitment Templates

Set up recruiting search indexes.

PeopleSoft Recruiting Solutions uses the PeopleTools Search Framework for the job posting search in Candidate Gateway.

Understanding Setup for Candidate Gateway Searching

Understanding Recruiting Search Indexes

Defining Search Index Settings for Recruiting,

Building Recruiting Search Indexes

The following table summarizes additional setup tasks that are specific to Candidate Gateway:

Candidate Gateway-Specific Setup Tasks



Set up sites.

Site definitions control several aspects of the applicant experience, including various job search features and job application features.

You can set up multiple sites (for different business units, companies, countries, and so forth) and post job openings to the appropriate sites.

Setting Up Sites

Configure text on Candidate Gateway pages.

The HCM Text Catalog enables you to modify page text through configuration rather than customization. Entries in the Text Catalog are context-sensitive, enabling you to vary Candidate Gateway page text based on the site and applicant type.

Configuring Text on Candidate Gateway Pages

Set up Candidate Gateway password controls.

Password controls enable you to define minimum requirements for application passwords and to set a password expiration period.

Setting Up Candidate Gateway Password Controls

Set up applicant access to Candidate Gateway

External applicants access Candidate Gateway using a link that you place on your public website. You can also set up a separate link for external users who want to use Candidate Gateway in accessible layout mode.

Internal applicants access Candidate Gateway using a tile that you add to a fluid homepage.

Understanding Access to Candidate Gateway